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home page > legal advice > Beijing Legal Consulting > Chaoyang District Legal Consultation > Chaoyang District debt investigation legal consultation > I applied for a mortgage loan for the bank out of friendship, and the guarantor is the actual user. How is this debt transferred?

I applied for a mortgage loan for the bank out of friendship, and the guarantor is the actual user. How is this debt transferred?

186****0663 Beijing Chaoyang District Debt investigation and consultation 2019.12.30 21:05:41 482 people reading

I applied to the bank for friendship mortgage guarantee It is the actual user. such debt How to transfer

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Best reply
Region: Beijing Chaoyang District Answer: 219136

You need to deal with it according to the contract. If negotiation fails, you can file a lawsuit. Breach of contract may be handled in accordance with the following provisions, Contract Law: Article 107 Where a party fails to perform its contractual obligations or performs its contractual obligations in a manner inconsistent with the agreement, it shall bear the liability for breach of contract, such as continuing to perform, taking remedial measures or compensating for losses. Article 108 If a party expressly states or indicates by its own conduct that it will not perform its contractual obligations, the other party may require it to bear liability for breach of contract before the expiration of the time limit for performance.

2019-12-30 22:07:07 Reply
Region: Beijing Chaoyang District Consultation answer: 51850

Hello! Can be transferred

2020-01-02 16:08:27 Reply
Region: Beijing Haidian District Answers: 74156

I applied for a mortgage loan for the bank out of friendship, and the guarantor is the actual user. It can be agreed

2019-12-30 21:39:51 Reply
Region: Beijing Haidian District Consultation answer: 102672

Hello, debt cannot be transferred

2019-12-31 09:42:22 Reply
Region: Heilongjiang Harbin Consultation answer: 4780

Debt cannot be transferred.

2019-12-30 21:07:02 Reply
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