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Lawyer Xu Weidong

Focusing on the field of marriage inheritance for 22 years, Beijing's "Top Ten Lawyers in Marriage and Family Law", President of the "Marriage and Family Law Research Association" of Haidian District Lawyers Association, "Excellent Professional Lawyers" of Haidian District, and "Excellent Lawyer Party Members" have undertaken typical cases in recent two years. 1. The divorce case between Ms. Wang of Beijing and her husband, who served as the chairman of a large foreign trade company in Beijing, Divide eight houses (including two villas) of the couple's common property and RMB 60 million in cash; The liquidation case of Mr. Liu in Tangshan, Hebei, saved more than 80% of the company's property, worth tens of millions of yuan; 2. Rectification of real estate (villa) sales contract between Mr. Zhang in Shanghai and Ms. Li in Beijing

seventeen billion three hundred and three million two hundred and forty thousand eight hundred and fourteen

Shi Rui, lawyer

Lawyer of Beijing Yingke Law Firm

fifteen billion seven hundred and eleven million two hundred and ninety-two thousand six hundred and ninety-nine

If a soldier marries, the woman is married twice. Can you hide it when filling in the form?

ask****467 Liaoning Shenyang Marriage Counseling 2024.05.24 18:07:47 304 people read

If Military marriage , the woman is remarry Can you hide it when filling in the form?

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fifteen billion one hundred and four million five thousand five hundred and fifty-five (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Liaoning Shenyang Consultation answer: 159

Why did you find this after being barbaric? Isn't that a problem?

2024-05-25 Reply at 05:30:05
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thirteen billion three hundred and ninety million one hundred and seven thousand six hundred and one (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Liaoning Shenyang Consultation answer: 19904

Hello, please fill in the form truthfully.

Reply at 18:50:18 on May 24, 2024
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seventeen billion seven hundred and forty million sixty-four thousand four hundred and seventeen (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Liaoning Shenyang Consultation answer: 294

Hello, I can't hide this

2024-05-24 18:17:10 Reply

Generally, trust is the principle, but once found out, they can be immediately repatriated according to the seriousness of the case, and then prohibited from entering the country.
The US visa officer cannot verify whether a Chinese citizen has a criminal record. If such information is needed, the applicant can be required to provide a certificate of no criminal record or a notarial certificate issued by the public security organ. From the information required for processing a US visa, it is not necessary to prove that there is no criminal record, but it does not exclude special requirements for other matters.
Relevant materials: materials required for applying for a US visa:
The completed DS-160 application form is an invitation letter sent to relatives or friends in the United States, or a letter certifying that they have participated in a tourist group or conference.
(From March 1, 2010, DS-160 online application form will be fully used)
Documents proving the financial ability of the applicant or his relatives and friends in the United States, such as tax receipt or I-134 financial guarantee.
If the applicant has any previous medical history, he/she should show his/her travel or health insurance during his/her stay in the United States.
Two inch photos 2-4 other relevant supporting materials. Whether a valid passport (valid for more than half a year) can obtain a visa depends on the interview with the US consulate.

Does not belong to. False civil action refers to the act of an actor who, for the purpose of seeking illegal interests, alone or in collusion with others, forges evidence, fabricates facts or conceals the truth to bring a civil action, and defrauds the people's court of effective civil judgments. In Article 112 of the Civil Procedure Law, if the parties maliciously collude with each other and attempt to infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others through litigation, mediation or other means, the people's court shall reject their request and impose a fine or detention according to the seriousness of the case; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

The employer has no right to query the marital status of employees, but the employer can understand the basic information of employees directly related to the labor contract. According to Article 3 of the Labor Contract Law, the conclusion of a labor contract should follow the principles of legality, fairness, equality, voluntariness, consensus, honesty and credibility; In addition, according to the provisions of Article 8 of the Law, the employer has the right to know the basic information directly related to the labor contract when recruiting workers. The concealment of the true marital status of workers will disrupt the normal personnel arrangements of employers, affect their normal production and operation and cause additional costs. Therefore, the employee's concealment of his true marital status is suspected of fraud, and the employer can therefore terminate the labor contract with him without paying compensation.

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