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Unlicensed driving detained?

pub****370 Guangdong Dongguan Traffic violation consultation 2024.05.10 16:29:19 357 people read

Unlicensed driving Detention

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fifteen billion sixteen million eight hundred and twenty-three thousand six hundred and seventeen (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangdong Dongguan Consultation answer: 21740

Hello, what's the specific1

2024-05-10 16:47:01 Reply
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eighteen billion eight hundred and eighteen million three hundred and ninety-five thousand one hundred and sixty-five (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangdong Guangzhou Consultation answer: 221799

Hello, it's usually administrative detention

2024-05-10 16:33:08 Reply
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thirteen billion seven hundred and twelve million one hundred and thirty-seven thousand two hundred and fourteen (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangdong Dongguan Answers: 11277

Hello, what's the specific situation?

2024-05-10 16:32:04 Reply
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thirteen billion two million ninety-one thousand two hundred and seventy (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangdong Guangzhou Consultation answer: 159385

Hello, you can apply for this

2024-05-10 16:30:48 Reply
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thirteen billion three hundred and forty-two million six hundred and fifty-five thousand five hundred and twenty-six (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangdong Dongguan Consultation answer: 31380

Unlicensed driving detained

2024-05-10 16:30:42 Reply
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eighteen billion six hundred and twenty million six hundred and ninety thousand and twenty-three (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangdong Guangzhou Answers: 242355

Hello! What can help you deal with

2024-05-10 16:30:08 Reply
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thirteen billion three hundred and seventy-seven million seven hundred and seventy-two thousand three hundred and ninety-nine (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangdong Dongguan Answers: 6420

Hello, what's the specific situation

2024-05-10 16:30:04 Reply
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fifteen billion six hundred and twenty-five million five hundred and fifty thousand three hundred and ten (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangdong Dongguan Answers: 50460

Hello. What's the specific3

2024-05-10 16:29:47 Reply
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eighteen billion twenty-eight million nine hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and twenty-one (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangdong Dongguan Consultation answer: 56751

Hello, can you tell me your specific situation H

2024-05-10 16:29:26 Reply
Region: Guangdong Guangzhou Answer: 146924

Hello, can you explain situation X in detail

2024-05-10 16:38:28 Reply
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Not necessarily, it depends on the specific case, first it depends on whether it is administrative detention or criminal detention; In case of administrative detention, the maximum length is 15 days; If it is a criminal detention, the maximum detention period is 37 days, after which there must be a result, either arrest or release. If the arrest continues to be held for investigation, the case will generally be transferred for trial in about six months, and the case handling unit will be asked for specific information. It is suggested to entrust a lawyer to meet as soon as possible, apply for a guarantor pending trial on behalf of the client, keep abreast of the progress of the case, and work out a litigation plan beneficial to the client; According to Article 96 of the Criminal Procedure Law, only lawyers can meet criminal suspects before a judgment. Family members may consider entrusting lawyers to meet with suspects to carefully understand the specific process of the whole case and their confessions to the public security organs. After the meeting, the lawyer shall make a judgment on the circumstances of the crime and provide legal assistance and apply for bail in a timely manner; If the case is transferred to the procuratorate, the defense lawyer can go to the procuratorate and review the papers, obtain the confession, documentary evidence, material evidence and other relevant evidence of the suspect and other accomplices accused by the investigation organ, make in-depth research, draw up a defense plan, and determine to defend the defendant with innocence, minor crime, mitigation, exemption from punishment or probation at the opening of the court session, To safeguard the maximum rights and interests of the defendant, and strive for the best judgment result, there is no dead rule for the specific length of sentence (It is impossible to ask a lawyer to reverse black and white, but it must affect the sentencing and follow up the whole case clearly)

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