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  •  Beijing Finance and Insurance Lawyer Zhao Jiangtao
    Beijing Zhongdun Law Firm Room 619, Block A, Shangdu International Center, No. 8, Dongdaqiao Road, Chaoyang District (CBD), Beijing
    five branch

    Comments from 215 people

    Number of helpers: 9999+
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience
    More> #Brief introduction to lawyers: main transactions or cases I, litigation and arbitration category 1, typical cases of my independent agency 1) financial loan guarantee, investment and wealth management, financial derivatives dispute cases (1) Represented Tian in suing Heima * * Company for warranty contract dispute case (involving the case of P2P network loan platform running away, this case has gone through public security report failure, court prosecution, application for court investigation and evidence collection, two court sessions, trial in the People's Court of Haidian District, Beijing, and won comprehensively. The investment funds and higher interest were supported by the court, and the First Intermediate People's Court has upheld the original judgment and implemented the payment collection) (2) Advisory services, negotiation claim services, and agent reporting of lenders, consulting firms, and employees related to P2P network loan platform cases such as Shanlin Finance, Niubanjin, SecMoney, AiInvest, Aiqianjin, Guanqun Chipin, Fuhuitong, and Haomai Finance (3) Acting as an agent for three people including Guangxi Weimou to invest bitcoin with Beijing Le * Network Technology Co., Ltd Lite Coin spot and futures dispute cases (4) Acting for Mr. Liu to sue Beijing * Investment Guarantee Co., Ltd There are * cases of disputes over investment and wealth management contracts of Wealth Investment Management Co., Ltd. (involving P2P network loan platform's failure to access normally, proof of fund direction, proof of third-party payment platform, court's public security investigation and evidence collection, cross disciplinary and civil cases, trial in Beijing Fengtai District People's Court, and criminal cases later) (5) Acting as an agent in the case of Fan Mou suing Beijing * Branch of China Construction Bank Corporation for disputes over investment and wealth management contracts (involving nearly 3 million yuan of losses, risk warning of wealth management products and fund products, risk education and risk rating of investors, unauthorized purchase, redemption, malicious long buying, etc., and hearing in Beijing Haidian District People's Court and Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court) (6) Acting as an agent for Wang Mou in a lawsuit against Beijing * Investment Management Center (Limited Partnership), China * Investment Fund Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Zhuoda Real Estate * Co., Ltd., Yang * Investment and wealth management contract dispute case (involving the non recovery of more than 800000 yuan of principal and interest, the legality of limited partnership and fund, equity pledge, guarantee liability, etc., which was heard in Beijing Shijingshan District People's Court and won the lawsuit comprehensively) (7) Acting as an agent for Xiong Mou in litigation against Beijing Consulting Branch of * (Fujian) Guijin * Investment * Company and contract dispute cases of * (Fujian) Guijin * Company (involving disputes over the nature of illegal futures recommended by * exchanges and their member units to buy and sell trading products, the identity of the defendant, the nature of the contract, etc., and hearing in the People's Court of Xicheng District, Beijing) (8) Acting for Mr. Zhang to apply for arbitration of contract disputes of Beijing * Investment Management Co., Ltd (The dispute involving the determination of the nature of illegal futures recommended by * Exchange and its member units to buy and sell precious metal trading products, the suspected crime of the Exchange, the nature of the contract, etc., was heard by Beijing Arbitration Commission, which was the first case accepted by Beijing Arbitration Commission that investors applied to arbitrate the member units of the Exchange, and we won the case comprehensively) (9) Acting as an agent in the case of compensation for investment losses between Dai and Qingdao Jiu * Commodity Spot Trading Center Co., Ltd. and its Qingdao Jiu * Post Coin Card Branch (involving disputes on the legality and compliance of * Exchange products, fault recommended by member units, jurisdiction, loss amount calculation, etc.) (10) Acting as an agent in the case of compensation for investment losses between * Company (investment platform) and investors (successfully negotiating with the platform and investors to resolve disputes) (11) Acting as an agent in the case of disputes between Hu * and Tianjin Precious Metal * Co., Ltd., Beijing Guo * Gold * Co., Ltd. on investment in bulk commodity transactions (12) Acting as an agent in the case of disputes between Xu *, Shao * and China Enterprise * Co., Ltd., Beijing Decheng * Guarantee Co., Ltd. on offline lending platform (involving overdue payment, benign withdrawal, debt repurchase, mortgage guarantee, etc. of the platform, and hearing in Beijing Arbitration Commission) (13) Acting for Wang * and Sichuan * Business Consulting Co., Ltd. in the dispute over OTC option settlement agreement (involving the business specification of futures subsidiary, OTC option products, performance of settlement and compensation agreement, hearing in Chengdu Committee, and being enforced by Chengdu Intermediate People's Court to recover the economic losses of the parties in a timely manner) (14) Acting for Ruan * against Beijing Tongjin * Co., Ltd Beijing Rongju * Investment Management Co., Ltd. offline lending platform contract dispute cases (involving platform overdue cashing, benign withdrawal, creditor's rights repurchase, pledge, mortgage guarantee, etc.) (15) Acting Qin * v. Fu * Silicon Industry Co., Ltd Fortune * Housekeeper Asset Management Co., Ltd.'s offline lending platform contract dispute case (involving the overdue payment of the platform, creditor's rights guarantee, etc., which was tried in the People's Court of Chaoyang District, Beijing) (16) Acting Song * and Li * against Tangshan Gold * Energy Co., Ltd., Beijing * Asset Management Co., Ltd., Tangshan * Industrial Group Co., Ltd Gu * offline lending platform contract dispute cases (involving overdue payment of the platform, creditor's rights guarantee, etc., which were tried in the People's Court of Chaoyang District, Beijing, and the first instance fully supported our claims) (17) Acting as an agent for Tang * to arbitrate the dispute over the share capital allocation contract between two shareholders of Beijing * Ying Investment Co., Ltd. (in case of cancellation of the company that started the platform, the shareholder shall be held accountable, and the case shall be arbitrated in Hangzhou Arbitration Commission, which shall settle the case through mediation to recover the economic losses of the parties) (18) Acting Huang * to sue Beijing * Real Estate Development Company for contract disputes (involving investment in elderly apartment projects with a long investment period, which was mediated by Beijing Changping District People's Court, negotiated repayment, and then enforced by the court to recover economic losses for the parties) (19) Acting for Wang * to apply for arbitration of the contract dispute case of Beijing * Equity Investment Fund Company (involving more than ten Definitive Investment and Wealth Management Agreements and supplementary agreements, which were arbitrated by Beijing Arbitration Commission, all supported the parties (20) Acting for Lv * in response to Tang * in the dispute over the loan guarantee contract (involving illegal fund-raising, reinvestment of housing mortgage loans, cross between criminal and civil law, and ultimately rejecting the plaintiff's claims, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the