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I am a private enterprise employee with 11 years and 7 months of service

ask****182 Guangdong Shenzhen Consultation on contract validity 2017.08.05 08:25:25 Read by 3 people

I am a private enterprise employee, working years In 11 years and 7 months, the company's boss died of illness in September 2016, and no one took over the company. The company stopped production in February 2017 Labor contract wages It has not been distributed for 3 months (November 2016 to January 2017). How much compensation can be applied for, how to apply, and how to ask for help

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Region: Sichuan Chengdu

Hello, you can ask the employer to pay salary. According to the work situation, you can ask the employer to pay double salary compensation or paid annual leave salary and high temperature allowance. If you fail to pay social insurance, you can ask the employer to make up for it, and you can also ask for economic compensation. You can negotiate and communicate with the local labor and personnel dispute arbitration commission for settlement. If you fail, you can apply to the local labor and personnel dispute arbitration commission for labor arbitration.

2017-10-27 11:30:38 Reply
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