Household registration migration

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 Household registration migration

Household registration migration

Every child born in China will face the problem of registered permanent residence. The registered permanent residence is a symbol of identity. However, due to the unbalanced economic development, people's mobility is increasing. More people need to move their registered permanent residence due to work or study. So how should I go through the formalities of household registration transfer?

2023.09.02 117400 people read

Account migration process

Hukou is a kind of identity symbol, which records the residence in the legal sense. In reality, sometimes for some reason, they will move in or out of the hukou, and enter the university marry Both Household registration migration As one of the factors, the migration of household registration is an extremely important thing for a person. Whether moving in or out, you should register according to law Household registration migration The procedures often get twice the result with half the effort.

1、 Procedures for account transfer

(1) . Procedures for moving out of the city's household registration

Handle the removal of urban household registration, Relocation What documents are needed? They shall present the following certificates to the local police station where they are registered:

(1) Household register of the emigrator;


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Power of Attorney for Account Transfer

With the rapid development of social economy, the mobility of social personnel has become more and more frequent. In order to obtain the convenience measures of local policies for local household registration, more and more migrant workers choose to move their household registration to their place of residence. However, in practice, if I can not handle the formalities in person due to various reasons and choose to entrust, then registered residence transfer How to write the letter of authorization? The following is for you to answer.

As a symbol of citizenship, household registration is one of the important channels for our country to count the population. Since the household registration system of our country implements the principle of registration in the permanent residence, when the permanent residence of citizens changes, the household registration should be moved to the current residence, that is, the household registration should be moved. The following is the process for handling the account entrustment. Please refer to the relevant regulations of the local government for details.


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Household registration transfer certificate

In real life, many people need to transfer their original hukou due to work, study and other reasons, and the migration of hukou needs to obtain the original hukou first Household registration transfer certificate After that, we will go to the place where we moved to handle the move in of the household registration, which is a very important voucher, Household registration migration What materials are needed for the certificate? Nomogram Xiao Bian sorted out relevant contents on this issue.

1、 Materials to be submitted when applying for residence transfer certificate

1. Residents, staff and workers' family members apply for urban household registration

(1) Application for settlement;

(2) The certificate issued by the investee's unit or neighborhood office;

(3) Certificate of the original household registration of the applicant;


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Household registration transfer procedures

In contemporary society, the household registration needs to be transferred for many different reasons, such as divorce , going to school buy a house Because these events often occur in our lives, the migration of hukou has become more frequent and common. But many ordinary people have no idea about hukou migration. They only know that hukou migration is necessary, but they don't know how to handle the hukou migration procedures. The following will introduce divorce as an example Household registration migration What about the formalities.

1、 What about the procedures for the transfer of divorce household registration? How to move out after divorce?

1. After divorce, the hukou of both parties will be separated, that is, each person will have a hukou book.

2. Take your household register with you and go to the household registration office of the local police station. The staff will fill out a household registration transfer card for you, and then cancel the household registration of the party to be transferred from the local household registration file.

3. Take the residence transfer certificate to the residence registration office of the local police station where you are going to settle down. For example, you can move your residence back to your work unit by providing the certificate of your work unit.


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Migration of account to Shenzhen

Nowadays, with the continuous development of China's economy, the living pressure in some big cities is increasing, such as price, house price and other pressures Beijing Shanghai as well as Shenzhen In order to have a relatively relaxed environment, many people choose to move out of Shenzhen and other big cities. Let's take a look at Shenzhen Household registration migration Formalities.

1、 Shenzhen's urban migration without crossing the special zone line

(1) Because of marriage, divorce, parents and children merging with each other House purchase Resettlement application for three reasons.

(2) For non spouse, other relatives and friends who are not related to parents and children who apply for moving to another family's home in the city on the grounds of "actual living together", a written application must be submitted after one month's residence.


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University hukou transfer

For many college students, household registration is a very important issue, which also relates to college students' problems, which has certain legal procedures and regulations Household registration migration Have you understood the relevant regulations and procedures of? The editor of the law chart will give you a brief explanation of this problem today.

1、 Immigration procedures

(1) Graduates from urban areas who return to their original places of residence shall provide copies of the residence transfer certificate, employment registration certificate, household registration book, grain and oil book or the residence registration certificate of the local police station, and the residence registration center shall go to the local police station to handle the residence transfer procedures after signing the copy of the registration certificate.

(2) The non local students have established employment units in our city and the non local graduates with junior college degree or above who implement the policy of "settle down first and then get employed", and handle personnel affairs at the residence registration center agent After going through the formalities, the following certificates shall be provided to the residence registration center for settlement.


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Encyclopedia of account migration

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  •  Household registration

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    Household registration is very important for everyone's study, work and life. China has a strict and orderly household registration management system. Today, I will introduce you the relevant knowledge. I hope these contents can be useful to you

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  •  Settlement policy

    Settlement policy

    The importance of hukou to us is self-evident. Today, the editor will introduce you to the relevant knowledge of settlement policies in various regions. More information can be found in the legal chart encyclopedia column. I hope it can help you. Let's have a look!

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Consultation on account transfer

After divorce, I don't have a house and my hukou is in my former father-in-law's house. Can I move my hukou to my friend's house?

 Sun Tongtong

Lawyer Sun Tongtong Recent reply:

The household registration can be transferred, but it cannot be transferred at will. There should be a reason for hukou migration. Marriage and divorce are reasons for hukou migration. There is no sufficient reason to move the account to a friend's home. The transfer of account must be accompanied by a certificate of acceptance from the receiving place. Does the local government of a friend's home agree to accept it? Why did you move to a friend's home? If you have sufficient reasons and the local government agrees to accept it, you can move.

Ask me a question

I want to move out of my account and establish my own account?

 Wang Zhuoya

Lawyer Wang Zhuoya Recent reply:

If the local police station where the household registration is received is willing to accept it, it can set up a separate household,

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