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Can the debtor's parents' house be forced

Updated on: 2021-03-11 15:53:01
Lawyer's voice content:

If the children are in debt Real estate gift Or sell them to their parents at a low price and transfer ownership to them. creditor Can apply to the court for cancellation Gift contract perhaps business contract Therefore, the court can execute the house in the name of the parents. If the house under the name of parents is legally purchased or acquired in good faith, it has nothing to do with the children's property. Children are in debt and have no relationship with their parents. Therefore, the court will not execute the house in the name of the parents.
Law of succession (Abolished as of January 1, 2021) Article 33“ inherit The estate shall be paid off heir Taxes payable according to law and debt Tax payment and debt repayment shall be limited to the actual value of the deceased's estate. If a successor waives inheritance, he may not be responsible for paying the taxes and debts that the decedent should pay according to law ".

Civil Code 》Article 1161 A successor shall pay off the taxes and debts payable by the decedent according to law to the extent of the actual value of the estate he obtains. This restriction does not apply to the part exceeding the actual value of the estate that the heir voluntarily repays. If a successor waives inheritance, he may not be responsible for paying the taxes and debts that the decedent should pay according to law.

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    If a child is in debt, he or she will donate or sell his or her house property to his or her parents at a low price, and transfer the ownership to his or her parents. The creditor may apply to the court to cancel the gift contract or the sales contract. Therefore, the court can execute the house in the name of the parents. If the house under the name of parents is legally purchased or acquired in good faith, it has nothing to do with the children's property. Children are in debt and have no relationship with their parents. Therefore, the court will not execute the house in the name of the parents.

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    If the heir inherits the estate of the deceased, he can claim compensation from the heir. Whether there is inheritance or not, typing is not clear, you can contact me to help you analyze in detail

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    Hello, the answer to the above question is as follows. Abortion is also known as the act of interrupting pregnancy or induced abortion, deliberately ending pregnancy, taking out embryos or causing fetal death. In China, people generally do not discuss any bioethical aspects of abortion. In the context of the one-child system, many people adopt voluntary abortion, or forced abortion by the relevant departments. The general situation of parents' forced abortion is that the child is pregnant before marriage or is dissatisfied with the child's spouse. In mainland China, national laws do not provide for this, but a few local government regulations have relevant provisions, mainly to avoid gender discrimination and rationalize the population structure. According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, women have the right to have children in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, and also have the freedom not to have children.
    To sum up, the parents' forced abortion is illegal, and the parents' behavior infringes the daughter's reproductive rights.
    Article 51 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests
    Women have the right to bear children in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, and they also have the freedom not to bear children.

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