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At present, the meniscus has been operated on for Grade 3 injury, and most of them have been removed?

ask****921 Shaanxi Yan'an Personal infringement consultation 2024.07.02 12:03:44 442 people reading

At present, the meniscus has grade 3 injuries, and has been operated on, most of which have been removed

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thirteen billion four hundred and sixty-eight million eight hundred and sixty-five thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Shaanxi Xi'an Consultation answer: 1018

This is for disability assessment, Grade 9 or Grade 10

2024-07-02 14:41:59 Reply
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eighteen billion forty-nine million four hundred and twenty-two thousand five hundred and ten (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Shaanxi Xi'an Consultation answer: 1976

Hello, I can help you here

2024-07-02 12:28:48 Reply

[Legal Opinion]
The specific grade shall be determined according to the Appraisal Standard of Human Injury Degree according to the actual situation.
[Legal Basis]
Judicial Interpretation of Personal Injury Compensation
Article 25 Disability compensation shall be calculated for 20 years from the date of determination of disability according to the degree of incapacity or disability level of the victim, and the per capita disposable income of urban residents or per capita net income of rural residents in the previous year in the place where the lawsuit is filed. However, for those over 60 years of age, one year will be reduced for each additional year of age; If they are over 75 years old, they shall be counted as five years.
If the victim is disabled due to injury but his actual income has not decreased, or if his disability level is relatively low but his employment is seriously affected due to occupational hindrance, the disability compensation may be adjusted accordingly.

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