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Does fighting count as participating in fighting

Yang** Yunnan Pu'er Public security management consultation 2022.09.09 10:26:50 470 people read

Does fighting count as participating in fighting

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1. Not counted. Bracing is to prevent the occurrence of illegal acts, not only has no responsibility, but also should be encouraged. However, the deflection frame is not allowed. At the same time, we should pay attention to evidence in everything. The judicial organ will collect evidence according to law in the process of handling things.
2. According to Article 23 of the Provisions on the Procedure of Public Security Organs Handling Administrative Cases, all the materials that can be used to prove the facts of the case are evidence. The evidence for public security organs to handle administrative cases includes:
(1) Physical evidence;
(2) Documentary evidence;
(3) Statement of the victim and testimony of other witnesses;
(4) Statement and defense of the illegal suspect;
(5) Appraisal opinions;
(6) Records of inspection, examination and identification, and on-site records;
(7) Audiovisual materials and electronic data.
The evidence must be verified before it can be used as the basis for the final decision.

2022-09-09 10:28:50 Reply
Lawyer Zhao Lei
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Hello, the crime should be consistent with the constitution of the crime, subjective and objective. If you do not have criminal intent, you can truthfully explain it to the case handling authority. Lawyers can also be involved in the defense work to try to withdraw the case, not prosecute or acquit.

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