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The public security will commit the crime of collusion in bidding and the crime of corruption and bribery of non public officials

ask****457 Guangdong Shenzhen Labor dispute consultation 2020.10.28 16:42:28 487 people read

Public security Crime of Collusive Bidding , corruption by non public officials bribery Will people arrest How will it be judged? When will you please lawyer

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eighteen billion six hundred and eighty-four million six hundred and sixty-one thousand four hundred and eighty-five (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Hunan Changsha Consultation answer: 36062

Hello, are you a family member? Have you received the detention notice? What is the suspected crime of the notice? When did it happen and when was it captured? Under normal circumstances, criminal detention lasts for 37 days. During this process, the public security will apply to the procuratorate for arrest. If the arrest is passed, the detention will be extended until the verdict is reached. You are suggested to meet as soon as possible in the current situation. Besides, it is the investigation stage of the public security, and no one except lawyers can meet, This situation allows lawyers to see that the parties understand the overall situation clearly, analyze the case, see whether they can fight for innocence or obtain a guarantor pending trial, then assess the risks and consequences that may be involved in the next step, and study legal countermeasures and solutions,

2020-10-28 17:54:46 Reply
Consult me
thirteen billion two hundred and forty-seven million three hundred and twenty-three thousand five hundred and five (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangdong Shenzhen Answer: 8065

Hello, you can call a lawyer now without delay.

2020-10-30 21:52:14 Reply
Region: Guangdong Shenzhen Answers: 3267

Hello, for such cases, the earlier the lawyer is invited, the better

2020-10-28 21:19:28 Reply
Region: Guangdong Shenzhen Consultation answer: 15082

You can hire a lawyer now

2020-10-28 18:49:56 Reply
Region: Guangdong Shenzhen Answers: 11833

How much is involved?

2020-10-28 17:37:03 Reply
Region: Guangdong Guangzhou Answers: 22260

Where did it happen?

2020-10-28 17:00:02 Reply
Region: Guangdong Shenzhen Answers: 18246

Get a lawyer as soon as possible, which is more helpful for investigation and evidence collection

2020-10-28 16:56:15 Reply
Consult me
eighteen billion twenty-nine million one hundred and thirty thousand seven hundred and eighteen (Please refer to the self-discipline chart)
Region: Guangdong Dongguan Consultation answer: 9133

Hello! The earlier a criminal case is involved, the better

2020-10-28 16:55:59 Reply
Region: Guangdong Guangzhou Consultation answer: 111

Hello, according to the situation you described, this person has been suspected of committing a crime. The case will go through three stages: the public security investigation stage (about three months before and after), the procuratorate review and prosecution stage (about one month), and the court trial and sentencing stage (within two months). As for entrusting lawyers, criminal cases should be handled sooner rather than later.

2020-10-28 17:43:27 Reply
Region: Hubei Wuhan Consultation answer: 1838

Hello, have you been arrested now??

2020-10-28 16:53:22 Reply
Check the replies of other 5 lawyers

[Legal Opinion]
1: The evidence related to the other party's collection of money is the core. Reporting bribery is an illegal act, and corresponding evidence must be provided.
2: Your own real name report is now rejected in many places for anonymous reports, and if there is no relevant evidence, if the anonymous report is not found, you are also suspected of falsely accusing your real name, unless there is a malicious report, and if the report is untrue due to the wrong understanding of the policy, you will not be prosecuted. The relevant department accepting the report will protect your privacy and protect your safety, Rewards will also be given if the report is true. The definition of the crime of offering bribes: taking specific objects as the purpose, using property and other means to conduct private transactions with relevant authorities to meet the illegal interests of both parties. Asking for bribes means that authorities take the initiative to ask for bribes from bribe givers.
[Legal Basis]
According to the provisions of Article 385 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, crime refers to the act of state functionaries who take advantage of their positions to extort money or property from others, or illegally accept money or property from others to seek benefits for others. The crime infringes on the integrity of state functionaries' duty behavior and the ownership of public and private property. Crime seriously affects the normal performance of functions of state organs, damages the image and reputation of state organs, and also infringes certain property relations. The subjective aspect of crime is intentional, and the purpose is to illegally occupy public and private property. In the objective aspect, it is manifested as taking advantage of his position to ask for others' property, or illegally accepting others' property to seek benefits for others.

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