defendant) (21) Acting for Zhang Gao sued a trust company for a dispute over a financial loan guarantee contract (involving the discrepancy between the nominal interest rate and the actual interest rate, the Financial Street Court of the Xicheng District Court of Beijing fully supported our claim, and exempted the parties from interest of more than 2 million yuan) (22) Acting for Zhang and Gao against a company A dispute case of a trust company's financial loan guarantee contract (involving trust pool fund plan, the effectiveness of creditor's rights transfer, the effectiveness of financial loan contract, beheading interest, duty behavior, interest rate trap, lawyer agent qualification, etc.), the Financial Street Court of Beijing Xicheng District Court partially supported our lawsuit request, and reduced the interest of the parties by more than 2 million yuan) (23) Acting on behalf of Mr. Feng to sue a financial entrusted financing dispute case of a branch of a large state-owned bank joint-stock company in Beijing (four banks involved in the loss of nearly one million yuan of financial products, including trust pooled fund plans, private funds, public funds, investor questionnaires, etc., successfully recovered more than 90% of the losses for the parties through mediation in the first instance of the Tongzhou Court in Beijing) (24) A notarization dispute case concerning the compulsory enforcement of a creditor's right document (involving the validity of the creditor's right transfer contract, the cancellation of the financial loan contract affected by the new epidemic situation and interest, etc., which is being implemented by the Chaoyang Court in Beijing) (25) Acting for Li in responding to a credit card dispute case of a joint-stock commercial bank (the case was settled through mediation by the Financial Street Court of the Xicheng District Court in Beijing) (26) Acting as an agent to sue an asset management company in Beijing for entrusted financial management disputes (involving investment in non-performing asset acquisition projects, income calculation, etc., which is being implemented in Beijing Chaoyang Court) 2) Housing sales disputes, housing demolition disputes, construction engineering disputes and administrative litigation cases (1) Acting as an agent for Beijing Huake Investment Management Co., Ltd. (a joint venture) Case against Beijing Tianhong Group Co., Ltd. on dispute over commercial housing sales contract (the subject amount is more than 10 million yuan, which was first tried in Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court and second tried in Beijing High People's Court, and our party partially won) (2) Dispute over construction contract between a certain bureau of CSCEC and a certain construction development company in Jiangsu (which was tried in Beijing First Intermediate People's Court) (3) Acting as an agent in the case of a Beijing pharmaceutical company suing Wang and other housing rental demolition compensation disputes (trial in Beijing Daxing Court, trial in Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People's Court, the parties obtained nearly ten million yuan of demolition compensation) (4) Acting as an agent in the case of Beijing Weiming Engineering Supervision Co., Ltd. suing Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd. for construction engineering supervision contract disputes (trial in Chaoyang Court, the case has been settled and recovered) (5) Acting as an agent for Sichuan Hongjian Labor Service Co., Ltd. v. Hebei Xu Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and its branch company in the construction contract dispute case (heard in Baoding Intermediate People's Court, involving subject qualification, contract effectiveness, deposit, expected benefits, etc., with the subject amount of nearly ten million yuan) (6) Acting as an agent for a village committee in Yan County, Beijing against Beijing Power Supply Company for environmental pollution The case of payment of land use fees (7) A company in Beijing sued Beijing Electric Power Company, a beer company in Beijing, and vacated the housing of high-voltage switching station (8) Acting as an agent for a decoration engineering company in Shenzhen sued Beijing Four * Fire Protection Company for infringement disputes (being tried in Beijing Chaoyang Court, involving time limit, cause of action, loss pricing method, on-site inspection, etc.) (9) Acting as an agent in Qiu Mou's lawsuit against a real estate development company in Beijing for the claim of delayed delivery of the house (in Beijing Chaoyang Court, we won the lawsuit) (10) Acting as an agent in Qu Mou's lawsuit against a real estate development company in Beijing for the dispute over the sales contract of commercial housing (in Beijing Xuanwu Court, we won the first trial and asked for all the deposit for the purchase of the house, which was rejected after the developer appealed) (11) Acting as an agent for * a case of commercial housing sales with Beijing Zhonghai * Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (after a lawyer came forward to coordinate once, he asked for the full 50000 deposit for house purchase, which was settled through negotiation) (12) Acting for Liao Mou to sue Beijing Zhujiang * Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. for the dispute over the pre-sale contract of commercial housing (heard in the Tongzhou District Court of Beijing, involving the return of the deposit, the developer returned 100 thousand yuan of the house purchase deposit before the court, and the case was dismissed and closed) (13) Acting as an agent in the case of Cai Mou suing a real estate development company in Beijing for the dispute over the sales contract of commercial housing (heard in the Xicheng Court, involving the delay in handling the property right certificate, house check-out, claim for price difference, etc., and successfully settled the case through mediation) (14) Acting as an agent in the dispute between Liu Mou and Beijing Poly Real Estate Development Company over the return of commercial housing (the subject amount is about 5 million yuan, and under the coordination of lawyers, the two parties reached a private settlement, reducing the burden of litigation) (15) Acting as an agent for a dispute between Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu and a Wangjing Real Estate Development Company in Beijing over a commercial housing sales contract (involving two houses, worth about 16 million yuan, and under the coordination of lawyers, the two sides settled privately, reducing the burden of litigation) (16) Acting as an agent for Mr. Zhang against Mr. Wu Disputes over housing sales contracts of Beijing Lianjia Real Estate Brokerage Co., Ltd. (involving problems such as the inability to lend due to the series of new policies after March 17, 2017, which were heard in the Chaoyang District Court and settled by both parties through conciliation) (17) Acting as the agent of Ma Mou to appeal the case of the second instance of the dispute over the housing lease contract of Beijing China Property Management Company (the subject amount is nearly ten million yuan, involving the omission of the contract subject, the limitation of action, the liquidated damages of the property contract, the housing decoration and counterclaim, which was heard in Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court, and finally sent back for retrial, obtaining a phased victory) (18) Acting as an agent in the case of dispute over the after-sales rental contract between Xu Mou and a Beijing hotel management limited company (heard in Beijing Chaoyang Court, involving litigation preservation, and we won the case and implemented it) (19) Acting as an agent in the case of dispute over a second-hand housing sales contract between Wu Mou and a Beijing Tongzhou Court (involving counterclaim, heard in Beijing Tongzhou Court, and both parties settled the case