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Can I get a passport without going abroad?

pub****782 Sichuan Chengdu Immigration and study abroad consultation 2024.07.01 14:07:33 363 people read

Can I get a passport without going abroad

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seventeen billion three hundred and eighteen million six hundred and fifty-two thousand and thirteen (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Sichuan Chengdu Consultation answer: 5522

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2024-07-01 14:17:47 Reply

Yes, as long as the travel permit has not expired. The travel permit is the same size as the passport. Except for personal information, it is a blank visa page. In principle, blank travel certificates can only be used for returning to China, and transnational travel is not allowed. For example, if a blank travel permit has been issued at the Chinese Embassy in Italy, we will only be allowed to return from Italy. They only hold non visa travel permits, and are not allowed to go to other countries except Italy without special reasons. It can ensure your smooth return from the local. At the same time, it should be noted that the blank travel certificate must be used together with the copy of the passport and the passport loss certificate issued by the police of the host country. Only a blank travel permit is presented without special instructions. The document checker will still think that you have a blank passport. Without a police certificate, you will still be considered to have entered the country illegally with a blank passport. Therefore, the passport loss certificate issued by the police is very important and must not be lost. In addition, it is possible to go to another country with a blank travel certificate, but you must have a good reason. The so-called good reason is that the only reason for you to go to this country is to stop and return home. If you return home, the customs officers will release you to go to this country, but in addition to showing your travel certificate, passport copy, visa copy and police loss certificate, You should also show your return ticket from the destination country.

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