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Do I have to be responsible for accidents if my classmates find a job in my home?

pub****082 Hubei Wuhan Consultation on project safety accident disputes 2024.06.19 19:51:24 319 people read

Do I have to be responsible for accidents if my classmates find a job in my home

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fifteen billion nine hundred and ninety-seven million four hundred and thirty-four thousand three hundred and fifteen (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Hubei Wuhan Consultation answer: 308

Do you charge? Free accommodation is a kind offer, and students who are adults need to be responsible for their own behavior.

2024-06-20 09:13:10 Reply
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eighteen billion eight million six hundred and fifty-eight thousand and ninety-three (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Hubei Wuhan Answers: 18

If you introduced the job and charged for it, you may be responsible for it. Otherwise, in general, it is unnecessary to bear the responsibility.

2024-06-19 21:03:24 Reply
Lawyer Gu Qian
eighteen billion six hundred and eleven million two hundred and one thousand five hundred and fifty-one
Consult me Answered two hundred and fourteen thousand one hundred and seventeen Legal advice>

According to your description, it may be suspected of fraud. If the circumstances are serious, it will constitute a criminal offence. It is recommended to make a careful decision.

The school bears the responsibility of education and management. For people without civil capacity, it is applicable to the liability of presumption of fault. That is to say, if people without civil capacity suffer personal damage at school, the school should bear the responsibility, but if the school can prove that it has fulfilled its educational management responsibility, it will not bear the responsibility; The person with limited civil capacity is the fault liability, and it needs to be proved that the school has not fulfilled its educational management responsibility. Generally speaking, it depends on the age of the students. Under the age of 8, the school should take responsibility; If you are 8-18 years old, you need to prove that the school has not fulfilled its educational management responsibility before the school assumes it; People over 18 are adults. As for the responsibility, it's hard to say clearly here

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