through conciliation) (20) Acting as an agent in the case of Zhang Mou suing Ge Mou for disputes over second-hand housing sales contracts (disputes caused by rising house prices were tried in Beijing Chaoyang Court, and we won the case and obtained compensation) (21) Acting as an agent in the case of Zhang Mou suing Chen Mou and Tian Mou for disputes over second-hand housing sales contracts (involving online signing contract effectiveness, jurisdiction disputes and separate litigation, and we won the case in Beijing Fengtai Court) (22) Acting as an agent for a dispute over a second-hand house sale contract between Shen Mou and Wang Mou in response to a lawsuit (involving the new housing policy that led to the failure of the contract to be performed, intermediary fees, etc., which was tried in Chaoyang Court) (23) Acting as an agent for a dispute over a house sale contract between Zhang Mou and Yang Mou (in the first instance in Shijingshan Court, the other party was judged to refund the house price and compensate for the difference in the purchase price, and the other party has appealed) (24) Acting as an agent in a case of dispute over a house sale contract between Liu and his counterpart (involving the situation that the house price rises and the seller is unwilling to sell the house, after filing the case in the Xicheng District Court, the court and the lawyer coordinate to resolve the dispute through consultation, and the sale contract continues to be performed) (25) Acting on behalf of Mr. Li in responding to a dispute over a second-hand house sales contract of Mr. Wei (involving a new housing policy that led to the decline of house prices, the breach of contract, the cancellation of online signature, etc., which was heard in the Chaoyang Court and the Second Intermediate People's Court, and additionally claimed compensation in the Chaoyang Court) (26) Acting as an agent in responding to a series of disputes over the rental and demolition of public houses such as Chen (heard in the Shijingshan Court, involving the demolition compensation policy, rental of public houses, inheritance, etc., forcing the other party to withdraw the lawsuit) (27) Acting on behalf of Mr. Li to sue a large real estate brokerage company in Beijing for a dispute over the brokerage contract (involving the loss caused to the buyer due to the review and non-standard service of the real estate brokerage agency under the new housing policy, Chaoyang Court returned part of the fees in the first trial, and the buyer has appealed) (28) Acting on behalf of Mr. Xu to appeal against Mr. Li The second instance case of housing sales contract dispute of a real estate brokerage limited liability company in Beijing (involving the buyer's breach of contract and the existence of loan fraud, the second instance of the first intermediate court) (29) Acting as the first instance case of housing sales contract dispute of a real estate brokerage limited liability company in Beijing (involving the buyer's breach of contract, the existence of loan fraud, Yin Yang contract, etc., the Shunyi District People's Court) (30) Acting as an agent in the case of Gu Mou suing Huang Mou for the invalidation of the housing sales contract (involving the "acquisition" of housing purchase qualification, fraudulent purchase, and contract effectiveness after the housing transfer under the new housing policy) (31) Acting as an agent in the case of a real estate brokerage company in Beijing suing Xing Mou for the dispute over residential contracts (hearing in the Haidian District Court in Beijing) (32) Acting as an agent for a large real estate brokerage company in Beijing to sue a dispute case over a brokerage contract (we won part of the first instance and appealed in the first instance when hearing in the Chaoyang District Court in Beijing, involving counterclaims, and the contract could not be performed due to the new housing policy) (33) Acting as an agent in the case of Zhang Moumou suing Zhang Moumou for evacuation and demolition compensation dispute (hearing in Fengtai Court, the subject amount is several million yuan, involving four court judgment documents, evacuation agreement, separation sheet effect, etc.) (34) Acting as an agent in the case of Zhang Moumou suing Han Moumou for removing obstruction of appeal (involving court progressive resolution of talks, etc.) (35) Acting as an agent for Zhou to appeal the second instance case of rural land contract dispute of Meng (I only acted as an agent for the second instance procedure of Beijing First Intermediate People's Court to overturn the case and win the case comprehensively) (36) Acting as an agent in the case of Zhou Mou suing Wei Mou for the invalidation of the house sales contract (involving issues such as entrusted notarization, yin-yang contract, the legality of the house sales process, the legality of the house mortgage release, the sale of mortgaged houses, private loan guarantee, etc., with the subject amount of more than 8 million yuan, which was tried in the Haidian District Court) (37) Acting as an agent in the case of Li Mou suing Li Mou and Zhou Mou for the "house purchase contract by borrowing a name" Housing dispute case (first instance in Changping District Court, second instance and appeal in Beijing First Intermediate People's Court, involving whether to buy a house by borrowing a name or by borrowing, housing demolition and lottery policy, contract effectiveness and other issues, both parties reached an out of court settlement and compensation to settle the dispute) (38) Agent Cheng * sued Beijing Bao * Real Estate Development Center Wang *'s case of the second instance of the invalidation of the commercial housing sales contract (in the second instance of the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court, involving the developer's two sales of one house, housing sales practices, etc.) (39) Acting Zhao * v. Zhou * Beijing * Real Estate Development Company housing sales contract dispute case (in the first instance of Shuangqiao Court of Beijing Chaoyang Court, involving the validity of the housing sales contract without property right certificate, liquidated damages, etc., we won the first instance and obtained compensation) (40) Acting as the agent of Du Mouyin in Hebei Province for land A series of administrative litigation cases on housing issues (the subject amount is nearly ten million yuan, involving litigation prescription, subject, county land and resources bureau, county government administrative action, etc.) (41) Special legal affairs such as signing and mortgage of real estate projects such as "Atlantic New Town", "Jiarun Garden", "Peace New Town", "Love Day Flower City", "Scenic Club", etc. (42) "Suhe Yaju" Special legal affairs for owners' collective housing collection (43) Ren's full service for purchasing commercial housing in Sanya (44) Wang's full service for purchasing second-hand housing (45) Acting as Zhou's agent against Wang The case of dispute over Zhang's house leasing contract (in the first instance of Beijing Daxing Court, involving the demolition of more than 20000 square meters of the enterprise's house area, the subject and effect of the contract, the second instance of Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court upheld the original judgment, and successfully obtained nearly ten million yuan of demolition compensation for the enterprise) (46) Acting as an agent for a Beijing Shizhentang Pharmaceutical Company to sue and manage a land lease cooperation dispute (in the first instance of Beijing Daxing Court, involving the nature of the land and the validity of the contract, sent back for retrial, and finally successfully recovered the land use right for the enterprise) (47) Acting Tian * to sue the Beijing Municipal * Management Committee for property damage compensation disputes (in the first instance of the Beijing Xicheng District Court, the second instance of the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court, the