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MACD bottom deviation+golden fork, attack big bull stocks!

Click: Times Source: Top Financial Writer: Stock Market Sniper -Small +Large

There is no doubt that the wealth myth of the stock market has been repeated. Since 90 years ago, the market has created countless wealth legends. Many people, with their own wisdom, have successfully panned for gold in the market from scratch, and even become millionaires or even millionaires overnight. However, this is a minority. However, most retail investors suffer from losses, from some to none. 70% of retail investors make 10% of the winners. It is the losses of most people that accumulate the wealth of a few people.

1、 The stock bible, "Author of Securities Analysis, Warren Buffett's teacher, Benjamin Graham copied the bottom in 1931 after the bursting of the stock market bubble in 1929, resulting in bankruptcy.

Reason for failure: bottom reading

2、 Fisher, a master of econometrics and a famous American economist, had predicted the bursting of the stock market bubble in 1929, but he still bought stocks that he thought were cheap. As a result, he lost millions of dollars in a few days and was penniless.

Reason for failure: think that excellent enterprises can buy through the cycle regardless of price

3、 Soros thought that the Japanese stock market had a huge bubble before 1987. He shorted Japanese stocks, but the result was a fiasco. The Japanese stock market was a bull in 1989. Soros advocated on Wall Street comments that the US stock market would be strong and the Japanese stock market would collapse, but the result was just the opposite: the US stock market collapsed, but the stock market was strong. Kong Yifu, who disagreed with him, made Kohl Fund gain 70%, which is a surprising figure because almost all hedge funds lost money that year. In 1999, he was not optimistic about technology stocks, but after 2000, he used quantum funds to buy technology stocks at a high level, and finally suffered a big loss.

Reason for failure: speculation, gambling

The stock market is like life. Playing in the stock market means being a man. Greed, fear, suspicion, impetuosity, and human weakness are all exposed in the stock market. It can be said that the process of playing in the stock market is the process of exercising human nature. When your character becomes brave, calm, focused, and unrepentant, you will reach the peak of success. Wang Guowei, a native of the Qing Dynasty, said that there are three realms in life, which can be described by three lines of poetry from the ancients. I think it is most suitable for the stock market. For a long time, these three realms have been talked about by many scholars and scholars and become the goal they have been striving for, because they not only contain beneficial scholarship, but also contain profound philosophy of life.

There is nothing new in the market, it just keeps repeating; The winners of the stock market will wait, while the losers of the market will lose in a hurry; Look at the right market and never be absent, look at the wrong market and cultivate your heart and mind; Clever people know how to rest, stupid people flow ceaselessly; Both you and I can invest in the low end, while everyone can only speculate in the high end; Strong stocks will not always be strong, and weak stocks will not always be weak; Use the stop loss and stop interest mechanism to avoid risk reverse operation; Reverse short selling and reverse short selling; Even line entanglement at the end of triangle is a good omen and a bad omen; All the gold and silver in the stock market are hidden in the turning point.

Use three minutes to change your mind and avoid detours for 10 years!
In the stock market, what stocks play is not the stock itself. If it is like this, you can't see the forest for the trees. The most important thing to play with stocks is mentality and strategy. What kind of mentality determines what kind of behavior, and what kind of strategy determines what kind of results. Let's briefly talk about what kind of mentality and strategy are needed to do stocks.

First point: patience, waiting is the king of investment

The most difficult thing in playing with stocks is not to select black horse stocks or buy the trading limit board. The most difficult thing is that you are not sure now. What should you do? Wait patiently until you can see it clearly. Wait patiently, waiting is an opportunity. When he has fallen a lot and everyone is scarred and turns pale when talking about stocks, well, your opportunity comes. After you eat stocks, what should you do? Wait patiently. Wait until it rises, and then don't sell it. Is it true that you waited patiently for an opportunity before, and the process of waiting is a process of gathering confidence. If you have confidence, you will not be afraid to wait, The fear of buying stocks is that the monkey is anxious. Why can't the monkey get to Baogu? Because he has no patience. With patience, well, I believe you have already succeeded half way in the stock market.

