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Is the insurance terminated after one payment

Strict* Jiangxi Jiujiang Insurance claim settlement consultation 2024.05.03 14:37:00 337 people read

Is the insurance terminated after one payment

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Region: Hubei Huanggang

In the insurance contract involving one-time compensation, once the claim is settled, the contract will be terminated immediately;
If the insurance contract signed is in the nature of long-term subsidy, the one-time compensation payment will not lead to the immediate termination of the contract. On the contrary, the contract still needs to be continuously performed according to its provisions, until all compensation liabilities within the entire long-term subsidy period have been fully performed, at this time, the contract can be formally terminated.
Legal basis:
Article 557 of the Civil Code
Creditor's rights and obligations shall be terminated in any of the following circumstances:
(1) The debt has been fulfilled;
(2) Debt offset;
(3) The debtor places the subject matter in escrow according to law;
(4) The creditor releases the debt;
(5) The creditor's rights and debts belong to the same person;
(6) Other circumstances under which termination is prescribed by law or agreed by the parties.
If the contract is dissolved, the rights and obligations of the contract shall be terminated.

2024-05-03 14:38:00 Reply
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Region: Sichuan Chengdu

According to the current Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, on the premise that the law does not make prohibitive provisions on hierarchical jurisdiction and exclusive jurisdiction, the court jurisdiction clauses negotiated between the two parties have certain legal effect.
According to relevant laws and regulations, the parties involved in civil disputes have the right to reach an agreement in writing, so as to select the people's court where the dispute is related as the trial organization of the case.

2024-05-03 18:35:07 Reply

If an employee wants to receive unemployment insurance benefits after unemployment, he or she must comply with three provisions in the unemployment insurance regulations:
1. In order to receive unemployment insurance benefits, the unemployed need to pay unemployment insurance for one year in accordance with the provisions of the unit before unemployment;
2. Unemployed people are not unemployed because of their own will. Usually, the employer voluntarily terminates the worker, or the employer is unwilling to renew the contract after the expiration of the contract, or the employer goes bankrupt or goes bankrupt. Therefore, if they want to take a break for a while and take the initiative to leave, users cannot enjoy unemployment insurance benefits;
3. Unemployed people should be willing to seek employment after unemployment. You need to go to the local human resources or neighborhood office to register for unemployment and job hunting.
Only the unemployed who meet the above conditions are eligible to receive unemployment insurance benefits.

