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Whether major restructuring of enterprises and acquisition of companies constitute major restructuring?

Cheng** Hebei Cangzhou Bankruptcy liquidation consultation 2021.03.23 22:46:12 404 people read

Whether the major reorganization of enterprises and the acquisition of companies constitute a major reorganization?

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According to your answers to the following questions, is the acquisition of subsidiaries a major reorganization
When we talk about major asset restructuring, we should first talk about asset restructuring. Asset restructuring is the recombination of resources, including the integration of assets and liabilities written on the balance sheet with other resources not written on the balance sheet, as well as the integration of other enterprise resources into their own enterprises. It can be said that asset restructuring is the result of capital operation. M&A (one of the capital operation modes) will result in asset restructuring.
The purchase and sale of assets by a listed company and its holding company up to 50% constitute a major asset restructuring. (Article 11 of the Administrative Measures for Major Asset Restructuring of Listed Companies) In other words, when the balance sheet of a listed company changes to a certain extent, it constitutes a "major asset restructuring".
The reorganization mainly includes:
① Sell or terminate part of the business of the enterprise;
② The organizational structure of the enterprise shall be greatly adjusted;
③ Close part of the business premises of the enterprise, or move business activities from one country or region to another country or region.
Restructuring also includes share splits, mergers, capital reductions (partial repayments) and name changes.
External restructuring refers to the stripping of non-performing assets and the allocation of good assets between enterprises or enterprises through the purchase and sale (acquisition, merger), swap and other forms of assets, so as to give full play to the benefits of existing assets and obtain the maximum economic benefits. This form of asset restructuring, in which the enterprise buys or sells some assets, or the enterprise loses its subject qualification, is actually just the transfer of the ownership of assets between different legal subjects. Therefore, the legal essence of this form of asset transfer is asset sales.

2021-03-23 22:47:12 Reply

Hello, the answer to your question is as follows. Is the acquisition of subsidiaries a major restructuring When we talk about major asset restructuring, we should first talk about asset restructuring. Asset restructuring is the recombination of resources, including the integration of assets and liabilities written on the balance sheet with other resources not written on the balance sheet, as well as the integration of other enterprise resources into their own enterprises. It can be said that asset restructuring is the result of capital operation. M&A (one of the capital operation modes) will result in asset restructuring. The purchase and sale of assets by a listed company and its holding company up to 50% constitute a major asset restructuring. (Article 11 of the Administrative Measures for Major Asset Restructuring of Listed Companies) In other words, when the balance sheet of a listed company changes to a certain extent, it constitutes a "major asset restructuring". The reorganization mainly includes: ① Sell or terminate part of the business of the enterprise; ② The organizational structure of the enterprise shall be greatly adjusted; ③ Close part of the business premises of the enterprise, or move business activities from one country or region to another country or region. Restructuring also includes share splits, mergers, capital reductions (partial repayments) and name changes. External restructuring refers to the stripping of non-performing assets and the allocation of good assets between enterprises or enterprises through the purchase and sale (acquisition, merger), swap and other forms of assets, so as to give full play to the benefits of existing assets and obtain the maximum economic benefits. This form of asset restructuring, in which the enterprise buys or sells some assets, or the enterprise loses its subject qualification, is actually just the transfer of the ownership of assets between different legal subjects. Therefore, the legal essence of this form of asset transfer is asset sales.

Hello, the answer to your question is as follows. Is the acquisition of subsidiaries a major restructuring When we talk about major asset restructuring, we should first talk about asset restructuring. Asset restructuring is the recombination of resources, including the integration of assets and liabilities written on the balance sheet with other resources not written on the balance sheet, as well as the integration of other enterprise resources into their own enterprises. It can be said that asset restructuring is the result of capital operation. M&A (one of the capital operation modes) will result in asset restructuring. The purchase and sale of assets by a listed company and its holding company up to 50% constitute a major asset restructuring. (Article 11 of the Administrative Measures for Major Asset Restructuring of Listed Companies) In other words, when the balance sheet of a listed company changes to a certain extent, it constitutes a "major asset restructuring". The reorganization mainly includes: ① Sell or terminate part of the business of the enterprise; ② The organizational structure of the enterprise shall be greatly adjusted; ③ Close part of the business premises of the enterprise, or move business activities from one country or region to another country or region. Restructuring also includes share splits, mergers, capital reductions (partial repayments) and name changes. External restructuring refers to the stripping of non-performing assets and the allocation of good assets between enterprises or enterprises through the purchase and sale (acquisition, merger), swap and other forms of assets, so as to give full play to the benefits of existing assets and obtain the maximum economic benefits. This form of asset restructuring, in which the enterprise buys or sells some assets, or the enterprise loses its subject qualification, is actually just the transfer of the ownership of assets between different legal subjects. Therefore, the legal essence of this form of asset transfer is asset sales.

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