The second point: risk control, which contains two concepts, one is position control, the other is stop loss

Fund management. The position control is very simple. Everyone knows that eggs should not be placed in one basket. The reason is very simple. All eggs will be broken once they are broken. So eggs should be separated. One broken egg and another broken egg are very important in the process of playing stocks. Fund management also includes two aspects. One is that you cannot kill all funds at one time, Another is that you can't just buy one stock and bet on one treasure. You can't have a gambler's mentality when playing stocks. Everyone knows an idiom, that is, ten gamblers lose nine, ten gamblers lose nine, so gambling is not good, and the risk is great. So how can you minimize the risk in the process of playing stocks? That is, to achieve stable capital management. For example, in this position, you think the stock price is reasonable, Then you can choose a few stocks to buy 30% of them. When the price is cheaper, you can buy more stocks. In this way, you can buy stocks in batches until you complete the position building. When you are not sure about buying a stock, you can buy a few stocks to test the water. Some people may say that if you buy a stock and it rises, you can also buy more stocks. The same principle is that you must not be greedy when doing stocks, Don't pursue the maximization of short-term interests. Those who think like this are not suitable for playing in stocks. Those who can really survive in the stock market and make money must have a long-term stable profit. Small gains make big gains. If you think about Buffett, the world's god of stocks, he has earned less than 30% on average every year for more than 30 years. So, It is also important to play your money well in the process of playing stocks. How much are you willing to lose in the capital market?

The stop loss concept, as its name implies, is to stop the loss. Why should a car be equipped with a seat belt? It is very simple, because when you are in danger, the seat belt can protect your safety and prevent you from greater damage. When you buy stocks, you always buy the wrong stock, such as when the stock price falls below an important support position, or when you can't stop, I'm not patient enough. I bought a stock halfway up the mountain or on the top of the mountain, and just met with a callback. I don't know how deep the bottom will fall. At this time, you must learn to stop losing. Everyone who plays in the stock market has more or less the gambler's mentality of taking the money at the expense of others. It's wrong to think that if you lose a little, you will dream of taking it back. In the stock market, you should have the mentality of making a profit if you lose a little, If you judge that the stock will continue to decline, stop losing, take a break, and eat when the stock falls to a lower price. This is not equal to making a decline. According to long-term statistical surveys, it is found that ordinary shareholders are likely to become shareholders of the stock as long as they buy 10% of the stock, that is, short sets become long sets, and your money is locked in, then what stock do you play, There is no money left. If you have a good chance in the future, you will have to stare.

The third point: the most important and the most difficult thing to do in the stock market is to know how to rest.

The highest level of stocks is to know when to do and when to rest. Don't look at the stock every day, but analyze it every day. You should recognize the general trend. When you grasp the general trend, you will have the bottom of your heart. If you buy it, you will naturally be able to hold it. If you sell it, you will have patience. You will look at the stock price every day. If you go to the world today, you will have a bad attitude. You must be in a hurry. This is definitely not possible. The way of stocks is simple, Simple operation.

Point 4: Make big profits and make small losses, and pick up wax gourds instead of sesame seeds

One stock dominates the world. As a stock trader, it is taboo to guess what will happen tomorrow. As I said in Train of Thought 1, whether you are analyzing or losing coins, you will win a certain probability, because no one can say what will happen before tomorrow, and the future is uncertain. It is very important to set up the concept of big gains and small losses. It is the fear of picking up sesame seeds and losing wax gourd in stock trading. Most people who like to rebound in the adverse situation will have such consequences. So here I have an idea to give to you. If you don't have enough profit space, don't buy stocks easily.

Point 5: Follow the trend and don't be the enemy of the trend

Light market, heavy individual stocks. Taking advantage of the situation should be explained in combination with large profits and small losses, which is easier to understand. When making stocks, you must be aware of the situation. If you are against the general trend, then stocks will also be against you. When a really wise person considers the entry opportunity, he will not think about how much he wants to earn, but control the risk. The general trend view of stocks is the probability ratio of a trading opportunity and risk. The essence of taking advantage of the situation is a determination of risk minimization.

