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 How much is the pre marital examination

How much is the pre marital examination

Although our country has cancelled premarital physical examination, many young men and women will take the initiative to go to the hospital for premarital examination for the sake of the health of the next generation. At this time, many people have questions about how much is the pre marital examination? For the knowledge of how much the premarital examination costs, please see the legal chart below.

 Standard of alimony

Standard of alimony

China's laws clearly stipulate that parents have the obligation to support their children, so even if the couple divorce and the children live with one party, the other party must also pay certain maintenance fees. Do you know how to determine the standard of alimony? The following part of the legal chart gives you answers, hoping to help you.

 Conjugal property

Conjugal property

The joint property of husband and wife refers to the property jointly owned by the husband and wife during the duration of the husband and wife relationship. Husband and wife have equal rights to dispose of jointly owned property. Then, how to determine the joint property of husband and wife, what is the content of the joint property of husband and wife, and how to divide the joint property in divorce?

 How much is the pre marital examination

How much is the pre marital examination

Although our country has cancelled premarital physical examination, many young men and women will take the initiative to go to the hospital for premarital examination for the sake of the health of the next generation. At this time, many people have questions about how much is the pre marital examination? For the knowledge of how much the premarital examination costs, please see the legal chart below.



China's Civil Code stipulates that parents have the obligation to support and educate their children; Children have the obligation to support their parents. It is natural for children to support their parents, and their obligation to support their parents will not change for any reason.

 Premarital bond

Premarital bond

Pre marital guarantee is very common between men and women. Before marriage, women often ask men to write a pre marital guarantee to make relevant commitments. Do you know how to write a pre marital guarantee? The editor of the legal chart introduced the relevant knowledge of the premarital guarantee, hoping to help everyone.

 Rural betrothal gifts

Rural betrothal gifts

In today's society, many rural areas still have the custom of bride price, that is, when men and women talk about marriage, the man must give the woman a certain bride price. So many people want to know how much the bride price is in rural areas? The Little Editor of the Law Chart introduced the rural betrothal gifts, hoping to help everyone.

 Standard of alimony

Standard of alimony

China's laws clearly stipulate that parents have the obligation to support their children, so even if the couple divorce and the children live with one party, the other party must also pay certain maintenance fees. Do you know how to determine the standard of alimony? The following part of the legal chart gives you answers, hoping to help you.

 Inheritance fee

Inheritance fee

Today, I would like to introduce some knowledge about inheritance fees, such as how much is the notarization fee for inheritance, how much is the litigation fee for inheritance disputes, and the specific contents of the relevant regulations on the standards of inheritance fees. I hope these contents can help you, let's get to know!


 The woman filed for divorce

The woman filed for divorce

When the woman proposes divorce, what are the precautions? Then who should the child belong to when the woman proposes divorce? What should the agreement be written when the woman proposes divorce? What should the man do if the woman proposes divorce? I hope these contents can help you. Come and learn more about it. More knowledge is in the legal encyclopedia!


 Legacy law

Legacy law

There are no laws and regulations called "Inheritance Law" in China. For the legal provisions on inheritance, refer to the relevant provisions of the Inheritance Part of the Civil Code, which regulates the civil relations arising from inheritance. Now, I will introduce you some knowledge about heritage through the legal chart.

Other encyclopedia of marriage and family law

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