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 Consumer protection

Consumer protection

People will buy goods or services in their daily life, which will involve consumption no matter what. Some people may suffer from consumption infringement when consuming, so how should we, as consumers, safeguard our legitimate rights and interests? The diagram will introduce the details for you next.

 Property damage compensation

Property damage compensation

In practice, there are many cases of property damage, and our laws have also made corresponding provisions on the compensation of property damage. Specifically, it includes property damage compensation standards, identification, legal basis, etc. The following diagram will give you a detailed introduction.

 False propaganda

False propaganda

In real life, some businesses often use false publicity to promote their products in order to make their products have broad influence. In fact, this kind of behavior is illegal, and in serious cases, they need to bear legal responsibility. What are the legal responsibilities of false publicity specifically?

 Compensation standard for personal injury

Compensation standard for personal injury

If the infringement of others causes harm to the victim, the victim can claim damages from the infringer. The amount of compensation should be determined by reference to the personal injury compensation standard, but the personal injury compensation standard is different in different places. The following is an introduction to the standard of compensation for personal injury

 Model Claim Letter

Model Claim Letter

In real life, when our rights are infringed by others, we can send a letter of claim to the infringer and ask the other party to make compensation. When it comes to the letter of claim, everyone knows how to write the letter of claim effectively? The following small edition of the legal chart introduces different types of claim letter models for your reference.

 Consumer protection

Consumer protection

People will buy goods or services in their daily life, which will involve consumption no matter what. Some people may suffer from consumption infringement when consuming, so how should we, as consumers, safeguard our legitimate rights and interests? The diagram will introduce the details for you next.

 Property damage compensation

Property damage compensation

In practice, there are many cases of property damage, and our laws have also made corresponding provisions on the compensation of property damage. Specifically, it includes property damage compensation standards, identification, legal basis, etc. The following diagram will give you a detailed introduction.

 claim demage

claim demage

In real life, if the damage is caused by the infringement of others, the victim can claim compensation from the infringer. When it comes to claims, do you know how to write the application for claims and how to pay for a project claim? Let's solve these questions for you.

 Infringement of reputation

Infringement of reputation

Infringement of others' reputation rights includes insult, slander and other forms. For those whose reputation rights have been infringed, they can investigate the legal responsibility of the infringer, ask him to stop the infringement, make an apology, and also ask the other party to make corresponding compensation.

Encyclopedia of other damages laws

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