Among all indicators, MACD indicator is one of the few indicators that can independently judge the market, and plays an irreplaceable role in actual combat. Compared with other indicators, MACD is a trend indicator, which is generally stable and can filter general useless signals, leaving the most authentic and pure buying signals; It can also automatically define whether the stock price trend is too high or too low to avoid the risk of reverse operation. After the trend is determined, the entry and exit strategy can be established to avoid unnecessary entry and exit times, or the consequences of improper entry and exit timing. This is called MACD.

MACD construction principle
MACD absorbs the advantages of moving average. The trading of moving average is very effective when the trend is obvious, but once encountering the cowhide consolidation market, the signals sent by the moving average are too frequent and extremely inaccurate, and investors are prone to suffer fatal losses under the margin leverage effect of the futures market. MACD can just do the following: 1. To some extent, it can overcome the deceptive signals of frequent false moving average in the bull market; 2. Be able to maximize the success of moving average in the trend market.

MACD indicators include several basic elements. For unfamiliar investors, let's first understand:

The computers at home are black, the corresponding fast line DIFF is white, and the slow line DEA is yellow

Jincha: The first day of the red pillar is when the fast line DIFF goes through the slow line DEA

Dead fork: fast line DIFF goes through slow line DEA, which is the first day of green pillar

Application method of ACD index

1. Basic form

In MACD, when the white line is below the yellow line, it is a short market; when the white line is above the yellow line, it is a long market; When the yellow and white lines are below the zero axis, it is a weak market; when the yellow and white lines are above the zero axis, it is a strong market.

This is very easy to understand. The white line is below the yellow line, indicating that the decline rate of DIF is greater than that of EDA, which means that the buying strength is still weak in the short term, and the selling strength is strong, and vice versa. The yellow white line is below the zero axis, which means that the short-term market cost has not exceeded the long-term market cost, so it cannot be considered strong.

2. Golden fork, dead fork

This is the most commonly used form in MACD. You should understand that the yellow line uploaded from the bottom by the white line is a golden fork, otherwise it is a dead fork. The stock golden fork indicates that the stock price has risen, and the short-term buying strength has been greater than the long-term buying strength. Therefore, the intervention at this time has a greater chance of making profits in the long run.

If the yellow and white line runs below the zero axis for a period of time and is far from the zero axis, it means that the stock price has fallen for a period of time. At this time, the white line rises and crosses the yellow line, indicating that the stock price has bottomed out and the willingness to buy funds has increased. Generally speaking, this is a long-term buying point.

If the yellow and white lines are twisted around the zero axis for a long time, it means that the main force is attracting funds and washing dishes here. At this time, a golden fork appears, which is likely to be the signal of the end of consolidation, and it needs to be focused.

When the yellow and white line is at a far position below the zero axis, the golden fork will run directly above the zero axis, and when it falls back near the zero axis, the golden fork will appear again. This is the so-called air refueling trend, which can be used as a reference for short-term operations.

3. Bottom deviation, top deviation

The bottom deviation means that the stock price is lower than the previous wave, but the DI is higher than the previous wave and the secondary top deviation means that the stock price is higher than the previous wave but the CIF wave front is higher than the previous wave. Bottom deviation is a sign of buying a low signal, and top deviation is a sign of selling.

A novice should remember a formula for MAC wave elements: "One center is two basic points and four basic principles"

One center: centered on axis 0

Two basic points: top deviation and bottom back

Four basic principles: buy point, sell point, risk point and stop loss point

The very slow line running at the head of axis 0 is a multi head skin field; Short head skin field under the scale of Axis 0.

