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General research criteria of SAR indicators

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General research criteria of SAR indicators

Due to the advantages of simple, easy to understand, easy to operate, stable and reliable SAR indicators, it is widely used by investors, especially small and medium-sized retail investors.

The general research criteria of SAR indicators include the following four aspects:

1. When the stock price breaks through the SAR curve from the bottom of the SAR curve upward, it is a buying signal, indicating that a round of rising stock prices may start, and investors should buy the stock quickly and timely.

2. When the stock price breaks through the SAR curve upward and continues to move upward while the SAR curve also moves upward at the same time, it indicates that the upward trend of the stock price has been formed, and the SAR curve forms a strong support for the stock price. Investors should firmly hold stocks to be raised or buy stocks on bargain hunting.

3. When the stock price starts from above the SAR curve and breaks through the SAR curve downward, it is a sell signal, indicating that a round of decline in the stock price may begin, and investors should quickly and timely sell the stock.

4. When the stock price breaks through the SAR curve downward and continues to move downward, and the SAR curve also moves downward at the same time, it indicates that the downward trend of the stock price has been formed, and the SAR curve poses great pressure on the stock price. Investors should firmly hold the currency or lose pounds when the price rises.

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