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Lawyer Xiang Jingxin

Lawyer Xiang Jingxin (Tel: 13236529989) is proficient in criminal defense, difficult cases involving criminal and civil affairs, marriage and family affairs, and has rich experience in civil and commercial litigation arbitration, real estate and traffic contract cases. He has been a lawyer in Beijing Jingshi (Nanjing) Law Firm, and has participated in handling a series of duty crimes, economic crimes and other criminal cases, He handled bail pending trial for several parties and obtained the decision not to sue. A large number of contract disputes, property disputes, marriage inheritance and other civil litigation cases have been handled nationwide. And undertook a series of property preservation and enforcement cases, effectively safeguarding

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Where can I account for the fine of drunk driving? How can I punish drunk driving?

Yellow** Liaoning Benxi Traffic violation consultation 2017.11.27 10:09:58 82 people read

My classmates Drunk driving My father was detained by the traffic police. I want to know where to account for the fine of drunk driving, and how to punish drunk driving?

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  • User * * * *'s comments: Lawyer Dai Xinjin:

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    Comprehensive score: five Jiangsu Wuxi

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