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Is it convenient to talk?

ask****765 Beijing Mentougou District Public security management consultation 2024.05.05 14:01:33 321 people read

Is it convenient to talk?

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eighteen billion six hundred and ten million one hundred and seventy-two thousand three hundred and twelve (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Beijing Chaoyang District Consultation answer: 10992

Hello, do you have any questions to ask, you can communicate by phone

2024-05-06 10:03:54 Reply
Consult me
fifteen billion one million sixty-five thousand three hundred and fifty-five (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Beijing Chaoyang District Answers: 2304

Hello, please call for details

2024-05-05 14:36:02 Reply
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eighteen billion six hundred million one hundred and sixty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty-one (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Beijing Xicheng District Answers: 410

Hello, please elaborate on your question

2024-05-05 14:14:12 Reply

Hello! You can directly solve the lawsuit to fight for your legitimate rights and interests. The effect of your own appearance in court is not obvious. It is better to entrust this lawyer as the litigation agent to help guide you! You can directly file a lawsuit to fight for your legitimate rights and interests. The effect of your own appearance in court is not obvious. It is better to entrust my lawyer as the litigation agent to help guide you to collect evidence to sue for divorce and fight for your legitimate rights and interests in the court. You can negotiate with the husband and wife first. If you fail, you can sue for divorce in the court. Generally, one half of the married husband and wife's common property can sue for the custody of the child, Ask the other party to pay child support. Generally, if the relationship between husband and wife really breaks down, the court will decide to divorce. It is determined that the marital relationship breakdown includes drug abuse, gambling, domestic violence (one party commits physical and mental violations against the other party by beating, binding, maiming, restricting personal freedom, and regularly abusing, threatening, etc.), bigamy, separation of more than two years, etc. If it cannot be determined,
The divorce court will not leave the case for the first time, and let it be filed six months later. The determination of domestic violence is relatively strict in law. If the court determines that it constitutes domestic violence, it is likely that the court will decide divorce. If you want to divorce, you can achieve the goal through two lawsuits, which takes about 68 months. It is possible to give you professional advice only when you know the details of the case. If you need legal help, you can call directly for consultation (please call later if you are busy) or you'd better bring relevant information to the law firm to interview me in person.

Hello about the work dispute: After a dispute occurs, it is recommended to negotiate first. If the negotiation fails, you can collect evidence, go to the labor supervision department to complain, or apply for labor arbitration. Labor arbitration means that the labor dispute arbitration committee arbitrates and adjudicates the labor dispute applied for arbitration by the parties. In China, labor arbitration is a necessary procedure for labor dispute parties to bring a lawsuit to the people's court. According to the Labor Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Law, the party who initiated labor arbitration shall submit a written application to the labor dispute arbitration committee within one year from the date of the labor dispute. Unless the parties are due to force majeure or other justified reasons, the arbitration commission will not accept the application for arbitration beyond the time limit prescribed by law.
First of all, you need to confirm the facts of the labor relationship with the company, such as payroll, attendance records, and file records during the work process.
Secondly, after confirming the labor relationship, the unit can be required to pay social insurance and wages.
Third, when the unit should terminate the labor contract, it should notify the worker one month in advance, or it should pay one month's economic compensation as the payment for the labor contract.
Fourth, if no written labor contract is signed to pay double wages, a written labor contract shall be signed within one month from the date of employment.
Fifth, if a unit cancels the labor contract illegally, it can claim economic compensation, which is twice the amount of economic compensation.
Sixth, if the negotiation fails, bring the relevant materials to the labor supervision department to complain, or directly go to the labor arbitration commission where the unit is located to propose labor arbitration.

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