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What does the "clearing auction" in the introduction of the auction house of the court refer to

133****8758 Guangdong Guangzhou Personal infringement consultation 2020.09.30 12:54:04 434 people read

What does the clearing auction in the introduction of the auction house of the court mean?

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Region: Guangdong Guangzhou Answer: 89054

Hello! I have done many cases like this with you. It is generally handled as follows: I suggest you call for consultation or interview. Many people don't understand the law and have no experience, which leads to losing the lawsuit. They also can't say clearly on the Internet. It is suggested to have an interview. We do a lot of cases like this, which can help you get the most favorable results.

2020-09-30 13:31:38 Reply
Region: Guangdong Guangzhou Answers: 22260

Hello, you can contact us to help you

2020-09-30 14:16:51 Reply
Region: Guangdong Guangzhou Answer: 40763

Hello, we need to make a final conclusion based on the content of the clearing auction mentioned in the introduction of the auction house. We need to properly solve all problems before we can deal with them. In order to improve communication efficiency, please call for detailed communication.

2020-09-30 14:48:58 Reply
Region: Guangdong Guangzhou Consultation answer: 11575

No one uses it in the house. Can entrust a lawyer to handle

2020-09-30 13:48:23 Reply

According to the answer to your question, the buyer can clear the house after obtaining the ownership of the house when the auction is completed or receiving the verdict for debt repayment. If the house is still occupied during the legal period, the buyer has the obligation to vacate the house compulsorily.
Article 30 of the Provisions of the Supreme People on Auction and Sale of Property in Civil Enforcement stipulates that, after the people make a decision to conclude an auction or use the unsold property to pay off debts, they have the right not to transfer the property according to law;
The auctioned property shall be handed over to the buyer or receiver within 15 days after the order is served. If the person subjected to execution or a third party holds the auction property and refuses to hand it over, compulsory execution shall be carried out.

Hello, my answer to the question of how long the court will clear the house for auction is as follows. When the buyer obtains the ownership of the house when the auction is completed or the debt settlement ruling is received, he can clear the house. After that, if the house is still occupied during the legal period, he has the obligation to vacate the house compulsorily.
Article 30 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Auction and Sale of Property in Civil Enforcement stipulates that after the people make a decision to conclude an auction or use unsold property to pay off debts, they have the right not to transfer it according to law, except for the circumstances;
The auctioned property shall be handed over to the buyer or receiver within 15 days after the order is served. If the person subjected to execution or a third party holds the auction property and refuses to hand it over, compulsory execution shall be carried out.

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