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If my parents are in debt and I am their son, but my parents have divorced, can I buy a car?

pub****293 Sichuan Guang'an Couple debt consultation 2024.06.25 15:25:32 387 people read

If my parents are in debt, I am their son, but my parents have divorce Can I buy a car

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eighteen billion seven hundred and twenty-eight million six hundred and thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Sichuan Guang'an Consultation answer: 113

Parents' debt does not affect children's car purchase

2024-06-26 17:21:24 Reply
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thirteen billion nine hundred and eighty-three million five hundred and seventy-six thousand two hundred and eighty-nine (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Chongqing Jiulongpo District Consultation answer: 151

Hello, is it convenient to know the specific situation?

2024-06-25 16:04:24 Reply
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eighteen billion seven hundred and eighty-two million six hundred and eight thousand six hundred and eighty-eight (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Sichuan Guang'an Consultation answer: 54

Children are only responsible within the scope of inheriting their parents' property

2024-06-25 15:27:58 Reply

1、 Can parents ask their sons to repay their debts? There is no such provision in Chinese law. That is, children are not obliged to pay off their father's debts, unless they inherit the father's estate, then they are also inheriting his debts, and then they are obliged to return. If the father is alive and the children have their own economic income, each has his own property. Generally, children have no obligation to repay debts owed by fathers. But children have the obligation to support their father. If the father is normal and has to pay debts, such as debt due to his illness, debt due to repairing his own house, debt due to living expenses, etc., the children are duty bound to help the father pay the debt. If the father should not owe other debts, such as gambling debts, children do not need to pay debts for the father, but also help the father quit gambling. There is no need to repay gambling debts. This depends on the reason why the father owes debt, to determine whether to repay the debt for his father. If the father dies, it usually depends on the father's share of the estate. First, pay the father's debts, and then the legal heir inherits the father's estate. Whether the children repay the father's debts depends on the specific circumstances.
2、 Is it OK for the son to repay the debt owed by the parents? According to the inheritance law, the successor should pay off the taxes and debts that the decedent should pay according to law when inheriting the estate, and the payment of taxes and debts should be limited to the actual value of his estate. This restriction does not apply to the part exceeding the actual value of the estate that the heir voluntarily repays. If a successor waives inheritance, he may not be liable for the taxes and debts that the decedent should pay according to law. Inheritance of inheritance requires inheritance of debts, that is, if children inherit their inheritance after the death of their parents, they need to repay debts within the value of the inheritance. The children's personal property is not used to repay debts, or the father's gift is accepted, so the father has no choice but to repay debts, but also to repay debts on behalf of the father. In addition, the law expressly stipulates that gambling debts are not recognized. If only the IOU is not marked as gambling debts, then the IOU is valid when the evidence is insufficient.

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