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home page > legal advice > Beijing Legal Consulting > Chaoyang District Legal Consultation > Legal consultation within the acceptance scope of Chaoyang District > In the insurance dispute case, the lawyer was given 30000 yuan. However, the case has not been filed for more than a year. I won't call now. Give it to the lawyer

In the insurance dispute case, the lawyer was given 30000 yuan. However, the case has not been filed for more than a year. I won't call now. Give it to the lawyer

181****9067 Beijing Chaoyang District Consultation on acceptance scope 2018.07.16 16:41:37 527 people read

The insurance dispute case started lawyer 30000 yuan. however Filing a case I haven't stood up for more than a year. I won't call now. Give it to the lawyer In the insurance dispute case, the lawyer was given 30000 yuan. However, the case has not been filed for more than a year. I don't call now. Can I get the money back for the lawyer

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Best reply
Region: Beijing Chaoyang District Answer: 58757

It is suggested that the matter can be settled through negotiation. If the negotiation fails, the agreement in the entrustment agreement signed by you shall prevail.

2018-07-16 17:09:57 Reply
Region: Beijing Chaoyang District Answers: 38805

Need to negotiate

2018-07-17 10:23:27 Reply
Region: Beijing Haidian District Consultation answer: 102672

Hello, according to the agreement in the entrustment agreement signed by you

2018-07-16 22:30:34 Reply

The case can be filed if there are clear plaintiffs and defendants plus basic evidence materials

Ren Yinhao, lawyer
thirteen billion one hundred and ninety-five million six hundred and eighteen thousand eight hundred and ninety-six
Consult me Answered four thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine Legal advice>

The case can be filed, as long as there is a clear defendant, a clear claim and corresponding evidence.

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  • User * * * *'s comments: Lawyer Li Fengni:

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  • User * * * * comments Lawyer Cao Liu:

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  • User * * * * Comments Guo Peiyuan Lawyer:

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