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How to deal with the first drunk driving and the second drunk driving, the first drunk driving

Que* Hubei Wuhan Traffic accident compensation consultation 2020.11.29 17:10:18 487 people read

The first drink driving the second time How to deal with drunk driving , first wine

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The answer is as follows: Hello, driving without a license, as the name implies, means that the driver of a motor vehicle drives the motor vehicle without obtaining or holding the legal driving permit certificate corresponding to the vehicle model he is driving.
Unlicensed driving can be divided into the following situations (one of which can be regarded as unlicensed driving):
(1) A motor vehicle driver who drives a motor vehicle without passing the driving skill training and examination of a special driver training school and obtaining a motor vehicle driving license is a driver without a license
(2) If the motor vehicle model driven by the driver is beyond the scope of the approved driving model approved by the driver's license (refer to the following table of "approved driving model and code" for comparison), it will be treated as driving without a license (for example, only holding
C The photo is opened by the person
A car with B license, or a person with B license only
A's car, etc.)
(3) If the driver does not carry a motor vehicle driving license that is consistent with the type of vehicle he is driving, he shall be regarded as driving without a license
(4) The driver who uses a forged or altered driver's license or obtains a driver's license through other illegal means, or whose license expires for more than one year and is cancelled, or whose license is temporarily suspended, revoked or revoked, shall be deemed as driving without a license
(5) The age or health condition of the driver does not meet the driving conditions (mostly refers to that the actual age exceeds the maximum age limit of the type of driving. If the age is less than the maximum age limit, it will be treated as illegal acquisition of a motor vehicle driving license, and will be classified as
(4) )
(6) Driving a civil motor vehicle with a driving license of the military or armed police force (except for those with special license)
(7) Driving in China with an overseas motor vehicle driving license
(1) If a motor vehicle driver hands over a motor vehicle to a person who has not obtained a motor vehicle driving license or whose motor vehicle driving license has been revoked or temporarily detained, his motor vehicle driving license shall be detained and his motor vehicle driving license may be concurrently revoked
(2) Whoever drives a motor vehicle without obtaining a motor vehicle driving license, or whose motor vehicle driving license is revoked or temporarily detained, or who gives the motor vehicle to a person who has not obtained a motor vehicle driving license, or whose motor vehicle driving license is revoked or temporarily detained, shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan by the traffic management department of the public security organ, and may also be detained for 15 days
(3) Special statement: if the driver does not carry a motor vehicle driver's license, no matter whether the driver is illegal or not, he shall not continue to drive the vehicle
Vehicle. The traffic control department of the public security organ shall detain the motor vehicle and notify the driver to provide his driving license. It shall be handled according to different conditions of the driver's license provided.
)If the driver's license provided is true, legal and driving
If there is no illegal act, a warning or a fine of 20-200 yuan will be given, and the motor vehicle will be returned in time;
b) If the driver's license provided is true and legal, but has committed an illegal act at any time, according to the illegal situation and the fact that he has not carried it with him
The driver shall be punished together with the driver's license, and the motor vehicle shall be returned in time;
c) If the driver is unable to provide a true and legal motor vehicle driving license, it is deemed to be driving without a license, and can
(2) To deal with the situation. Borrow a car when you don't have one
If there is a car accident, it will be treated as a crime

2020-11-29 17:11:18 Reply
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