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What is the process of overseas trademark registration? What are the ways of overseas trademark registration

Week** Xinjiang Bayingolin Trademark consultation 2020.09.28 03:50:40 492 people read

overseas Trademark registration What is the process of? What are the ways of overseas trademark registration

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At present, many enterprises not only open up their own product markets in China, but also begin to open up international markets to sell their products overseas for better enterprise development. Therefore, many enterprises will register their trademarks overseas. There are not many overseas registered trademarks and domestic registered trademarks, and different countries have different requirements for registered trademarks. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the registration methods and processes of registered trademarks.
1、 What are the ways of overseas trademark registration
There are several ways to apply for trademark registration abroad:
1. Madrid trademark international registration: proposed to some or all member countries at the same time. As of December 31, 2003, there were 72 members of the Madrid Union.
2. In accordance with the Paris Convention or bilateral agreements or the principle of reciprocity, apply for registration to a country alone.
3. Submit an application through a regional convention organization to obtain trademark protection from the member countries of the organization (such as the EU trademark, the African Intellectual Property Organization, etc.).
Chinese enterprises can choose their own way of entering the international market according to the international market that their products or services mainly open up. Because Madrid trademark international registration has the advantages of simple procedures, low cost, fast time and so on, it is increasingly favored by enterprises.
2、 What is the process of overseas trademark registration
1. Registration method
(1) Where a trademark agency is entrusted, the applicant may voluntarily choose any national recognized trademark agency to handle the matter. All trademark agencies registered in the Trademark Office are published in the "Agency" column.
(2) If the applicant goes directly to the Trademark Office, the applicant may follow the following steps:
Prepare the application → submit the application to the International Registry of the Trademark Office → pay the registration fee according to the provisions of the Fee Notice
2. Application preparation
(1) Application documents to be submitted
(2) The application for international registration in Chinese filled in and stamped with the official seal;
(3) The application for international registration in foreign languages filled in and stamped or signed;
(4) A copy of the domestic Trademark Registration Certificate, or a copy of the Acceptance Notice;
(5) If the basic registration or applied trademark has been changed, transferred or renewed in China and other subsequent businesses, a copy of the approval certificate shall be submitted;
(6) Two trademark drawings. In case of color trademark, two color trademark drawings shall be attached;
(7) Where a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, the power of attorney for trademark agency shall also be submitted.
3. Filling in the application form and precautions
Filling in the Application for International Trademark Registration
(1) Name of applicant: if the applicant is a natural person, his/her surname and first name shall be indicated; If the applicant is a legal person, the full Chinese name and Pinyin shall be indicated (if a foreign translation is used instead of Pinyin, the translation shall be registered directly).
(2) Applicant's detailed address: including mailing address, house number, postal code, telephone and fax.
(3) Trademark application date, application number, trademark registration date, registration number.
(4) If the applicant designates the United Kingdom in the application, it shall be deemed that he declares that he intends to use the trademark in the United Kingdom.

2020-09-28 03:51:40 Reply

At present, many enterprises not only open up their own product markets in China, but also begin to open up international markets to sell their products overseas for better enterprise development. Therefore, many enterprises will register their trademarks overseas. There are not many overseas registered trademarks and domestic registered trademarks, and different countries have different requirements for registered trademarks. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the registration methods and processes of registered trademarks.
1、 What are the ways of overseas trademark registration
There are several ways to apply for trademark registration abroad:
1. Madrid trademark international registration: proposed to some or all member countries at the same time. As of December 31, 2003, there were 72 members of the Madrid Union.
2. In accordance with the Paris Convention or bilateral agreements or the principle of reciprocity, apply for registration to a country alone.
3. Submit an application through a regional convention organization to obtain trademark protection from the member countries of the organization (such as the EU trademark, the African Intellectual Property Organization, etc.).
Chinese enterprises can choose their own way of entering the international market according to the international market that their products or services mainly open up. Because Madrid trademark international registration has the advantages of simple procedures, low cost, fast time and so on, it is increasingly favored by enterprises.
2、 What is the process of overseas trademark registration
1. Registration method
(1) Where a trademark agency is entrusted, the applicant may voluntarily choose any national recognized trademark agency to handle the matter. All trademark agencies registered in the Trademark Office are published in the "Agency" column.
(2) If the applicant goes directly to the Trademark Office, the applicant may follow the following steps:
Prepare the application → submit the application to the International Registry of the Trademark Office → pay the registration fee according to the provisions of the Fee Notice
2. Application preparation
(1) Application documents to be submitted
(2) The application for international registration in Chinese filled in and stamped with the official seal;
(3) The application for international registration in foreign languages filled in and stamped or signed;
(4) A copy of the domestic Trademark Registration Certificate, or a copy of the Acceptance Notice;
(5) If the basic registration or applied trademark has been changed, transferred or renewed in China and other subsequent businesses, a copy of the approval certificate shall be submitted;
(6) Two trademark drawings. In case of color trademark, two color trademark drawings shall be attached;
(7) Where a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, the power of attorney for trademark agency shall also be submitted.
3. Filling in the application form and precautions
Filling in the Application for International Trademark Registration
(1) Name of applicant: if the applicant is a natural person, his/her surname and first name shall be indicated; If the applicant is a legal person, the full Chinese name and Pinyin shall be indicated (if a foreign translation is used instead of Pinyin, the translation shall be registered directly).
(2) Applicant's detailed address: including mailing address, house number, postal code, telephone and fax.
(3) Trademark application date, application number, trademark registration date, registration number.
(4) If the applicant designates the United Kingdom in the application, it shall be deemed that he declares that he intends to use the trademark in the United Kingdom.

