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Lawyer Xu Weidong

Focusing on the field of marriage inheritance for 22 years, Beijing's "Top Ten Lawyers in Marriage and Family Law", President of the "Marriage and Family Law Research Association" of Haidian District Lawyers Association, "Excellent Professional Lawyers" of Haidian District, and "Excellent Lawyer Party Members" have undertaken typical cases in recent two years. 1. The divorce case between Ms. Wang of Beijing and her husband, who served as the chairman of a large foreign trade company in Beijing, Divide eight houses (including two villas) of the couple's common property and RMB 60 million in cash; The liquidation case of Mr. Liu in Tangshan, Hebei, saved more than 80% of the company's property, worth tens of millions of yuan; 2. Rectification of real estate (villa) sales contract between Mr. Zhang in Shanghai and Ms. Li in Beijing

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Lawyer of Beijing Yingke Law Firm

fifteen billion seven hundred and eleven million two hundred and ninety-two thousand six hundred and ninety-nine

What if the other party doesn't pay after divorce?

ask****010 Ningxia Shizuishan Divorce counseling 2024.07.01 06:39:11 493 people read

divorce What should I do if the other party doesn't pay

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eighteen billion one hundred and ninety-five million one hundred and sixty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-one (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Ningxia Yinchuan Answer: 29441

Hello, is divorce an agreement

2024-07-01 10:19:01 Reply
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thirteen billion six hundred and nineteen million five hundred and eighty-three thousand eight hundred and ninety-five (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Ningxia Yinchuan Answers: 24031

If you want to pay the judgment, apply for enforcement.

2024-07-01 09:09:55 Reply
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