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How to use KDJ+ASI indicator combination?

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In the stock market, there are many kinds of short-term trading technical indicators. Investors can buy and sell reference through these short-term technical indicators, or observe the reference panel or individual stocks through the combination of technical indicators, so as to improve the effectiveness of technical indicators. Today, I would like to share with you a market short-term trading skill - KDJ+ASI short-term technical indicator combination. How to use KDJ+ASI indicator combination?

First of all, the KDJ+ASI technical indicator combination is composed of overbought and oversold technical indicators and trend technical indicators. Focus on the reference point of stock trading with KDJ technical indicators as the main and ASI technical indicators as the auxiliary. Then use ASI technical indicators to judge the trend, so that the graphical trend of technical indicators in the portfolio and the comprehensive reference signal of the trading point become more effective, and improve the investment probability.

1. Buying opportunity reference of KDJ+ASI technical index combination

In the KDJ technical indicators, the J line (purple line) is below the 20 value and the K line (white line) is near the 20 value, and the D line (yellow line) is crossed to form an upward trend in the technical graph. As well as the ASI technical indicator, the ASI line (white line) effectively breaks through the MA line (yellow line) upward and forms an upward trend with the stock price rising synchronously. Then it means that the overall technical index combination forms a market bull trend.

When the above conditions are met, the purple line in the KDJ technical indicators is near or below the 20 value and the white line shows an upward trend, so the yellow line on the purple line and the white line forms a three-way crossing of the purchase point. In addition to the ASI technical indicators, the ASI line (white line) runs upward continuously through MA (yellow line), which can be used as a short-term reference buying opportunity signal. (as shown in the figure below)

2. Reference for selling point risk of KDJ+ASI technical index portfolio

In the KDJ technical indicators, the J line (purple line) is above the value of 80 and the K line (white line) is near the value of 80, crossing the D line (yellow line) to form a downward trend in the technical graph. As well as the ASI technical indicator, the ASI line (white line) effectively breaks through the MA line (yellow line) upward and forms a downward trend with the stock price. Then it means that the overall technical index combination forms the market short position trend. (Shareholders College: )

When the above conditions are met, the purple line in the KDJ technical indicators is near or above the 80 value and the white line shows a downward trend, so the yellow line on the purple line and the white line forms a three-way cross selling point. With the ASI technical indicators, the ASI line (white line) goes down through the MA line (yellow line) and runs continuously, which can be used as a short-term reference selling risk signal. (as shown in the figure below)

In general, the technical indicator combination of short-term trading skills KDJ+ASI is an indicator combination that can judge the short-term trend of the market or individual stocks. However, investors should pay attention to the fact that there are no perfect technical indicators and technical graphs in the market, and there will be some misleading information. I also don't think that technical graphs are almost blindly traded, but also need to be referenced in combination with other indicators, market environment and individual stocks.

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