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When sister is frisked, is it an infringement of reputation or privacy?

Zou** Shanxi Yuncheng Reputation Consultation 2019.08.15 05:04:42 1569 people read

Hello, my sister was frisked at the intersection. My sister felt that her reputation had been infringed. She sued the person who frisked her body to the court. My sister was frisked. Generally, she was Infringement of reputation Or privacy?

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Body search is an infringement of citizens' personal freedom and reputation rights.
Because the right of personal freedom of citizens refers to the right that citizens have their own control and control over their bodies and are not subject to arrest, detention, search and infringement without legal procedures; The right of reputation refers to the right enjoyed by citizens or legal persons to obtain social fair evaluation on the social value of their own characteristics. The right of privacy is the right of privacy in personal life. It refers to the right that citizens want to conceal personal matters that do not harm the society and cannot disclose them without their permission. Body searching only infringes upon citizens' right to personal freedom and their right to reputation.
Of course, unless you find some physical defects in the process of forced illegal body search, which belongs to personal privacy, and it is disclosed, there will be an invasion of privacy.

2019-08-15 05:06:42 Reply
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Body search is an infringement of citizens' personal freedom and reputation rights. Because the right of personal freedom of citizens refers to the right that citizens have their own control and control over their bodies and are not subject to arrest, detention, search and infringement without legal procedures; The right of reputation refers to the right enjoyed by citizens or legal persons to obtain social fair evaluation on the social value of their own characteristics. The right of privacy is the right of privacy in personal life. It refers to the right that citizens want to conceal personal matters that do not harm the society and cannot disclose them without their permission. Body searching only infringes upon citizens' right of personal freedom and their right of reputation. Of course, unless you find some physical defects in the process of forced illegal body search, which belongs to personal privacy, and it is disclosed, there will be an invasion of privacy.

Body search is an infringement of citizens' personal freedom and reputation rights. Because the right of personal freedom of citizens refers to the right that citizens have their own control and control over their bodies and are not subject to arrest, detention, search and infringement without legal procedures; The right of reputation refers to the right enjoyed by citizens or legal persons to obtain social fair evaluation on the social value of their own characteristics. The right of privacy is the right of privacy in personal life. It refers to the right that citizens want to conceal personal matters that do not harm the society and cannot disclose them without their permission. Body searching only infringes upon citizens' right to personal freedom and their right to reputation. Of course, unless you find some physical defects in the process of forced illegal body search, which belongs to personal privacy, and it is disclosed, there will be an invasion of privacy.

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