In fact, to do stocks according to technical D means to stand on the low side of the approximate rate line. Bull market: high probability of making money

Short market: high probability of losing money

MACD three plate axe

1. The first axe - MACD bottom copying technique

(1) Rebound after a wave of decline

(2) Share prices fell again to a new low

(3) The low point of DIF line of MACD does not reach a new low

(4) MACD Jincha confirms that deviation from the bottom is a buying signal

Key points for operation: MACD Jincha can buy after confirming that the bottom deviates

2. The second axe - MACD grabs the main lift

(1) Adjustment after a wave of rise

(2) The stock price adjustment does not break the previous low

(3) MACD is slightly higher than the golden fork at the 0 axis position

(4) Buying signal when out of the middle positive line

Key points for operation: MACD can be bought when it is slightly higher than the 0 axis position and the golden fork is out of the middle line

3. The Third Axe - MACD Escape

(1) Adjustment after a wave of rise

(2) Share price rose to a new high in the second wave

(3) The high point of DIF line of MACD has not reached a new high

(4) MACD dead fork confirmation top deviation namely sell signal

Key points for operation: MACD dead fork can be sold after confirming top deviation

Relationship between the red and green pillars of MACD and the rise and fall of stock prices

The original meaning of the red and green pillars is the embodiment of multi empty strength, which has high practical value in actual operation. It can help us throw high and suck low, and set the pulse of the main heartbeat.

(1) Red column shortening=the stock price is about to retreat, and the corresponding strategy is to sell high. The implication is that the strength of many parties is declining. Although the air side has not occupied the dominant position at present, the strength of the air side will increase as the strength of many parties weakens, so it is wise to leave the game. Disadvantages: False signals often appear, and the red column is lengthened again, entering a strong market again.

(2) Red column lengthening=the stock price will rise continuously, and the corresponding strategy is holding. The implication is that the strength of many parties is strengthening, and the air side has no power to fight back.

(3) Green column lengthening=the stock price will fall continuously, and the corresponding strategy is short position. The implication is that the strength of the empty side is strengthening, and many parties have no power to fight back.

(4) Shorten the green column=the stock price will stop falling and stabilize. The corresponding strategy is to attract funds in the middle line at a low price. Generally, they can buy at a relatively low price. Disadvantages: False signals often appear, and the green column is lengthened again, entering the declining market again. Corresponding strategy, break the previous low stop loss.

(5) Red column turns green column=enter the short market, and the later trend is mainly down.

(6) Green column turns red column=entering the long market, and the later trend is mainly up.

(7) When MACD was still a green pillar, and the green pillar was getting shorter and shorter every day, when it was about to become a red pillar, it was required that the red pillar had not come out, but the green pillar had shrunk almost, which meant that when the air side had no ability to fight back, it was easy for many parties to launch attacks on the stock market. In order to filter false signals, we must see whether the previous rise and fall also meet the conditions, and we can only operate if there is always a correct signal. At the same time, we must make it clear that the amount of energy in this adjustment is reduced, and it is basically best to be in the stage of small sideways consolidation.

How to use MACD red and green column for trading

[MACD indicator red column]

As shown in the figure above, the MACD indicator has a red column. What does that mean? The emergence of the red column means that the stock may become stronger. If the weak can really become stronger, the red column will continue to appear, and the red column will gradually become longer. The red column is synchronized with the K line. When the stock rises sharply, the red column will become longer, the increase will become larger, and the red column will become longer. On the contrary, if there is adjustment or decline, the red column will gradually shorten.

[macd indicator green column]

As shown in the figure above, the MACD indicator also shows a green column in the trend of Yangjie Technology. When the green pillar appeared, the stock market began to decline. Therefore, the green column and the red column show the opposite trend. Once the green column appears, it is the beginning of the decline, and the larger the decline, the longer the green column will become. If fully adjusted, the green column of MACD indicators will gradually shorten.

[Trading of red and green columns according to MACD indicators]

According to the above introduction, when the macd index of a stock shows a red column, you can choose to buy it. When the red column gradually becomes, you can continue to hold it. When the red column changes from long to short, you should pay attention to the risk of adjustment or decline. At this time, you should make a plan to reduce or sell positions according to the situation of the stock.

When the red column of the macd index becomes shorter, it is adjusted. After full adjustment, the red column becomes longer again, and the band can continue to add positions. At this time, it may be the main force continues to pull up.

