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home page > legal advice > Hebei Legal Consulting > Shijiazhuang Legal Consultation > Shijiazhuang Social Security Dispute Legal Consultation > I belong to the temporary labor company in our company and pay five insurances. I'm going to produce now. Can I apply for any treatment?

I belong to the temporary labor company in our company and pay five insurances. I'm going to produce now. Can I apply for any treatment?

ask****123 Hebei Shijiazhuang Consultation on social security disputes 2024.07.03 08:16:49 438 people read

Hello, I belong to temporary worker The company has paid five insurances. I'm going to produce now. Can I apply for any treatment

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thirteen billion one hundred and twenty-six million one hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred and eighty (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Hebei Shijiazhuang Answers: 3851

Hello, you can enjoy paid maternity leave

2024-07-03 09:37:30 Reply

After the pension insurance has been paid for 15 years, when the retirement age is reached, you can handle retirement and receive pension. The medical insurance is entitled to medical insurance benefits since the next month of payment. This insurance type is paid continuously and cannot be interrupted. If the maternity insurance has been paid for more than one year (without interruption) and complies with the national maternity policy, you can enjoy the maternity insurance benefits. The work-related injury insurance shall enjoy the benefits from the next month after payment. For unemployment insurance, if the employer and the employee have paid unemployment insurance premiums for one year before unemployment, and the employment has been interrupted without their own will, and unemployment registration has been carried out, they can apply for unemployment compensation. The provident fund does not belong to the business of Linyi Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. We do not know its policies and regulations. It is recommended to contact the provident fund management department for clarification.

Five insurances and one fund should be paid.
According to the Regulations on Personnel Management of Public Institutions:
Article 32 The State establishes a wage system for public institutions that combines incentives and constraints. The salaries of staff in public institutions include basic salaries, performance salaries and subsidies. The salary distribution of public institutions shall combine the characteristics of public institutions in different industries and reflect the factors such as post responsibilities, work performance and actual contributions.
Article 33 The State shall establish a mechanism for the normal increase of the salaries of the staff of institutions. The salary level of the staff of public institutions shall be in harmony with the development of the national economy and adapt to social progress.
Article 34 The staff members of public institutions shall enjoy the welfare benefits prescribed by the State. Institutions shall implement the working hour system and leave system stipulated by the State.
Article 35 Institutions and their staff members shall participate in social insurance according to law, and their staff members shall enjoy social insurance benefits according to law.
According to the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China:
Article 58 The employing unit shall apply to the social insurance agency for social insurance registration for its employees within 30 days from the date of employment. If social insurance registration is not handled, the social insurance agency shall verify the social insurance premiums that should be paid.
Individual businesses without employees who voluntarily participate in social insurance, part-time employees who do not participate in social insurance in the employing unit and other flexible employees shall apply to the social insurance agency for social insurance registration

After the pension insurance has been paid for 15 years, when the retirement age is reached, you can handle retirement and receive pension. The medical insurance is entitled to medical insurance benefits since the next month of payment. This insurance type is paid continuously and cannot be interrupted. If the maternity insurance has been paid for more than one year (without interruption) and complies with the national maternity policy, you can enjoy the maternity insurance benefits. The work-related injury insurance shall enjoy the benefits from the next month after payment. For unemployment insurance, if the employer and the employee have paid unemployment insurance premiums for one year before unemployment, and the employment has been interrupted without their own will, and unemployment registration has been carried out, they can apply for unemployment compensation. The provident fund does not belong to the business of Linyi Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. We do not know its policies and regulations. It is recommended to contact the provident fund management department for clarification.

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