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Conclusion of the Articles of Association

Su** Hunan Changsha Business management consulting 2022.07.09 09:11:58 451 people read

Articles of Association Conclusion of

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Conclusion of the Articles of Association
The articles of association are usually concluded in two ways: one is jointly concluded, which means that all shareholders or promoters jointly draft and negotiate the articles of association, otherwise the articles of association will not take effect; The second is partial conclusion, which means that some members of the shareholders or promoters are responsible for drafting and formulating the articles of association of the company, and then other shareholders or promoters sign and agree to the formulation. The Articles of Association of the Company must be in written form, and can take effect only after all shareholders agree and sign and seal the Articles of Association.

2022-07-09 09:13:58 Reply

The articles of association are the legal conditions for the establishment of a company and the necessary documents of the company. They illustrate the importance of the articles of association for a company. For a company, the articles of association are the most important autonomous rules, the basic criteria for the company's business behavior, and the important basis for the company to formulate other regulations. The company establishment agreement, also known as the promoter agreement, refers to the agreement on the establishment of the company signed by the promoters in the process of company establishment. The company establishment agreement is closely related to the articles of association. It is another important legal document of the company. However, the agreement has legal effect only between the parties and cannot be used against a third party. I suggest you ask local professionals for detailed consultation. I hope your problem can be solved as soon as possible

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