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Retirement salary standard for primary school teachers

Updated: 2019-10-18 17:20:34
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    The algorithm of primary school teachers' pension is to multiply the sum of their wages before formal retirement and resignation plus their registered wages by a fixed proportion. If citizens as primary school teachers have been teaching for 35 years, there will be the highest proportion, and this proportion will become even lower according to the fewer working hours of teachers and affect the final pension.

  • Retirement salary standard for primary school teachers

    Teachers belong to public institutions, and the retirement allowance of public institutions shall be calculated and paid according to a certain proportion of the sum of post salary and salary scale salary before retirement: 90% for those who have worked for 35 years; 85% for those over 30 years but less than 35 years; 80% will be paid if it has been over 20 years but less than 30 years. On this basis, 10% of primary and secondary school teachers will be rewarded; All teachers who have taught for 30 years or more are paid 100%.

  • Do primary school teachers get 100% salary after 30 years of service?

    The retirement allowance of public institutions shall be calculated and paid according to a certain proportion of the sum of the post salary and salary scale salary before retirement: 90% for those who have worked for 35 years; 85% for those over 30 years but less than 35 years; 80% will be paid if it has been over 20 years but less than 30 years. On this basis, 10% of primary and secondary school teachers will be rewarded. In addition, there is a preferential policy: 100% of teachers who have taught for 30 years or more are paid.


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