second instance of the Beijing High Court, the procuratorial supervision of the Beijing Second Branch Procuratorate, the procuratorial supervision and review of the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate, involving housing demolition, priority allocation, residence rights, etc.) (48) Agency fund * and fund * * housing purchase and sale dispute case (retrial in Beijing High Court, involving property judgment, will and co ownership by shares of housing purchase and sale) (49) Acting as an agent for a Beijing Shizhentang Pharmaceutical Company to sue a Beijing real estate limited company Wang's property damage compensation dispute case (under the first instance of Beijing Daxing Court, involving the effectiveness of the demolition compensation and retirement contract, the demolition and retirement compensation standard, and the way of bearing compensation liability) 3) civil lending disputes, contract disputes, and commercial account collection cases (1) Acting as an agent for the non-performing loan settlement business of Beijing Branch of a bank in China (there were dozens of cases, with a total amount of tens of millions of yuan, and we won the first instance in Beijing's basic court) (2) Acting as an agent for Beijing Electric Power Company, Beijing Power Supply Construction Contracting and Contracting Company and Beijing Best Copper Co., Ltd. (joint venture) The entrusted loan dispute case of Beijing Branch of Agricultural Bank of China (the subject amount is more than 80 million yuan, and we won the first trial in Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court) (3) Acting as an agent in the loan guarantee dispute between China Construction Second Bureau, Beijing Zhongsheng Real Estate Development Company, and ICBC (in the second trial in Beijing High Court) (4) Acting as an agent in the case of a drug company in Hebei Anguo v. a group company in Beijing University (in the trial in Beijing Haidian Court, we won the case) (5) Acting as an agent for a pharmaceutical company in Hebei, Li Mou suing a group company in Beijing University and a Chinese medicine limited company in a series of claims and debt disputes (in Beijing Haidian Court and Shunyi Court, the subject amount was more than 5 million yuan, and the court settled the case through mediation, and we won the case) (6) Acting as an agent for a logistics consulting company in Beijing to report to Ordos, Yanji The case of Wuhan Three Companies claiming design fees (in Beijing Chaoyang Court and the International Trade Arbitration Commission, we won the case involving jurisdiction disputes) (7) Acting as an agent in the case of a private lending dispute of a foundation in China (in Beijing Dongcheng Court, we won the case and recovered all the case funds smoothly) (8) Acting as an agent for a civil loan dispute against Mr. Huang (we won the case in Beijing Chaoyang Court for mediation involving usury) (9) Acting as an agent for a civil loan dispute case between Mr. Luo and Mr. Zhang (winning the first trial in Beijing Chaoyang Court without IOUs and IOUs) (10) Acting as an agent for a packaging company in Xiongxian County, Hebei Province against a Chinese herbal medicine limited company in Beijing in the case of sales contract dispute (in the Shunyi District Court in Beijing, we won) (11) Acting as an agent for a Chinese herbal medicine slice company in Beijing against a pharmaceutical company in Jiangxi in the case of sales contract dispute (in the second instance of the First Intermediate People's Court in Beijing) (12) Acting as an agent in the case of Qiao Mou suing a wood industry company in Beijing for disputes over sales contracts (heard in Beijing Tongzhou Court, and we won) (13) Acting as an agent in the case of Quan Mou's appeal against Wen Mou's private lending disputes (involving usury, false evidence, etc., heard in Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court, and partially changed the judgment) (14) Acting as an agent for Beijing Songlan Yinpian Factory v. Beijing Fukangjianli Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in the case of sales contract dispute (heard in Changping Court, settled through mediation, and all the implementation was completed) (15) Acting as an agent for Beijing Shizhentang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. v. a hospital in Beijing in the case of sales contract dispute (heard in Beijing Chaoyang Court, and recovered through mediation) (16) Acting as an agent for a financial fraud Criminal and civil agency in cases of fraud damage of more than 6 million yuan (17) Acting as an attorney for Zhou * in criminal cases of fraud damage of more than 6 million yuan The whole legal service of paying off debts with houses (involving court execution, judgment after bank prosecution, mortgaged houses, overdue repayment, notarization of sales, online signing, etc., with the subject amount of about 5 million yuan) (19) Acting for Mr. Gong and Mr. Qin Hohhot Wan* Asset Trading Market Co., Ltd. notarized the case of the execution of the creditor's rights document (involving housing evaluation and auction, which was executed in Hohhot Xincheng District Court. Through three auctions, the house value of the party who paid the debt with the house was successfully recovered more than 13.32 million yuan) (20) Acting as an agent for disputes over the right of recourse of bills between Beijing Mako Trading Co., Ltd. and Beijing Grass Trading Co., Ltd. (involving issues such as legality of bill acquisition, basic relationship of bills, limitation of action, etc., to be heard in Chaoyang District and the Second Intermediate People's Court of Beijing) (21) Acting as an agent in a dispute over the bill recourse between Beijing Fu * Co., Ltd. and Beijing Gui * Co., Ltd Private loan dispute case of Baotou Guosupermarket Co., Ltd. (involving the defendant's subject qualification, jurisdiction, pledge of goods, pledge of supermarket management right, etc., which was heard in the court of Qingshan District, Baotou City, and successfully settled through mediation in the court) (23) Acting as an agent for Beijing Shizhentang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. against a hospital in Beijing over a sales contract dispute (heard in Beijing Haidian Court, the other party agreed to pay by instalments, settled the case through reconciliation, and recovered all the creditor's rights) (24) Acting as an agent for a civil loan dispute case against Li (heard in Beijing Haidian Court, and won a full victory) (25) Acting as an agent for Du to sue Huang Lin Mou's private loan dispute case (heard in Beijing Fengtai Court, won the case, the other party appealed, the second instance upheld the original judgment, and saved the economic losses for the parties) (26) represented Zhao Mou to sue Wang Mou An's private loan dispute case (heard in Beijing Haidian Court and Beijing No.4 Intermediate People's Court, involving nearly 8 million yuan of the subject matter, foreigners' litigation, property preservation, service of announcements, etc., and the court fully supported our claims) (27) Acting for Zhao to sue a real estate development company in Inner Mongolia for a private loan dispute case (heard in the People's Court of Huimin District, Hohhot City, involving nearly one million yuan of the subject matter, property preservation, etc., and mediation) (28) Acting as an agent to sue a real estate development company in Inner Mongolia for a dispute over the pre-sale contract of commercial housing (heard in the People's Court of Huimin District, Hohhot City, involving more than four million yuan of the subject matter, property preservation, etc., and mediation) (29) Acting as an agent to sue a Beijing herbal company against Shi A case of dispute over the sales contract of a Chinese medicine clinic company in Beijing (heard in Beijing Changping Court, involving nearly 3 million yuan of the subject matter, and settled through mediation) (30) The second instance appeal case (involving tens of millions of subject matter, application of law, joint signing of husband and wife debt, screening of corporate debt and personal debt, false litigation, professional lenders and other issues, and being tried in Shijiazhuang Intermediate People's Court) of private lending dispute cases sent back for retrial twice as an agent of Mr. Zhang. 