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Research status of medical dispute arbitration at home and abroad?

183****2808 Beijing Chaoyang District Labor dispute consultation 2016.10.18 15:59:14 135 people read

Medical disputes Research status of arbitration at home and abroad

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The crime of robbery (Article 263 of the Criminal Law) is an act of forcibly taking public and private property away from the owner and custodian of property by violence, coercion or other means on the spot for the purpose of illegal possession. The so-called violence means that the perpetrator strikes or coerces the victim's body. The violence of robbery refers to the act of attacking or coercing the victim's body in order to eliminate the victim's resistance and rob others' property.

2019-06-02 07:39:03 Reply

The crime of robbery (Article 263 of the Criminal Law) is an act of forcibly taking public and private property away from the owner and custodian of property by violence, coercion or other means on the spot for the purpose of illegal possession. The so-called violence means that the perpetrator strikes or coerces the victim's body. The violence of robbery refers to the act of attacking or coercing the victim's body in order to eliminate the victim's resistance and rob others' property.

The protest procedure of criminal cases is generally divided into two types, one is the lower resistance to the upper trial, and the other is the same resistance to the same trial. Criminal protest includes appeal procedure protest and trial supervision procedure protest. The former means that according to Article 181 of the Criminal Procedure Law, "when the local people's procuratorates at all levels believe that the judgments and rulings of the people's courts at the same level in the first instance are indeed wrong, they should lodge a protest to the people's courts at the next higher level." This is the lower level resisting the upper level. In accordance with the provisions of Article 205 of the Criminal Procedure Law, the Supreme People's Procuratorate has the right to lodge a protest to the people's court at the same level in accordance with the law if it finds certain errors in the legally effective judgments and rulings of the people's courts at all levels and the people's procuratorates at higher levels against the people's courts at lower levels.

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