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If the factory is not qualified to do occupational disease medical examination, can I refuse?

ask****520 Shanghai Consultation on industrial injury disputes 2017.11.24 20:55:13 248 people read

The factory is not qualified to do work Occupational Diseases Medical examination hospital, can I refuse?

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Region: Sichuan Chengdu

You can ask for physical examination of occupational diseases. If you can't meet the requirements, you can apply for labor arbitration according to law.

2017-12-19 13:44:14 Reply
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Region: Sichuan Chengdu

Due to the particularity of some industries, workers who have been engaged in this industry for a long time often suffer from occupational diseases, that is, the workers of enterprises, institutions and individual economic organizations suffer from diseases caused by exposure to dust, radioactive substances and other toxic and harmful substances in their occupational activities. According to the survey, about 15000 new occupational disease patients are added every year. It has become a major social problem in China, affecting the work and health of those workers. Regular occupational physical examination is an effective means to detect and prevent occupational diseases.

2019-01-18 21:23:57 Reply
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