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Can you help me check a person's information?

ask****289 Jiangsu Zhenjiang Personal debt consultation 2024.06.30 15:25:06 355 people read

Hello, can you help me check a person's information

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eighteen billion eight hundred and sixty-two million three hundred and thirty-eight thousand and eighty-six (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Jiangsu Suzhou Consultation answer: 16749

Hello, tell me more about the specific situation.

2024-06-30 16:22:09 Reply

Without legal procedures, others have no right to inquire, which involves personal information, and personal information is protected.
Criminal Law
Article 253-1 Whoever, in violation of the relevant regulations of the State, sells or provides citizens' personal information to others, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention and shall also, or shall only, be fined; If the circumstances are especially serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined.
Whoever, in violation of the relevant provisions of the State, sells or provides citizens' personal information obtained in the course of performing his duties or providing services to others shall be given a heavier punishment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
In case of stealing or illegally obtaining citizens' personal information by other means
The punishment specified in the first paragraph.
If a unit commits the crimes mentioned in the preceding three paragraphs, it shall be fined, and

The answer is as follows. You can check on the "National Driving License Violation Query" website and enter the area code, driver's license number and name. Also available: local traffic management information network: traffic management bureau violation query provides you with illegal vehicle and driver violation query function. In this system, users can query illegal driving license through vehicle license plate number, driver's file number, driver's license number and other information. After entering the query, The system will list all the unprocessed illegal records of the vehicle or driver queried by the user in the form of a list. Driver's License Query System The driver's license query system collects and collates the nationally authoritative vehicle driver's license number query, driver's license authenticity query, and driver's credit query. At present, it has collated the driver's license query information of 240 cities in 33 provinces, municipalities, and cities in China. It is the most complete and updated comprehensive page for driver's license query in the Guodan Power Survey, Jiayao, Huang Qiwei, and Chaolian. The official driving license is a professional verification platform for traffic violation inquiry, driving license, motor vehicle, ID card and illegal information.

Why check the girlfriend's identity information? This involves personal privacy, which cannot be checked casually, and you are just friends now. If you want to check someone else, it shows that the trust foundation is very poor. Consider whether it is appropriate for two people to be together?

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Format of IOU
one hundred and sixty-one thousand and eighty-five Human Reading

IOUs are very common in private lending. In order to protect our legal rights and ensure the legal validity of IOUs, it is important to know how to write IOUs that will have legal validity, how to write formal IOUs, and what is the standard format of handwritten IOUs. Now let's introduce it to everyone and learn about it!

Model of Personal Loan Application
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It is very common to buy a car and a house with a loan. Loan consumption has become very common. How to write a bank's personal loan application, a breeding poverty alleviation loan application, and a personal car loan application? I hope these contents can help you!

How to write the IOU
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When you lend money to others, you should make a note, which is what we often call a receipt of loan. Then how to write a receipt of loan is protected by law, how to write a cash receipt, and how to write a mortgage receipt. More information can be found in the legal encyclopedia column!

Format template of IOU
sixty-one thousand six hundred and sixty-nine Human Reading

In life, relatives and friends will come to you to borrow money. Talking about money may not hurt feelings, but it is also very important to write an IOU and keep it, so as to avoid trouble in the future. Today, in the legal chart encyclopedia column, let's introduce the format model of IOU for everyone to understand!

Standard format of debit note
three hundred and ninety-two thousand five hundred and twenty-six Human Reading

First of all, we should find a piece of paper with good quality and thick thickness, and it should be a complete piece of paper. The IOU should clearly write these contents: lender, currency, loan amount, purpose, interest rate, repayment time, and borrower. If there is a certifier or guarantor, ask him to sign his name, but specify whether it is the certifier or the guarantor to avoid disputes. Come and find out about it!

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