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home page > legal advice > Sichuan Legal Consulting > Chengdu Legal Consulting > Legal consultation on contract breach in Chengdu > 2. Company A and Company B signed a sales contract on September 12, 2023. Company A paid a deposit of 100000 yuan to Company B. The contract also agreed that if either party breaches the contract, it should pay 100000 yuan to the other party?

2. Company A and Company B signed a sales contract on September 12, 2023. Company A paid a deposit of 100000 yuan to Company B. The contract also agreed that if either party breaches the contract, it should pay 100000 yuan to the other party?

pub****235 Sichuan Chengdu Contract breach consultation 2024.06.26 10:37:35 316 people read

2. Signed by Company A and Company B on September 12, 2023 business contract The contract stipulates that on March 12, 2024, Company B will deliver 200 tons of cement to Company A, and the payment for goods will be 400000 yuan. Company A will pay Company B Deposit 100000 yuan. The contract also stipulates that if either party breaches the contract, it shall pay the other party Liquidated damages 100000 yuan. Later, due to the poor management of Company B, it was unable to perform its obligations on time as agreed in the contract. What is the maximum amount that Company A can ask Company B to pay? (Please write down the calculation process)

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thirteen billion eight hundred and eighty-two million two hundred and fifty-eight thousand four hundred and forty-nine (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Sichuan Chengdu Consultation answer: 943

Company A can require Company B to pay liquidated damages of 100000 yuan, and can require Company B to double the deposit of 200000 yuan, totaling 300000 yuan.

2024-06-26 11:32:41 Reply

[Legal Opinion]
When Party A signs the contract with Party B, the invoice issued by Party C is obviously inconsistent with the relevant tax regulations.
Guo Shui Fa No. 1995192 clearly states as follows: taxpayers who purchase goods or taxable services, pay transportation expenses, and the unit that pays must be consistent with the sales unit and the unit providing services that issued the deduction voucher before they can declare the input tax deduction, otherwise they will not be deducted.
The Provisional Regulations on Value Added Tax clearly stipulates that taxpayers selling goods or taxable services shall issue special VAT invoices to the purchasers, and indicate the sales amount and output tax amount respectively on the special VAT invoices.
Guo Shui Fa No. 1997134 clearly stipulates that in the transaction of goods, if the buyer obtains a special invoice issued by a third party from the seller, or obtains a special invoice from a place other than the place of sale, and declares tax deduction or applies for export tax refund to the tax authority, it shall be treated as tax evasion or defrauding of export tax refund, in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection And relevant regulations, and impose a fine of not more than five times the amount of tax evasion or fraud.

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