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home page > legal advice > Jiangsu Legal Consulting > Suzhou Legal Consulting > Suzhou Wage and Welfare Legal Consultation > I want to tell you about my situation. I worked in a small factory and didn't want to do it. But the boss asked me to wait for a long time to pay the salary after I finished the selection?

I want to tell you about my situation. I worked in a small factory and didn't want to do it. But the boss asked me to wait for a long time to pay the salary after I finished the selection?

pub****548 Jiangsu Suzhou Salary and welfare consultation 2024.06.28 13:25:35 374 people read

Hello, I want to talk about my situation I work in a small factory and I don't want to do it anymore, but I have to choose products that need to be damaged wages I was delayed for a long time

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eighteen billion eight hundred and sixty million nine hundred and twenty thousand seven hundred and ninety-two (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Jiangsu Suzhou Consultation answer: 1681

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2024-06-28 13:25:42 Reply

Article 24 of the Provisions on the Management of Medical Records of Medical Institutions (2013 Edition), when it is necessary to seal the medical records according to law, the medical records shall be jointly confirmed and the copies of the medical records shall be signed in the presence of the medical institutions or their entrusted agents, patients or their agents. When a medical institution applies for sealing medical records, it shall inform the patient or his agent to seal the medical records together; However, if the patient or his/her agent refuses or gives up to seal the medical record, the medical institution may confirm the medical record under the notarization of the notary institution, and the notary institution shall sign and seal the copy of the medical record. Article 16 of the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents, implemented on September 1, 2002, in case of medical accident disputes, the discussion records of death cases, difficult cases, superior physician rounds, consultation opinions, and course records should be sealed and unsealed in the presence of both doctors and patients. The sealed medical records can be photocopies and kept by medical institutions.

Collect evidence and apply to the labor arbitration committee for payment of labor remuneration by the arbitration company. If it can be proved that the company intentionally terminates the labor contract without reason, it can also apply for arbitration compensation.
Labor Contract Law
Article 48 [Legal Consequences of Illegally Terminating or Terminating a Labor Contract] If an employer terminates or terminates a labor contract in violation of the provisions of this Law, and the employee requests to continue to perform the labor contract, the employer shall continue to perform it; If the laborer does not request to continue to perform the labor contract or the labor contract has been unable to continue to perform, the employing unit shall pay compensation in accordance with the provisions of Article 87 of this Law.

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