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  •  Lawyer Li Qiaoxia, creditor and debtor of Bayannur League
    Aide Law Firm Bayannur Branch C-23 Haibeier Garden, Huifeng Street, Linhe District, Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia
    five branch

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    #Lawyer label: have handled major cases, have experience in consulting units, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Li Qiaoxia, the chief lawyer of Bayannur Branch of Ade Law Firm, has handled a large number of civil and commercial affairs, criminal and non litigation cases and accumulated rich theoretical and practical experience. With good professional ethics, steady and honest work style, solid legal knowledge and sharp court debate style, we have won the trust of our customers.
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Inner Mongolia lawyer Lawyer of Bayannur League Lawyer for creditor's rights and debt of Bayannur League
  • Divorce proceedings usually do not involve personal debts before marriage, unless the debts are used for living together after marriage. The husband and wife shall jointly bear the accumulated debts during the marriage. If the problem is caused by insufficient financial resources or property division, it needs to be solved by both parties through consultation. If the consultation fails, it will be decided by the court. #Creditor's rights and debts 875 readings
  • During litigation and divorce during marriage, the joint debt of the husband and wife needs to be shared by both parties, which originates from the debt generated from daily life needs, family property management, etc. The law requires that such debts must be agreed by both parties in writing or explicitly recognized afterwards, otherwise only the actual debtor is responsible. The Civil Code clearly stipulates such debts. #Creditor's rights and debts 851 readings
  • Both parties shall be responsible for the outstanding joint debts in divorce. The court generally does not freeze the account actively before the divorce proceedings by agreement, but if there is any suspicion of property transfer, it needs to provide evidence to apply for freezing. In order to prevent malicious concealment or transfer of property, the divorce case can apply to the court for review and approval to freeze the bank account to protect the rights and interests of the other party. #Creditor's rights and debts 988 readings
  • The loan notes before divorce are usually regarded as the joint creditor's rights of husband and wife, and both parties are allowed to file a lawsuit together. However, if the divorce has been decided, it is necessary to clarify the ownership of creditor's rights in the divorce agreement or judgment to divide their respective responsibilities and reasonably distribute the common property. #Creditor's rights and debts 873 readings
  • In divorce proceedings, pre marital loan contracts may be consolidated. The loan agreement signed within the marriage shall be regarded as the joint debt of the husband and wife. Whether divorced or not, it should be litigated jointly by both parties. However, after the marriage breaks down, it is necessary to clarify the ownership of debts and divide legal responsibilities to help divide property and ensure clear rights and interests. #Creditor's rights and debts 873 readings
  • Spouse credit card debt is not a direct factor in divorce, and the divorce process mainly depends on the agreement or litigation procedure. Divorce by agreement only requires both parties to reach an agreement on the division of debts and dissolution of marriage and go through the formalities. For divorce in litigation, it is necessary to prove that the marriage is irretrievable. When the joint debts of the husband and wife are involved, the arrears required for daily life are regarded as joint responsibilities and need to be repaid with the joint property of the husband and wife. #Creditor's rights and debts 1124 readings
  • In case of debt default, delay in payment, explicit disclosure of inability to repay the debt, and failure to fulfill the main commitments, both parties to the contract have the right to unilaterally terminate according to law. The contract can also be canceled at any time by consensus or agreement. The exercise of the right to terminate shall be notified to the other party in a timely manner, and the notice shall clearly indicate the failure of performance. If you have any objection to the cancellation, you can seek judicial or arbitration solutions. Litigation or arbitration without consent may lead to the termination of the contract when the copy is served. #Creditor's rights and debts 1300 readings
  • In the credit debt relationship, the defaulting party shall bear the liability for breach of contract in accordance with laws and regulations and the contract, including performing obligations, paying compensation or compensating for actual and expected losses. If the breach of contract causes losses, the compensation shall be equal to the actual losses, but not exceed the possible losses foreseen by the defaulting party. In case of serious breach of contract, the creditor may exercise the right of priority to be repaid, that is, when the debtor is unable to repay, it shall have priority to obtain compensation by disposing of the collateral. #Creditor's rights and debts 1024 reads
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