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I was involved in that accident before, and then I never came to see me?

ask****005 Jiangsu Wuxi Traffic accident appraisal consultation 2024.07.02 09:32:04 343 people read

It was I who had a car accident before and never came to me

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thirteen billion eight hundred and six million one hundred and seventy-two thousand eight hundred and one (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Jiangsu Wuxi Answer: 31213

How long has it been? The other party's injury and accident liability division

2024-07-02 11:51:31 Reply
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thirteen billion three hundred and six million one hundred and thirty-seven thousand five hundred and twenty-five (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Jiangsu Suzhou Consultation answer: 12901

Hello, is it convenient to talk about it specifically

2024-07-02 09:57:23 Reply
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eighteen billion seven hundred and fifty-one million five hundred and eighty-one thousand and eighty-five (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Jiangsu Wuxi Consultation answer: 1723

Hello, can you communicate specifically?

2024-07-02 09:34:58 Reply

1 Open the mobile phone desktop and log in to WeChat A. 2 Enter the WeChat interface, click the search bar above and enter "Tencent Customer Service" to enter the Tencent public account. 3 Then enter "Cancel Complaint" in the dialog box. There are four types displayed by customer service. Click each type of Undo to view the reply. 4 The reply shows that the public platform and WeChat function complaints cannot be withdrawn at present. WeChat payment and D type can be revoked. 5 Click the blue font "Click here" to fill in the information. 6 Fill in the information page, enter the problem type, role selection, problem occurrence date, and problem description, then upload the relevant screenshot, and finally click Submit. 7 The "Submitted Successfully" page appears, indicating that the withdrawal complaint has been accepted, and you can wait patiently for the result.

It is recommended to handle the case through consultation. If consultation fails, the case can be brought to court

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