4) Company dispute and contract dispute cases (1) Acting as an agent for an international travel agency limited liability company (joint venture) to negotiate with Li Haifeng to resolve the contract management dispute (the two parties reached a settlement agreement in May 2007) (2) Acting as an agent for a pharmaceutical company in Anhui Province against a group company in Beijing University for infringement of equity transfer (winning the first trial in Beijing Haidian Court of Law and implementing the settlement) (3) Acting as an agent for a company in Beijing (wholly foreign-owned enterprise) Equity transfer dispute case (in the first instance of Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court, we won) (4) Representation of a Beijing company in a bankruptcy reorganization case of a real estate company (in the first instance of Beijing First Intermediate People's Court) (5) Acting as an agent in the contract dispute case between Beijing * Tian'an Technology Co., Ltd. and Nanjing * Network Technology Co., Ltd. (involving the right to terminate the contract, new rules of jurisdiction, who breaches the contract, and compensation for breach of contract, etc.) (6) Special legal advisory service for liquidation of a catering company in Beijing (7) Acting as an agent in a clothing processing company in Beijing to sue a clothing company in Beijing for unfair competition disputes???? (8) Acting as an agent for a survey company in Beijing against a company in Shanxi in the case of survey and mapping contract disputes (involving jurisdiction disputes, business in different places, trial in the People's Court of Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City, successful mediation and settlement of the case, recovery of arrears of project funds) (9) Acting as an agent for Beijing Express Co., Ltd. in responding to the case of transportation contract dispute of Shanghai Oak Network Technology Co., Ltd. (involving cause of action dispute, jurisdiction dispute, etc., heard in Qingpu District of Shanghai, the Second Intermediate People's Court of Shanghai) (10) Acting as an agent for a logistics company in Hubei, a express company in Beijing, a logistics company in Beijing The dispute over the logistics distribution contract between Wang and a limited company in Hubei (the subject amount was more than 28 million yuan, which was arbitrated in Wuhan Arbitration Commission, involving anti arbitration, freight settlement, who would breach the contract first, and the evidence was more than 100 jin) (11) Acting for Zheng and Mei Zhao's online teaching cooperation contract dispute case (involving the right to terminate the contract and the right to object, the way and effectiveness of contract termination, the amount of liquidated damages after contract termination and the protection of available interests, etc.) was concluded in the People's Court of Chaoyang District, Beijing, where one case received a judgment of hundreds of thousands of yuan compensation, and one case received hundreds of thousands of yuan compensation and settled through mediation) (12) Acting as an agent for a Beijing educational technology limited company in a dispute case over a network teaching cooperation contract with Mr. Huang, Mr. Yang, etc. (involving the right to terminate the contract and the right of objection, the way and effectiveness of contract termination, the amount of liquidated damages after contract termination and the protection of available interests, etc., and hearing in the People's Court of Chaoyang District, Beijing) (13) Acting on behalf of Lin to sue Liu for canceling the contract in the second instance and Lin to sue Liu for canceling the contract dispute with maintenance conditions (involving the right to cancel the contract, handwriting identification, contract cancellation, etc., and hearing in Shanghai First Intermediate People's Court and Xuhui District People's Court) (14) Acting as the agent of Hohhot Special Construction Engineering Company in responding to a dispute case over the sales contract of a commercial company in Beijing (the first instance of this case was tried in Beijing Changping District Court, and the second instance was tried in Beijing First Intermediate People's Court. This case involved retrial for retrial, second instance change of judgment, revocation of the original judgment, execution reversal, etc., which successfully safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the parties) (15) Acting as an agent in the case of Tian Mou suing Chen Mou and other three shareholders for damage to the interests of creditors (involving the interests of litigation, repeated prosecutions, omission of necessary co litigants, etc., hearing in Liaoning Higher People's Court, and procuratorial supervision in Dalian Procuratorate) (16) Acting as an agent in the case of Zhang Mou being registered as a shareholder of a company under the name of a company 5) Personal and property damage compensation cases (1) Acting on behalf of Liu and other five people in suing a business and trade limited company in Beijing, a travel agency limited company in Beijing, and an insurance company limited by shares for sudden death due to travel contracts (in the first instance of Tongzhou District People's Court in Beijing, and in the second instance of Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court, we won the case) (2) Acting on behalf of Wang against Zhai Case of traffic accident damage compensation dispute of TPI Property Insurance Company (heard in Beijing Haidian Court, and we won the case) (3) Acting as an agent in a lawsuit against Chaoyang Traffic Detachment and Beijing First Development Company in the case of traffic accident personal damage compensation (first instance in Beijing Chaoyang Court, second instance in Beijing Second Intermediate Court, and won the compensation) (4) Acting as an agent in a lawsuit against Beijing Telecom Company, Beijing Power Supply Company Personal injury compensation case of Shiliuzhuang Agricultural and Commercial Company (first instance in Beijing Fengtai Court, second instance in Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court) (5) Acting as an agent in the case of medical fault compensation dispute in a hospital in Wuhai (6) Acting as an agent in the case of traffic accident compensation cases such as Ji Mou * and others v. Beijing * Municipal Engineering Company, Zha * (involving equal liability, responsibility determination review and compensation standards, hearing in Haidian District Court, winning the case) (7) Acting as an agent in a claim case against a street office in Beijing for vehicle losses in traffic accidents (involving vehicle depreciation fees, and our party won the lawsuit after mediation before the lawsuit in the People's Court of Chaoyang District, Beijing) (8) Acting as an agent in Shenzhen Hongtao Decoration Co., Ltd. and its Beijing branch against Wu and other people's rights to life, body Cases of disputes over the right to health (involving the nature of the legal relationship between the two parties, disability identification and counterclaim issues, heard in the Haidian District Court, the second instance in the First Intermediate People's Court, and the settlement of the case through mediation) (9) Acting for Erenhot 6.20 extraordinary traffic accident (2 deaths, 10 injuries to foreigners) cases (involving the review and re determination of responsibility for traffic accidents, claims, etc.) (10) Acting for Zhou against Niu, * Logistics (China) Traffic accident compensation case of the limited