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home page > legal advice > Guangxi Legal Consulting > Guilin Legal Consulting > Guilin Other Infringement Legal Consultation > That is to say, the investment is 33500, and then it will return to 1200w in three years. What about the western development in Guangxi?

That is to say, the investment is 33500, and then it will return to 1200w in three years. What about the western development in Guangxi?

pub****912 Guangxi Guilin Other infringement consultation 2024.06.28 11:06:09 429 people read

That is to say, the investment is 33500, and then it will return to 1200w in three years. What about the western development in Guangxi

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thirteen billion three hundred and eighty-seven million seven hundred and thirty-five thousand two hundred and twenty-nine (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangxi Guilin Answers: 629

Hello, what project has such a high rate of return? I remind you to be vigilant to prevent being cheated.

2024-06-28 13:05:32 Reply
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eighteen billion three hundred and seventy-eight million three hundred and nine thousand two hundred and ninety-seven (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangxi Guilin Answers: 106

From the perspective of the contract, I can see that you can't prepare a judgment for you if you talk so simply.

2024-06-28 11:07:32 Reply
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