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home page > legal advice > Liaoning Legal Consulting > Tieling Legal Consultation > Tieling Social Security Dispute Legal Consultation > But the service life is not enough. It's the statutory retirement age this year. It's only been paid for 4 years now. I've been looking for it all the time. I haven't paid social security for 7 years, and I've worked in state-owned enterprises for 11 years?

But the service life is not enough. It's the statutory retirement age this year. It's only been paid for 4 years now. I've been looking for it all the time. I haven't paid social security for 7 years, and I've worked in state-owned enterprises for 11 years?

pub****229 Liaoning Tieling Consultation on social security disputes 2024.06.26 10:35:12 414 people reading

State owned enterprises have worked for 11 years, but they haven't paid for 7 years social security , I have been looking for it all the time. It has only been paid for 4 years now, and this year it is legal Retirement age Yes, but the number of years is not enough, and the company will not continue to pay. Can I find the company to give an explanation?

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thirteen billion nine hundred and ninety-eight million one hundred and fifty-six thousand nine hundred and twenty-two (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Liaoning Shenyang Consultation answer: 2018

Hello, I'll call you back later

2024-06-26 11:18:09 Reply

Hello, you can ask the employer to pay salary. According to the work situation, you can ask the employer to pay double salary compensation or paid annual leave salary and high temperature allowance. If you fail to pay social insurance, you can ask the employer to make up for it, and you can also ask for economic compensation. You can negotiate and communicate with the local labor and personnel dispute arbitration commission for settlement. If you fail, you can apply to the local labor and personnel dispute arbitration commission for labor arbitration.

Hello, I can't. All urban residents are 60 years old. Urban residents who have participated in urban residents' pension insurance and have reached the age of 60 can receive pension on a monthly basis. When the pension insurance rules for urban residents are implemented, those who have reached the age of 60 and have not enjoyed the basic pension insurance benefits for workers and other pension benefits limited by the state can receive basic pension on a monthly basis without paying fees; If the age of receiving is less than 15 years, the fees shall be paid annually, and shall also be paid in arrears. The accumulated fees shall not exceed 15 years; If the age of receiving is more than 15 years, the fee shall be paid annually, and the cumulative fee shall not be less than 15 years

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