company (heard in Shunyi Court, and won the first instance) (11) Acting as an agent in the traffic accident compensation case of Cai Mou suing Niu, * Logistics (China) Co., Ltd. (involving new car price increase, purchase index fee, new car compensation, etc., heard in Shunyi Court, and successfully mediated the settlement of the case) (12) Acting as an agent in the case of Yan Mou, Li Mou Case of death compensation dispute in road traffic accident of Beijing Branch of China An Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. (involving responsibility objection caused by accident certificate, lawyer investigation and evidence collection, handled in Daxing) Acting as an agent for a medical company in Beijing against Beijing Fishery Taxi Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Branch of a property insurance company in China and other motor vehicle traffic accident liability disputes (involving Mercedes Benz ML350 vehicle depreciation fees, etc., which were heard in the Haidian District Court and ultimately compensated) (16) Acting as an agent for Kong and Fan against a (group) company in Beijing A motor vehicle traffic accident liability dispute involving Beijing Branch of a property insurance company limited by shares (involving BMW 535 vehicle depreciation fee and rental fee, etc.) (17) Acting on behalf of Liu *, who refused to accept the application for review of the road traffic accident identification letter of Changping Traffic Detachment of Beijing Traffic Management Bureau (involving whether it was hit and run, whether to bear the main responsibility, insurance company compensation and criminal liability, etc.) (18) Acting on behalf of Zhang Moumou to appeal to Qin Moumou, Wang Mou Shao and other employees' compensation disputes (involving issues such as limitation of action, death compensation standard, and application of law, which were tried in the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court and Chaoyang Court, and finally compensated) (19) Acting for Wenmou in responding to Wang's and a hotel's personal rights The case of dispute over the right to health (involving the nature of the tripartite legal relationship, the cause of action, the criteria for disability identification and assessment, the application of law and other issues, and tried in the People's Court of Dongcheng District, Beijing) (20) Acting Ji and Fan against a municipal engineering limited liability company in Beijing Investigated a case of motor vehicle traffic accident liability dispute (heard in the People's Court of Haidian District, Beijing, involving personal death compensation standards, responsibility determination review, and finally claimed more than one million yuan of compensation for the party) (21) represented Chen to sue Yan in a case of dispute over his right to life, body rights, and health rights (involving minor injury and other issues, heard in the People's Court of Pinggu District, Beijing) 6) Real right confirmation, marriage and family, inheritance dispute cases (1) Acting as an agent for Zeng (one of the first batch of engineering doctors in China) in divorce, property division and property protection cases (the subject amount is more than 8 million yuan, which was sent back to the court for retrial twice and tried in Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court, Haidian Court and Fangshan Court, which has not been concluded for 4 years) (2) Acting as an agent in the case of marriage property dispute between Li Mou and Chen Mou (involving the nature of betrothal gifts, which was heard in Beijing Xicheng Court) (3) Acting as an agent in the case of Wei Mou's appeal against Zhang Mou's divorce and property division dispute (successfully settled in Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court, and the third person involved in the case of suing the couple's joint debt separately) (4) Acting as an agent in the foreign-related divorce dispute of a producer of Beijing Television (hearing in Beijing Xicheng District Court) (5) Acting as an agent for a divorce dispute between Zhu Mou and Li Mou (heard in Beijing Miyun Court) (6) Acting as an agent for Zhou Mou (the president of a real estate company branch) to negotiate a divorce case with Wang Mou (involving the subject amount of tens of millions of yuan) (7) Acting as an agent for a divorce case between Gong Mou and Zhao Mou (heard in Beijing Dongcheng District Court) (8) Acting on behalf of Cao in responding to Xu's divorce dispute case (involving the determination of premarital and common property, evidence collection, marital fault determination and other issues, we won the trial in Beijing Xicheng District Court) (9) Acting as an agent in the divorce dispute case between Meng and Li (involving the determination of pre marital house purchase, post marital joint loan repayment and how to split the property, the nature of parents' contribution to house purchase, the party at fault in marriage, spiritual compensation and other issues, to be heard in the Chaoyang District Court in Beijing) (10) Acting as an agent in the service contract dispute case between Cui and a consulting company (marriage referral fee of nearly 400000 yuan, to be heard and settled through mediation in the Chaoyang Court) (11) Acting as an agent for a marriage contract dispute between Mr. Li and Mr. Liang (hearing at the Beijing Arbitration Commission, settling the case through mediation, and recovering some money) (12) Acting as an agent for Mr. Wang to appeal the inheritance dispute case with an outsider (hearing at the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court) (13) Acting as an agent in the case of Tan's brother suing Tan's sister for invalidation of housing contract (involving Alzheimer's disease, civil capacity, identification of mental illness, effectiveness of administrative act of housing transfer, etc., hearing in the court of Beijing Xicheng District and the court of the First Intermediate People's Court, Beijing Evening News tracking report, our party won the lawsuit, rejected the other party's lawsuit, and the other party has appealed in the Beijing High Court) (14) Acting as an agent for Zhang Moumou and Zhang Moumou to appeal for inheritance disputes (involving family separation order, house site approval, house site use right and house ownership, co ownership disputes, and hearing in Beijing Higher People's Court) (15) Acting as an agent in a dispute case involving the division of property between 7 people, including Guo Mou and Zhang Mou (involving disputes such as marital demolition, obtaining 5 houses to be demolished after divorce and the division of compensation of more than one million yuan, housing ownership, the identity of the relocated person, housing purchase indicators, etc., which were heard in the Haidian District Court in Beijing) (16) successfully acting as an agent for a parent-child identification business (17) acting as an agent for Chen Mou against Chen 1 Chen 2's housing ownership confirmation dispute and another case of testamentary succession dispute (involving disputes such as the probative power of the property ownership certificate, the ownership of the housing reform unit purchased by the children in the name of their parents, and the validity of their wills, which were heard in the Dongcheng District Court of Beijing) (18) Acting for Shen The dispute case of Mr. Ni suing Mr. Ni to buy a house by borrowing his name (involving two sets of real estate, the party is in a foreign country, and is being tried in Beijing Yanqing Court) (19) the case of agency fee * response fee * * testamentary succession (involving several wills and joint will disputes, which are being tried in Beijing Dongcheng District Court, and the whole department supports our defense opinions) 7) the labor dispute case (1) the agent, Jun Xiangshun (Beijing) Labor dispute cases between Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (joint venture) and 6 employees (subject amount