At present, many enterprises not only open up their own product markets in China, but also begin to open up international markets to sell their products overseas for better enterprise development. Therefore, many enterprises will register their trademarks overseas. There are not many overseas registered trademarks and domestic registered trademarks, and different countries have different requirements for registered trademarks. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the registration methods and processes of registered trademarks.
1、 What are the ways of overseas trademark registration
There are several ways to apply for trademark registration abroad:
1. Madrid trademark international registration: proposed to some or all member countries at the same time. As of December 31, 2003, there were 72 members of the Madrid Union.
2. In accordance with the Paris Convention or bilateral agreements or the principle of reciprocity, apply for registration to a country alone.
3. Submit an application through a regional convention organization to obtain trademark protection from the member countries of the organization (such as the EU trademark, the African Intellectual Property Organization, etc.).
Chinese enterprises can choose their own way of entering the international market according to the international market that their products or services mainly open up. Because Madrid trademark international registration has the advantages of simple procedures, low cost, fast time and so on, it is increasingly favored by enterprises.
2、 What is the process of overseas trademark registration
1. Registration method
(1) Where a trademark agency is entrusted, the applicant may voluntarily choose any national recognized trademark agency to handle the matter. All trademark agencies registered in the Trademark Office are published in the "Agency" column.
(2) If the applicant goes directly to the Trademark Office, the applicant may follow the following steps:
Prepare the application → submit the application to the International Registry of the Trademark Office → pay the registration fee according to the provisions of the Fee Notice
2. Application preparation
(1) Application documents to be submitted
(2) The application for international registration in Chinese filled in and stamped with the official seal;
(3) The application for international registration in foreign languages filled in and stamped or signed;
(4) A copy of the domestic Trademark Registration Certificate, or a copy of the Acceptance Notice;
(5) If the basic registration or applied trademark has been changed, transferred or renewed in China and other subsequent businesses, a copy of the approval certificate shall be submitted;
(6) Two trademark drawings. In case of color trademark, two color trademark drawings shall be attached;
(7) Where a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, the power of attorney for trademark agency shall also be submitted.
3. Filling in the application form and precautions
Filling in the Application for International Trademark Registration
(1) Name of applicant: if the applicant is a natural person, his/her surname and first name shall be indicated; If the applicant is a legal person, the full Chinese name and Pinyin shall be indicated (if a foreign translation is used instead of Pinyin, the translation shall be registered directly).
(2) Applicant's detailed address: including mailing address, house number, postal code, telephone and fax.
(3) Trademark application date, application number, trademark registration date, registration number.
(4) If the applicant designates the United Kingdom in the application, it shall be deemed that he declares that he intends to use the trademark in the United Kingdom.

At present, many enterprises not only open up their own product markets in China, but also begin to open up international markets to sell their products overseas for better enterprise development. Therefore, many enterprises will register their trademarks overseas. There are not many overseas registered trademarks and domestic registered trademarks, and different countries have different requirements for registered trademarks. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the registration methods and processes of registered trademarks.
1、 What are the ways of overseas trademark registration
There are several ways to apply for trademark registration abroad:
1. Madrid trademark international registration: proposed to some or all member countries at the same time. As of December 31, 2003, there were 72 members of the Madrid Union.
2. In accordance with the Paris Convention or bilateral agreements or the principle of reciprocity, apply for registration to a country alone.
3. Submit an application through a regional convention organization to obtain trademark protection from the member countries of the organization (such as the EU trademark, the African Intellectual Property Organization, etc.).
Chinese enterprises can choose their own way of entering the international market according to the international market that their products or services mainly open up. Because Madrid trademark international registration has the advantages of simple procedures, low cost, fast time and so on, it is increasingly favored by enterprises.
2、 What is the process of overseas trademark registration
1. Registration method
(1) Where a trademark agency is entrusted, the applicant may voluntarily choose any national recognized trademark agency to handle the matter. All trademark agencies registered in the Trademark Office are published in the "Agency" column.
(2) If the applicant goes directly to the Trademark Office, the applicant may follow the following steps:
Prepare the application → submit the application to the International Registry of the Trademark Office → pay the registration fee according to the provisions of the Fee Notice
2. Application preparation
(1) Application documents to be submitted
(2) The application for international registration in Chinese filled in and stamped with the official seal;
(3) The application for international registration in foreign languages filled in and stamped or signed;
(4) A copy of the domestic Trademark Registration Certificate, or a copy of the Acceptance Notice;
(5) If the basic registration or applied trademark has been changed, transferred or renewed in China and other subsequent businesses, a copy of the approval certificate shall be submitted;
(6) Two trademark drawings. In case of color trademark, two color trademark drawings shall be attached;
(7) Where a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, the power of attorney for trademark agency shall also be submitted.
3. Filling in the application form and precautions
Filling in the Application for International Trademark Registration
(1) Name of applicant: if the applicant is a natural person, his/her surname and first name shall be indicated; If the applicant is a legal person, the full Chinese name and Pinyin shall be indicated (if a foreign translation is used instead of Pinyin, the translation shall be registered directly).
(2) Applicant's detailed address: including mailing address, house number, postal code, telephone and fax.
(3) Trademark application date, application number, trademark registration date, registration number.
(4) If the applicant designates the United Kingdom in the application, it shall be deemed that he declares that he intends to use the trademark in the United Kingdom.

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