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Administrative litigation, difference between criminal litigation and civil litigation, administrative litigation

Wang** Guangdong Maoming Administrative litigation consultation 2021.03.04 16:14:04 432 people read

administration litigation criminal action The difference between administrative litigation and civil litigation

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Criminal litigation, civil litigation and administrative litigation are the three types of litigation in China. The scope of application and procedures of the three types of litigation are different, and they solve problems in different scopes. What's the difference between these three lawsuits In fact, it is easy to distinguish. The Criminal Procedure Law is a law formulated to ensure the correct implementation of criminal law, punish crimes, protect the people, safeguard national security and social public security, and maintain social order. Therefore, a case involving a crime is a criminal proceeding. In case of robbery, the corresponding action is criminal action. Civil litigation adjusts the property relations and personal relations between citizens, legal persons, citizens and legal persons of equal subjects. It refers to the disputes between people's direct creditor's rights, debts, marriage, inheritance, contract disputes, company shareholders and other equal subjects. If Party A and Party B pay back the money, it is a civil dispute. It is formulated by administrative litigation, resolving administrative disputes, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and supervising the exercise of functions and powers according to law. For example, when the real estate registration department registers the house with Party A, Party B refuses to accept it, and the real estate registration department requests to cancel the specific administrative act. Article 3 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China The provisions of this Law shall apply to the people's acceptance of civil actions brought between citizens, legal persons, other organizations and between them for property and personal relations. Article 2 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China The task of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China is to ensure the accurate and timely ascertainment of criminal facts, the correct application of the law, the punishment of criminals, the protection of innocent persons from criminal investigation, the education of citizens to consciously abide by the law, actively cooperate with criminal acts, safeguard the legal system, respect and protect human rights, and protect citizens' personal, property, democratic and other rights, Ensure the smooth progress of construction.

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