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Can I not pay the money I owe for playing cards?

pub****844 Shaanxi Xi'an Consultation on debt recovery 2024.06.28 03:08:20 383 people read

Can I not pay the money I owe for playing cards

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fifteen billion eight hundred and twenty-nine million sixty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty-two (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Shaanxi Xi'an Consultation answer: 4934

Yes, this is illegal income and can not be returned

2024-06-28 03:11:23 Reply

Beijing brand cars can not be transferred together with the brand now. The ownership transfer of second-hand cars in Beijing can be carried out in all cities in the city as long as the emissions reach the national standard.
1. The certificates required by the original owner of the second-hand car transfer include: registration certificate, driving license, ID card and other certificates. The car buyer needs to provide an ID card, and a residence card or temporary residence certificate is required if the car is registered in a foreign country (not required if the car is moved to the registered permanent residence).
2. After providing the procedures for both parties, go to the local vehicle management office where the original vehicle is located to pick up files. After all the procedures are completed, return to Beijing.
3. Vehicles need to be evaluated, and the evaluation fee is generally charged at 1% - 2% of the evaluated price. Other fees are about 165 yuan for license plates, driving licenses, etc.

In accordance with the Motor Vehicle Type Terms and Definitions GA802-2008, the distinction standard for freight cars, with a body length of less than 6 meters, a total mass of less than 4500kg, and a verified load capacity of more than 2000kg, are small and mini trucks, with blue license plates, and other yellow, yellow and blue license plates:
1. Requirements for driver's license: yellow license cars can only be driven with a B license or above, and blue license cars can be driven with a C license or above;
2. Traffic restrictions: yellow card vehicles need to apply for a pass to enter the urban area; Blue brand cars can be operated in urban areas at will;
3. Charging standard: more for yellow card cars, less for blue card cars;
4. Vehicle inspection period: yellow card vehicles need to apply for an operation certificate, which shall be reviewed once a quarter annually; Blue brand cars do not need to apply for an operation certificate, which is reviewed once every two years.

The answer is as follows:,
1、 Can I buy and sell license plates? At present, the state stipulates that all vehicles must change their license plates after ownership transfer, which is to prevent speculation of license plate numbers. Unless the local government specifically approves some license plate numbers for auction, or individuals collude with insiders, in short, the number is worthless in the formal channel. According to the regulations, the original license plate number should continue to be used. First, the owner is required to own the vehicle for more than 3 years. Second, the original vehicle should be scrapped within 6 months, and there should be no road traffic safety violations, not to mention traffic accidents that have not been handled. Only then can the original license plate number continue to be used. At present, the license plate in Xiamen is linked to the owner's ID card information, and the license plate cannot be transferred separately. After the old car is sold, the buyer will choose a new license plate. If the owner sells or discards the car, the old car license plate can be transferred to the new car for use, but the old car and the new car owner must be the same person, and the license plate transfer must be completed within half a year.
2、 The procedures for the license plate on the vehicle are subject to the validity period of the temporary license plate. Generally, the license plate must be applied after 15 to 30 days. Go to the local vehicle management office to apply for a license plate. There are three opportunities to choose a number. Within three times, you can choose one of them to be your license plate number. The license plate can be handled across regions when buying a car. Different regions may apply for different license plates. Please consult the local vehicle management office for details. Certificates required for registration: ID card, car certificate, car parameter list, two and four copies of car invoice, car purchase tax, car insurance policy, car purchase invoice, car certificate, ID card or organization code card for invoicing and copies, compulsory traffic insurance policy, tax payment certificate, and temporary residence permit for outsiders. Procedures for getting on the vehicle and getting on the license plate:
1. Pay vehicle purchase tax and submit materials (copy of ID card or organization code certificate for invoicing, copy of vehicle qualification certificate, copy of the first copy of vehicle purchase invoice and tax return copy). However, the first copy of the invoice and the original of the vehicle certificate should be brought with you.
2. Get the registration application form and external inspection form.
3. Fill in the registration application form, take the certificate and application form to the environmental protection office to seal the environmental protection seal.
4. Take photos, grind codes, and print the parameter table of motor car, and indicate whether the inspection line is on the original certificate.
5. For external inspection, the inspection line is ready, and if not, the serial number is printed.
6. The number for filing, taking pictures, paying, going to the detection line 225, not going to 125.
7. Apply the license plate, stick the environmental protection card and get the driving license and vehicle registration certificate.

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