more than 200000 yuan, first instance in Beijing Daxing Court, second instance settlement in Beijing First Intermediate People's Court) (2) Hu's industrial injury administrative litigation case (3) Acting as an agent in a labor contract dispute case between a furniture company in Beijing and Jingmou (hearing in Beijing Daxing District Labor Dispute Arbitration Commission and Daxing Court, involving labor relations and labor relations disputes) (4) Acting as an agent in a labor contract dispute case between a furniture company in Shenzhen and Fan (hearing in Beijing Haidian District Court, involving labor relations subject disputes, etc.) (5) Acting as an agent for a labor contract dispute case between Zheng and a Beijing Global Technology Development Co., Ltd. (heard in Beijing Haidian District Labor and Personnel Arbitration Commission and Haidian Court, disputes involving labor relations subjects, separate lawsuits, etc., and liquidated damages of more than 200000 yuan, and finally both parties will not hold the other party accountable and settle the case) (6) Acting as an agent in a labor contract dispute case between a Beijing commerce and trade limited company and Shen (hearing in Beijing Fengtai District Labor and Personnel Arbitration Commission and Fengtai Court, disputes involving labor relations subject, etc.) (7) Labor contract dispute cases between the Party * and Beijing Guo* Science and Technology Development Company (we won the trial in Chaoyang District Labor and Personnel Arbitration Commission in Beijing, involving the failure to sign labor contracts, the dismissal of pregnant women, etc.) (8) Acting as an agent in the labor contract case between Su and Xinhua * Co., Ltd. (through many negotiations between lawyers, the two parties signed an agreement to solve it successfully in private, and finally obtained overtime pay, annual leave salary and year-end bonus compensation, and properly solved the social security and file transfer problems of 53 year old female executives of the company) (9) Acting as an agent in an education and technology company in Beijing against Huang Yang and other network teaching cooperation contract dispute cases (involving whether there is labor relationship between the two parties, determination of legal relationship caused by third-party payment, and hearing in Beijing Haidian District Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission, two cases were awarded with victory) (10) Acting for a Beijing medical device limited liability company to confirm labor relationship Claim cases (involving the establishment time of the labor relationship between the two parties, the establishment and effectiveness of the labor contract signed before the company was established, and other issues, which were heard by Beijing Dongcheng District Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission, and achieved satisfactory results) (11) Acting as an agent for Beijing * Tian'an Technology Co., Ltd. in suing employees for work handover and responding to claims of employees of branch companies (Disputes involving labor arbitration jurisdiction, legality of unit transfer, year-end bonus, various economic compensations, social security base and work handover, etc., will be heard in Beijing Haidian District Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration Committee, Guangzhou Tianhe District Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration Committee, etc., and both parties will settle after adjudication) (12) Represented Beijing * Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in responding to the labor dispute case of Tian *, a senior manager of the company, who claimed a huge amount of money (involving whether the labor contract was signed or not, labor relationship determination, overtime pay, illegal dismissal, etc., and won the lawsuit comprehensively) (13) Acting as an agent for Beijing * Yinpian Company in responding to the Valley * labor dispute case (involving whether there is mixed employment, effective salary, salary adjustment, forced termination of labor contract, etc., and arbitrated in Changping District Labor Arbitration Court) 8) Criminal cases and cross criminal and civil cases (1) defense lawyer of Wang Mou suspected of fraud (detained in Daxing District Detention Center, and has been guaranteed pending trial) (2) Lv is a defense lawyer suspected of contract fraud (has been released on bail pending trial) (3) Sun is a lawyer suspected of major fire liability accident (Hepingli fire case, with an area of more than 1000 square meters, held in Dongcheng District Detention Center, has been released on bail pending trial) (4) Ma is a lawyer suspected of deliberately damaging property (held in Fengtai District Detention Center, has been released on bail pending trial) (5) A company in Hubei reported a case of employee duty embezzlement (6) A case of property damage compensation dispute between Shixing Holding Company and Yang (involving network telecommunications fraud, criminal and civil cross cases, filed in a police station, and tried in the Chaoyang District Court in Beijing) (7) Inner Mongolia Haoxing Construction Company Zhang *, the defender of the bribery crime of the suspected unit (detained in the detention center in Linhe District, Inner Mongolia, the case was led by the Inner Mongolia Senior Inspection Commission and the Inner Mongolia Discipline Inspection Commission to form a special case team, involving major bribery cases, the right to meet lawyers, etc.) (8) Heilongjiang Seconds * Network Technology Co., Ltd. is suspected of illegal absorption of public deposits, the first offender is Dong *, the defense lawyer (detained in Harbin Detention Center, involving tens of millions of yuan, tens of thousands of members, the case is supervised by Harbin Municipal Bureau) 9) Execution case (1) Acting for Mr. Wang was added as the person to be executed (involving the debt sharing between the one-man company and the limited liability company, whether the one-man company and its shareholders' property were mixed, whether the legal personality was denied, the execution objection and reconsideration, the lawsuit of execution objection, etc., which was heard in the Wuhan Intermediate People's Court and won a comprehensive victory) (2) Acting for China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. Hohhot Branch and Hohhot Si* Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. to notarize the enforcement of creditor's rights documents (involving entrusted loan and interest, application subject, scope of notarized creditor's rights document, subject amount more than 30 million yuan, executed in Hohhot New Urban District Court, lawsuit involving execution objection, execution objection, execution reconsideration, execution supervision, etc.) (3) Acting as an agent for Feng Mou to be added to the case of the person to be executed (involving issues such as the false contribution of the company's shareholders, the scope of the limited liability company's property, whether the company's property is sufficient to pay off the debt, debt participation, execution hearing, etc., and hearing in the People's Court of Saihan District, Hohhot City) (4) Acting as an agent for a series of execution objections between Hohhot Special Construction Engineering Company and a Beijing commerce and trade company The case of execution reconsideration and the lawsuit of the outsider's execution objection (heard in Beijing Changping District People's Court and Beijing First Intermediate People's Court) Acting as an agent for Zhao to apply for execution (involving only ten million yuan, real estate investigation, auction, implementation objection of outsiders, implementation participation in distribution and other issues, which are being implemented by Beijing Haidian Court and Beijing Fourth Intermediate People's Court) (7) Acting as an agent for a civil loan dispute to apply for enforcement cases (involving the