Hello, my answer to your question is
1、 The change of insurance contract The change of insurance contract refers to the behavior that both parties modify or supplement some terms of the original insurance contract according to the legal or contractual procedures due to the changes in the subjective and objective conditions on which the insurance contract is based during the validity period of the insurance contract. According to the content of the insurance contract, this change can be divided into three types: subject change, object change, and clause change. Generally speaking, the change of an insurance contract is a civil act of both parties. The conditions for its effectiveness are: the applicant or the insured submits a written application for the change, and the insurer agrees to issue an endorsement or comment. For a few unilateral civil acts, if the insured changes the beneficiary, it is only necessary to notify the insurer in writing, without the consent of the insurer.   
2、 The termination of an insurance contract The termination of an insurance contract refers to the behavior of both parties to terminate the insurance contract in advance according to law or as agreed in the contract. The cancellation of an insurance contract can be divided into two categories: the cancellation of the applicant and the cancellation of the insurer. Article 15 of the Insurance Law stipulates that the insurer shall not terminate the insurance contract after its establishment, unless otherwise stipulated in this Law or in the insurance contract. From the perspective of legal provisions, the premise for the insurer to terminate the contract is that the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary has breached or violated the law. The Insurance Law stipulates in Articles 16, 27, 35, 36, 53 and 58 that the insurer can terminate the contract in the following circumstances:
(1) The applicant fails to perform the obligation of truthful disclosure;   
(2) The insured or the beneficiary falsely claims that an insurance accident has occurred to defraud insurance;   
(3) The Insured intentionally creates an insured accident;   
(4) The applicant fails to fulfill its safety responsibility for the subject matter insured;   
(5) The risk of the subject matter insured increases;   
(6) The age of the insured is untrue and exceeds the age limit;   
(7) The life insurance contract fails to be reinstated after termination. In addition to legal provisions, if both parties agree to terminate the contract when concluding the insurance contract, the insurer can also terminate the contract accordingly. Once the insurance contract is rescinded, the validity of the contract disappears, and the rights and obligations agreed by both parties no longer exist. However, the termination of the contract does not affect the validity of the dispute settlement clause in the original contract, nor does it affect the right of the parties to claim compensation.   
3、 Termination of an insurance contract The termination of an insurance contract means that both parties to the insurance contract have extinguished their rights and obligations as defined in the contract. Once the insurance contract is terminated, it will lose its legal effect, but the validity of the dispute settlement clause in the original contract and the right of the parties to claim compensation will not be affected. The termination of an insurance contract can be divided into two situations:
(1) Natural termination. That is, the insurance contract is terminated due to the expiration of the contract period.   
(2) Termination due to performance of obligations. After the occurrence of the insured accident, the contract is terminated because the insurer has fulfilled all the responsibilities for paying the insurance benefits. The full liability here refers to the occurrence of an insured accident that the insurer should fully compensate or pay according to the agreed insurance amount ttttt
1、 The change of insurance contract The change of insurance contract refers to the behavior that both parties modify or supplement some terms of the original insurance contract according to the legal or contractual procedures due to the changes in the subjective and objective conditions on which the insurance contract is based during the validity period of the insurance contract. According to the content of the insurance contract, this change can be divided into three types: subject change, object change, and clause change. Generally speaking, the change of an insurance contract is a civil act of both parties. The conditions for its effectiveness are: the applicant or the insured submits a written application for the change, and the insurer agrees to issue an endorsement or comment. For a few unilateral civil acts, if the insured changes the beneficiary, it is only necessary to notify the insurer in writing, without the consent of the insurer.   
2、 The termination of an insurance contract The termination of an insurance contract refers to the behavior of both parties to terminate the insurance contract in advance according to law or as agreed in the contract. The cancellation of an insurance contract can be divided into two categories: the cancellation of the applicant and the cancellation of the insurer. Article 15 of the Insurance Law stipulates that the insurer shall not terminate the insurance contract after its establishment, unless otherwise stipulated in this Law or in the insurance contract. From the perspective of legal provisions, the premise for the insurer to terminate the contract is that the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary has breached or violated the law. The Insurance Law stipulates in Articles 16, 27, 35, 36, 53 and 58 that the insurer can terminate the contract in the following circumstances:
(1) The applicant fails to perform the obligation of truthful disclosure;   
(2) The insured or the beneficiary falsely claims that an insurance accident has occurred to defraud insurance;   
(3) The Insured intentionally creates an insured accident;   
(4) The applicant fails to fulfill its safety responsibility for the subject matter insured;   
(5) The risk of the subject matter insured increases;   
(6) The age of the insured is untrue and exceeds the age limit;   
(7) The life insurance contract fails to be reinstated after termination. In addition to legal provisions, if both parties agree to terminate the contract when concluding the insurance contract, the insurer can also terminate the contract accordingly. Once the insurance contract is rescinded, the validity of the contract disappears, and the rights and obligations agreed by both parties no longer exist. However, the termination of the contract does not affect the validity of the dispute settlement clause in the original contract, nor does it affect the right of the parties to claim compensation.   
3、 Termination of an insurance contract The termination of an insurance contract means that both parties to the insurance contract have extinguished their rights and obligations as defined in the contract. Once the insurance contract is terminated, it will lose its legal effect, but the validity of the dispute settlement clause in the original contract and the right of the parties to claim compensation will not be affected. The termination of an insurance contract can be divided into two situations: (1) natural termination. That is, the insurance contract is terminated due to the expiration of the contract period. (2) Termination due to performance of obligations. After the occurrence of the insured accident, the contract is terminated because the insurer has fulfilled all the responsibilities for paying the insurance benefits. The full liability here refers to the occurrence of an insurance accident for which the insurer should make full compensation or payment according to the agreed insurance amount

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