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What is the compensation standard for different levels of disability?

ask****362 Hubei Wuhan Personal infringement consultation 2024.05.16 14:28:54 461 people reading

Different grades permanent disability Compensation standard How many?

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eighteen billion six hundred and seven million one hundred and ninety-two thousand and eighty (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Hubei Wuhan Answers: 870

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2024-05-16 18:18:42 Reply
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thirteen billion five hundred and forty-five million three hundred and eighty-two thousand six hundred and nine (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Hubei Wuhan Answers: 124

Hello, what level are you consulting?

2024-05-16 15:26:19 Reply
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thirteen billion seven hundred and seven million one hundred and forty-six thousand one hundred and eight (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Hubei Wuhan Consultation answer: 4309

Specific situation, specific analysis.

2024-05-16 15:10:57 Reply
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thirteen billion nine hundred and seventy-one million six hundred and thirty thousand and twelve (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Hubei Wuhan Consultation answer: 1326

Hello, can I help you?

2024-05-16 14:37:23 Reply
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fifteen billion five hundred and twenty-seven million six hundred and eighty-five thousand two hundred and eighty-seven (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Hubei Wuhan Answers: 4414

Hello, I can call you to help you

2024-05-16 14:34:47 Reply
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thirteen billion two hundred and seven million one hundred and fifty-six thousand and eighty-four (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Hubei Wuhan Answer: 18398

What's the specific situation

2024-05-16 14:34:41 Reply
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eighteen billion one hundred and twenty million two hundred and fifty-four thousand five hundred and twenty-seven (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Hubei Wuhan Answers: 100

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2024-05-16 14:33:33 Reply
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thirteen billion five hundred and forty-five million nine hundred and eight thousand three hundred and fifty-one (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Hubei Wuhan Answer: 804

The calculation standards are different from Level 1 to Level 10

2024-05-16 14:31:58 Reply
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Hello, my answer to this question is as follows. The third class and second class disability of workers can be identified as several levels of disability. The local labor capacity appraisal committee needs to make a comprehensive assessment based on the degree and location of injury of workers, and the final disability appraisal conclusion shall prevail.
1. To apply to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau (the former Labor Bureau) for identification of work-related injuries, the company needs to report within one month of the accident. If the company does not apply, the injured employee or his close relatives should apply for identification within one year. Materials to be submitted: application form for identification of work-related injury (usually downloaded from the website of the Labor Bureau), proof materials of labor relationship with the employer, medical diagnosis certificate, etc;
2. If there is a disability after treatment and the injury is relatively stable, which affects the ability to work, it should apply for the ability to work appraisal, and submit an application to the labor ability appraisal committee of the city divided into districts (generally set up in the human resources and social security bureau at the same level);
3. According to different disability levels, the compensation obtained is different. The main compensations are: medical expenses, one-time disability subsidies, one-time employment subsidies, one-time medical subsidies, wages for wage retention period after work stoppage, food subsidies, nursing fees, etc.
4. If a worker is unable to apply for recognition of work-related injuries without a labor contract or other evidence proving the existence of labor relations, he may first apply for labor arbitration to confirm the existence of labor relations between the worker and the employer. After confirming the existence of labor relations through labor arbitration, apply for industrial injury determination.
5. Relevant legal basis: Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance, Measures for the Determination of Industrial Injury, Labor Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Law, and regulations on industrial injury insurance in the province where the worker is located.

The disability is divided into ten levels, and the specific level of disability shall be determined through judicial expertise. The numerical standard of personal injury compensation in Shandong Province in 2008 is: 1. In 2007, the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 14265 yuan. 2. In 2007, the per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents was 9667 yuan. 3. In 2007, the per capita net income of rural residents was 4985 yuan. 4. In 2007, the per capita living consumption expenditure in rural areas was 3622 yuan. 5. In 2007, the average annual salary of urban employees in Shandong Province was 22711 yuan. The above figures are used to calculate various losses of personal injury compensation. The disability compensation is calculated for 20 years from the date of disability determination according to the degree of disability or disability level of the victim, and the per capita disposable income of urban residents (14265 yuan) or the per capita net income of rural residents (4985 yuan) of the last year in the place where the defendant is located. However, for those over 60 years of age, one year will be reduced for each additional year of age; If they are over 75 years old, they shall be counted as five years.

Hello, what's the difference between your disability level and your disability level? According to the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance, an employee who has one of the following circumstances should be considered as an industrial injury:
(1) Injuries caused by accidents during working hours and in the workplace;   
(2) Those who are injured by accidents while engaged in preparatory or finishing work related to work in the workplace before and after working hours;   
(3) Accidental injuries such as violence during working hours and in the workplace due to the performance of work duties;   
(4) Suffering from occupational diseases;   
(5) Injured due to work or missing due to accident during the period of going out for work;   
(6) Injured by a motor vehicle accident on the way to and from work;   
(7) Other circumstances that shall be recognized as work-related injuries according to laws and administrative regulations. The disability level covers a wide range, while the industrial injury level covers a small range. The disability level includes the industrial injury level, which is a part of the disability level.

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