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home page > legal advice > Guizhou Legal Consultation > Bijie Legal Consultation > Legal consultation on business disputes of Bijie Company > I have been used by the operating company. Can you help me recover it?

I have been used by the operating company. Can you help me recover it?

ask****865 Guizhou Bijie Consultation on business disputes 2024.05.24 16:09:02 492 people read

I have been used by the operating company. Can you help me recover it

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eighteen billion seven hundred and eighty-six million seven hundred and twenty-three thousand nine hundred and thirty-two (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guizhou Guiyang Answers: 4888

Hello, your situation has been roughly understood, and you can specify the specific situation to facilitate handling

2024-05-24 16:22:08 Reply
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sixteen billion seven hundred and sixty-eight million five hundred and forty-four thousand five hundred and fifty-five (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guizhou Guiyang Consultation answer: 1157

Hello, how much is involved? Is there a contract

2024-05-24 16:12:41 Reply
Consult me
eighteen billion six hundred and eighty-five million sixteen thousand six hundred and sixty-five (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guizhou Guiyang Answers: 36693

How much money is involved? Have you sued? For details, please call us for free

2024-05-24 16:10:54 Reply
Consult me
eighteen billion six hundred and eighty-five million seventeen thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guizhou Guiyang Consultation answer: 1733

Hello, how did you get the routine?

2024-05-24 16:09:32 Reply
Lawyer Liu Jingzhe
eighteen billion three hundred and forty-six million one hundred and seventy-nine thousand one hundred and eighty-four
Consult me Answered two thousand two hundred and forty-eight Legal advice>

Hello, you can make a comprehensive evaluation on whether the sentence can be commuted. The commutation should be proposed by the prison where you are, so you should first submit the application to the prison management department, and only those who are approved as qualified (so you need to communicate with the prison management department) can put forward the commutation proposal to the people's court.

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