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 Company registration process and fees

Company registration process and fees

Self employment is encouraged by national policies. Today, I will introduce you to the relevant knowledge of the company registration process and costs. Then, how much is the latest company registration process and costs, how much is the foreign company registration process and costs, and how much is the sole proprietorship company registration process and costs. Let's have a quick look!

2023.09.14 8176 people read

Latest company registration process and fees

Now the whole country is advocating entrepreneurship. In this era of entrepreneurship, we need to know something about enterprise registration. Enterprise registration is a troublesome thing. For example, the name of a company trademark The address of the company and the scope of work need to be considered. I will collect and sort it out for you today newest Company registration process And expenses Related knowledge.

1、 Basic process of registered company:

1. Query enterprise name

2. Basic information provided by the customer

3. Initial industrial and commercial examination seal for filing

4. Capital verification


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Registration process and expenses of sole proprietorship company

With the development of social economy, the number of registered sole proprietorship companies is increasing. The sole proprietorship company is funded by one person, and the shareholder is only one person. The organizational structure of a sole proprietorship company is relatively simple. What materials should be prepared for the registration of a sole proprietorship company? What is the registration process and cost of a sole proprietorship company The following 365 editors will explain it to you.

What is the registration process and expenses of the sole proprietorship company

1、 Registration fee of sole proprietorship enterprise

The cost of registering a company is generally different from place to place, depending on the region

2、 Registration process of sole proprietorship enterprises


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Encyclopedia of company registration process and expenses

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Consultation on company registration process and fees

Specific procedures for revoking and changing notarial wills in consultation

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Legal Counsel Recent reply:

(1) Application A testator who wishes to notarize a will shall apply in person to the notary office at the testator's domicile or the place where the testamentary act took place. If it is difficult to go to the notary office in person, the testator may request the notary office in writing or orally to appoint a notary to go to his residence or temporary residence. To apply for notarization of the will, the testator shall fill in the notarization application form and submit valid identity documents, marriage status certificates, ownership certificates of the real estate and movable property involved in the will, identity certificates of the beneficiaries of the will, etc. If the beneficiaries of the will are close relatives of the testator, they shall also provide relationship certificates. (2) Review According to Article 17 of the Detailed Rules for the Notarization of Wills, the notary office examines whether the testator has full civil capacity and whether the declaration of will is true; Whether the property disposed of by the testator is jointly owned; Whether the content of the will violates the legal provisions and social public interests, whether the content is complete, whether the written description is accurate, and whether the signature and the date of making the will are complete; Whether the certificate handling procedure meets the requirements. (3) Issuing notarial certificate If it passes the examination, the notary office shall issue a notarial certificate within the prescribed time limit. It is certainly possible to revoke a will after notarization if certain legal conditions are met, but the party concerned needs to make an application as soon as possible, or its effect needs to be discussed. I believe you can understand more clearly after reading

I would like to ask what should be paid attention to when signing the purchase contract

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Legal Counsel Recent reply:

1. Review Developer It is necessary to check whether the developer has the pre-sale permit of commercial housing, land use permit, planning permit, construction project permit, etc. This is the key to whether the buyer can apply for the property certificate. 2. Model Contract The standard housing purchase and sale contract text uniformly printed by the real estate management department shall be adopted and filled in item by item according to the terms listed in the text. Never be careless. 3. Rights and obligations Pay attention to whether the rights and obligations in the contents filled by both parties in the contract terms are equal. 4. House area If you choose to confirm the area and deal with the area difference based on the building area of the suite, you should specify the treatment method when the area error occurs in the "area difference treatment" clause. 5. Delivery date When signing the contract, the buyer must clearly specify the delivery date as "a certain date, a certain month, a certain year", and indicate the responsibility of the developer for failing to deliver the house on time. 6. Modify contract terms When signing the contract, attention should be paid to the fact that the developer should put forward his own opinions on the modification of the terms that he believes are unreasonable. If the buyer's interests cannot be guaranteed in the contract, and the developer does not agree to the modification or supplement, the buyer has the right to choose a new developer and property.

I would like to ask what should be paid attention to when purchasing the housing reform house

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Legal Counsel Recent reply:

(1) Understand the ownership Before the transaction, the buyer should confirm whether the original unit is allowed to resell and understand the nature of the house. Because most of the public housing units retain the right of first repurchase when they carry out housing reform, and know whether they have made up the apportioned expenses according to the cost price. (2) Confirm the registered area and service life In the property ownership certificate, it includes the building area, use area, actual indoor area and other information. The property right certificate generally indicates the building area, house type, land use period and whether it has been supplemented and allocated. In addition, the land transfer fee is also a related fee that must be paid by the original owner. (3) Understand the house background and surrounding environment

What is the divorce procedure for de facto marriage

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Legal Counsel Recent reply:

My brother and sister-in-law have not been able to apply for a marriage certificate because they are not old enough. They have been together for two years. They both live in the name of husband and wife, which is a recognized fact of marriage. They have a child who is two years old. But now because my sister-in-law has a bad temper, the two people often quarrel, and now they still say they want to divorce, but they are actually married. How can they divorce?

You can ask about the process of responding to disputes over sales contracts

 Legal Advisor

Legal Counsel Recent reply:

Conclusion: Follow the litigation process. Resolution: Generally speaking, the first instance procedure of contract disputes consists of the following parts, and the specific implementation process can refer to the following process: 1. To file a lawsuit is to submit a petition to the case filing division of the court with jurisdiction. 2. Case filing review If the conditions for filing a case are met, the party concerned shall be notified to pay the legal fees, and the case shall be filed after paying the fees; If the case does not meet the conditions for filing, it shall be ruled not to accept. If you are not satisfied with the decision to dismiss the lawsuit, you should appeal to the people's court at a higher level within 10 days. After acceptance, the court shall serve a copy of the statement of complaint to the other party within 5 days, and the other party shall reply within 15 days, notify the party to exchange evidence, and make a property preservation ruling according to the party's application, and immediately start the execution. 3. Set aside a court session Inform the parties of the time, place and undertaker of the hearing 3 days in advance; The public hearing of cases shall be announced 3 days in advance. 4. Hearing Announce the hearing, check the identity of the parties, announce the members of the collegial panel, inform the parties of their rights and obligations, and ask whether to apply for withdrawal. Court investigation: the parties state the facts of the case. Providing evidence and cross examination: informing the rights and obligations of the witness, giving testimony, reading out the testimony of the witness who did not appear in court, and showing documentary evidence, material evidence and audio-visual materials; Both parties express their opinions on the evidence materials. Court debate: the parties argue and demonstrate the disputed facts and legal issues. Court mediation: under the auspices of the court, both parties agree to resolve the dispute. If a mediation agreement is reached, a mediation statement shall be prepared and come into force after the parties sign for it. The parties shall fulfill the contents of the mediation statement or apply for execution; If no mediation agreement is reached, the collegial panel shall make a ruling (judgment). 5. Sentencing Agree to the judgment, and the parties automatically perform the obligations specified in the document or apply for execution; If you disagree with the referee, you need to treat it differently according to the situation: Ruling: appeal to the people's court at a higher level within 10 days from the date of service; Judgment: appeal to the people's court at a higher level within 15 days from the date of service. Legal basis: Article 141 of the Civil Procedure Law The court investigation shall be conducted in the following order: (1) Statement of the parties; (2) Inform the witnesses of their rights and obligations, give testimony, and read out the testimony of witnesses who are not present in court; (3) Present documentary evidence, physical evidence, audio-visual materials and electronic data; (4) Read out the appraisal opinions; (5) Read out the records of the inquest.

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