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home page > legal advice > Shanxi Legal Consulting > Xinzhou Legal Consultation > Legal consultation on business disputes of Xinzhou Company > I was riding an electric bike on the motorway. The car in front of me didn't turn right without turning the turn signal. Whose responsibility did I meet?

I was riding an electric bike on the motorway. The car in front of me didn't turn right without turning the turn signal. Whose responsibility did I meet?

pub****456 Shanxi Xinzhou Consultation on business disputes 2024.05.18 12:02:20 484 people read

Hello, I was riding an electric bike on the motorway. The car in front didn't turn right without turning the turn signal. Whose responsibility did I meet

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fifteen billion seven hundred and thirty-five million nine hundred and twenty-eight thousand six hundred and eighteen (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Shanxi Taiyuan Answers: 232

Hello, call the police. The accident responsibility certificate issued by the traffic police department shall prevail.

2024-05-18 12:53:11 Reply

The traffic police department said that the Regulations for the Implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that vehicles that have crossed the stop line can continue to pass when the yellow light flashes at the intersection. If the yellow light has been lit and you continue to rush through, then being photographed in this way is also considered as running through the red light. If the vehicle just crosses the stop line at the red light but stops immediately, the traffic management department will not punish it, but if there is an obvious position movement after crossing the line, it will be punished. The traffic police department said that stopping over the line does not count as running the red light, and will not be punished as running the red light. But it reminded the driver that when the yellow light is on, he should slow down and stop.
Warm prompt: When driving normally, you should slow down at the intersection, even at the green light, to prevent someone from running the red light or other emergencies. If there is a big car in front, we should open the distance to prevent ourselves from missing the traffic lights and being deducted 6 points for running the traffic lights by mistake. That would be too wrong.

Turning right at a red light is normal driving, not running a red light. In 2015, the number of motor vehicles running a red light was changed from 3 points at a time to 6 points
1. Stop when crossing the line at a red light Ask: When the red light is on, the car has no time to stop, and the front of the car runs out of the stop line. Is it a red light? Answer: If the car just crosses the stop line at the red light, but stops immediately, the traffic control department will not punish it, but if there is still obvious position movement after crossing the line, it will be punished. The three photos taken by the electronic eye for running the red light are: the vehicle drives past the stop line, and the next two photos are the vehicle drives to the middle of the intersection and reaches the opposite intersection. Only when these three photos are complete can they be deemed as running the red light, and 6 points will be deducted in the new regulation.
2. Under the command of the traffic police, running the red light asked: although the signal light is red, the traffic police on duty indicated that the traffic could pass, so whether it was considered running the red light Answer: When the signal light conflicts with the traffic police gesture, the vehicle driver should obey the on-site command of the traffic police. If the driver is "running the red light" under the command of the traffic police at the scene, he can go to the traffic police brigade at the scene of the accident to issue a diversion certificate and be exempted from punishment. If the party has any objection to the punishment, it can appeal through administrative reconsideration, administrative litigation and other channels.
3. When the car body crosses the stop line at a red light, ask: If the car body crosses the stop line without braking in time, does it count as running the red light? Answer: If the car body does not continue to move after crossing the stop line, it does not count as running the red light. However, in this case, the vehicle is parked beyond the line. According to Item 5 of Article 4 of the Scoring Value of Illegal Acts in Road Traffic Safety, "if the vehicle does not drive or stop at the intersection as required, 2 points will be deducted at a time."
4. After crossing the line and parking, back up again. Ask: Can you be punished if you attempt to avoid punishment by backing up after crossing the line at a red light? Answer: Motor vehicles are not allowed to back up at railway crossings, intersections, one-way roads, bridges, sharp turns, steep slopes or tunnels. If reversing in violation of regulations, a warning or a fine between 20 yuan and 200 yuan may be imposed.
5. After following the cart, you may "accidentally run" the red light. Sometimes, because the cart in front blocks your view, you will follow the cart to cross the intersection. Is this running the red light. Generally, when a motor vehicle is photographed following a large vehicle, it is because of the signal grabbing at the intersection. This kind of behavior can only be punished by running a red light and giving a red light to Dan Guang or Fu Gui Han.
6. Passing the intersection when running the yellow light: When the driver passes the intersection when the signal light turns yellow, does it count as running the red light? Answer: The traffic police department said that according to the Regulations for the Implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, when the yellow light flashes at the intersection, vehicles that have crossed the stop line can continue to travel. If the yellow light has been lit and you continue to rush through, then being photographed in this way is also considered as running through the red light.

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