enforcement, evasion of enforcement, judicial detention and other issues of the seven sets of vacated resettlement houses and more than one million yuan of vacated compensation of the person being enforced, which are being implemented by the People's Court of Chaoyang District, Beijing) II. Non litigation (some customers and partners who are now and once served) Beijing Electric Power Company (large state-owned enterprises) One of the members of the Lawyer Pool One of the members of the Lawyer Pool of China Construction Second Bureau (large state-owned enterprises) China Construction Bank Beijing Branch China Merchants Bank Beijing Branch Minsheng Bank Beijing Branch Law and Life Citizen Lawyer Group Member of Beijing Federation of Industry and Commerce Informatization Chamber of Commerce Beijing A Yinpian Co., Ltd. Equity transfer, the drafting of the gambling agreement Special legal advisory service for negotiation: special legal advisory service for a group company in Beijing to invest in mining in Inner Mongolia; permanent legal advisory service for Beijing Power Supply Construction Contracting and Contracting Company (large state-owned enterprise) and its three subsidiaries (power design and supervision companies); special legal advisory service for CYTS Holding Co., Ltd. (large state-owned enterprise) * Holdings (Beijing) The Company's perennial legal advisory services Beijing * Tian'an Technology Co., Ltd.'s perennial legal advisory services Beijing Guo* Investment Management Co., Ltd.'s perennial legal advisory services Beijing Qianyinpian Co., Ltd. (a high-tech enterprise) Perennial legal advisory service for Beijing Big Face Garment Processing Co., Ltd. (franchised alliance leader enterprise) Perennial legal advisory service Beijing Haochangda Auto Parts Sales Co., Ltd. Perennial legal advisory service Beijing Yongsheng Longfa Trading Co., Ltd. Perennial legal advisory service Jiangxi Jiaxin Medical Herbs Co., Ltd. Perennial legal advisory service Beijing Shizhentang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Perennial legal advisory service Beijing Mingjia Zundian Furniture Co., Ltd. Perennial legal advisory service Beijing Huaren Weiye Perennial legal advisory service of furniture Co., Ltd. Perennial legal advisory service of Beijing Kairuide Property Management Co., Ltd. Perennial legal advisory service of a mining and mining limited liability company in Inner Mongolia Special legal advisory service of Lan for the acquisition of a cultural company in Beijing Perennial legal advisory service of Beijing Yongkanghong Technology Development Co., Ltd. Perennial legal advisory service of a logistics limited company in Beijing Perennial legal advisory service of Beijing Yuan * Telecom The perennial legal advisory services of Science and Technology Co., Ltd. * For example, the perennial legal advisory services of International Culture Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 3. The daily legal affairs I handle for the consulting unit specifically include: 1. answering legal advice, providing advice according to law or issuing a lawyer's opinion; 2. Assist in drafting, formulating, reviewing or revising contracts, articles of association and other legal documents; 3. At the request of Party A, participate in consultation, negotiation, legal analysis and demonstration; 4. Sign, serve or accept legal documents as entrusted by Party A; 5. At the request of Party A, conduct legal argumentation, propose solutions, issue lawyer's letters, express lawyer's opinions, or participate in non litigation negotiations, coordination and mediation on the disputes that Party A has faced or may have; 6. At the request of Party A, teach legal practical knowledge to shareholders, directors, supervisors, managers and employees of the company; 7. Handle other legal affairs agreed by both parties.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Beijing Finance and Insurance Lawyer Zhang Xiongtao
    Beijing Fengzhan Law Firm Room 710, Block A, Yonghe Building, 28 Andingmen East Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing
    five branch

    Comments from 211 people

    Number of helpers: 2770
    #Lawyer label: there are teams, chief lawyers, experienced in handling major cases, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Zhang Xiongtao, member of the Communist Party of China, deputy secretary and executive director of the Party branch of Beijing Fengzhan Law Firm. He has the qualifications of lawyer, American registered legal accountant, senior corporate compliance engineer, etc. At present, he is the representative of Dongcheng District Lawyers Association of Beijing, director of Dongcheng District Lawyers Association Council, member of Merger and Reorganization Committee of Beijing Lawyers Association, etc. Li, acting as the agent, sued Tianmou for criminal incidental civil compensation, and won the excellent case of legal aid in Beijing from 2019 to 2021. Since practicing, Lawyer Zhang Xiongtao has rich professional experience in the fields of financial securities, taxation, contracts, creditor's rights, companies and other civil and commercial fields.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Beijing Finance and Insurance Lawyer Liu Zhaojie
    Jinglin (Beijing) Law Firm 1501, Floor 15, Jiasheng Center, Building A19, East Third Ring Road North, Chaoyang District, Beijing
    five branch

    Comments from 105 people

    Number of helpers: 1386
    #Lawyer label: team player, highly educated, rich professional experience, large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Liu Zhaojie, Master of Law in Criminal Law of Tongji University. He has handled more than 100 criminal cases, successfully obtained a guarantor pending trial and residential surveillance for the client for many times, and successfully reduced the amount of crime for economic suspects. With a profound background in the financial field, he has worked in many financial institutions such as the Global Top 500 Insurance Companies, and has accumulated nearly ten years of experience in the industry. During his tenure in a financial institution, he successfully identified a number of insurance fraud and fraud cases through detailed analysis of all kinds of case data and precise development of investigation direction. With the increasing demand for comprehensive talents in multiple fields in the current society, he has successfully transformed into a criminal defense lawyer from the financial crime field that has been deeply cultivated for many years, relying on accumulated case experience, overlapping cross fields and regulatory resources to extend to the comprehensive field. Focusing on the field of financial crime and comprehensive development, it has provided efficient defense for the parties for many times, and put forward accurate criminal charges for the victims, which has won wide recognition from the industry and customers. Main service areas: criminal defense, contract disputes, insurance compensation disputes. (Some cases) 1. The arbitration case of a software technology company and a state-owned company's technical service contract saved nearly two million yuan of economic losses; 2. Ji's alimony dispute case, striving for the maximum legitimate rights and interests; 3. Mr. Zhang is suspected of making, selling and disseminating pornographic materials for profit, and has successfully obtained a guarantor pending trial for him after providing him with criminal defense; 4. Wei was suspected of rape, provided criminal defense for Wei and successfully obtained a guarantor pending trial; 5. Liao has committed the crime of illegal absorption of public deposits, and provided criminal defense for Liao. The court recognized and adopted his defense opinions, and finally sentenced him to a lighter sentence; 6. In a national compensation case, Mr. L won a national compensation of one million yuan.
    Consulting lawyer
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