When the red column of the MACD indicator changes from long to short, there is an adjustment, even a green column. But after full adjustment, the green column slowly changes from long to short, which means the possibility of the end of the adjustment. Therefore, the band and short line can also choose to intervene. Of course, at this time, if combined with the ladder gauge column stock selection formula, stock selection can be better conducted.

If the green column of the MACD indicator of individual stocks is gradually shortening, it seems that there is a sign of rebound, but there is no red column, then it is necessary to buy cautiously at this time to be careful, so as not to continue falling! Of course, in the actual combat, we should make decisions according to the timing of our own stocks.

The following are examples:

1: Buying time:

The area of the nearest red column is larger than that of the next nearest red column, while the area of the nearest green column is smaller than that of the next nearest green column. These four elements show that the recent K line is strong (four yuan strong).

As mentioned, in the last two cycles, the green pillar area is getting smaller and smaller, while the red pillar area is getting larger and larger, indicating that this stock is strong and is the main target of our short-term intervention.

2: Selling opportunity

The stock price has soared, and the recent red pillar is getting smaller and smaller, and the green pillar is getting larger and larger, indicating that the top deviates, and it is the time to sell, otherwise it will suffer huge losses.

Win in execution
I know many very conceited operators. When talking, I am ambitious. When I walk, I feel that the wealth of the world is in my hand. When I am in adversity, I sigh about how hard the fate is! Admittedly, many traders have learned a lot from this frustrated market. They have many valuable lessons and hard won experience. They can make profits calmly on the static chart when resuming trading, and can find the knack and feeling of obtaining huge profits in the past historical trend! However, once they sit in front of the rapidly changing dynamic screen, they return to themselves, to the past, to the shadow of failure. What they have not easily learned can no longer get rid of the emotions, and their fingers have been driven by the indelible human nature! Kong Chuan: "It's easy to say, but hard to do." Yes! Execute! Your execution - your absolute execution of your correct instructions is the boundary between your excellence and mediocrity, your professional and amateur, and your ultimate trading success or failure!

It is worth mentioning that the implementation mentioned here is on the premise that you "know" the market. If you have not formed your own right feeling, correct understanding, and systematic concept and proven profit model for the market, then it is necessary for you to rationally bend down and do research and exploration on these basic levels, This is a process that cannot be omitted!

For excellent traders, executive power is not the performance of a single quality, but the combination and condensation of multiple qualities. It is reflected in a kind of foresight insight, a kind of intelligent thinking, an attitude of defending beliefs, a style of vigorous action, a calm face to risks, a calm and focused temperament, and a breadth of mind. In order to make a dish, we should do something and not do something; Advance can attack, retreat without defeat; It does not conform to its own disk making mode, and does not move like a mountain; Plan opportunities that meet the conditions of the mode, and attack decisively! The planned stop loss or exit must be executed immediately and unconditionally! It is worth mentioning that:

Strict stop loss is the first way to survive in the stock market, and it is also an iron discipline. The reason for this is that the implementation of this discipline is directly related to the preservation of your own strength. If the judgment is wrong at one time and the loss is not strictly stopped in time, it is likely to cause significant losses or even total annihilation. In the implementation of this discipline, we should be firm and decisive, and we should not wait, watch, or have any illusions!

Strict control is the second key to the survival of the stock market, because stop loss is only to control the extent of each loss. Although each loss can be effectively controlled to the smallest extent possible, if the losses are repeated, the total cumulative losses will be considerable or even serious. The biggest difference between successful investors and other traders is that when the market behavior is improper, they have the ability to not enter the market to trade, rather than frequently trade in dangerous markets. This requires a great deal of self-control, which is the key to wealth for successful traders. (Top stock colleges: )

Strict process After having a trading method with market advantages and a strict fund management system, the remaining work is the process constraints in actual operations. Some foreign successful trading masters mentioned "process constraints" most in their biographies, because it is a prerequisite for effective implementation of trading methods and risk control strategies. Only on the premise of self-restraint can we talk about the strict implementation of the operation plan combined by the trading method and risk control system.

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