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home page > legal advice > Beijing Legal Consulting > Chaoyang District Legal Consultation > Chaoyang District Debt and Creditor's Rights Legal Consultation > I mortgaged my car to my friend for a guaranteed loan of 80000 yuan, which is now 2 months overdue. He didn't pay back the money. Can I use the spare key to drive the car away?

I mortgaged my car to my friend for a guaranteed loan of 80000 yuan, which is now 2 months overdue. He didn't pay back the money. Can I use the spare key to drive the car away?

131****5299 Beijing Chaoyang District Debt and creditor's rights consultation 2015.07.24 09:46:14 686 people read

I use the car mortgage I gave my friend a guarantee loan of 80000 yuan, but now it's two months overdue. He hasn't paid back the money. Can I use the spare key to drive the car away? Is there any criminal responsibility for driving away

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Region: Guangdong Shenzhen Consultation answer: 1097

It should be handled according to your guarantee contract.

2015-07-25 11:44:22 Reply
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