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ARBR indicators are accurate bottom reading, and foolproof operation only pays!

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"Indicators" in stock market investment are as important as air. It is believed that most people will not follow the resonance without indicators in the investment, and the risk will be too high, which is the last scenario we want to see. However, "indicators" are the first factor we consider when deciding to start stocks. Today, the editor will introduce the method of ARBR indicators so that you can read them and study your own stocks.

The ARBR indicator is simple, that is, two lines AR and BR

1. The general height of AR and BR indicators is 70-150, which is easy to fold if it is too high. If it is too low (below 50), someone will grab chips and raise it.

2. AR has the ability to predict. If AR starts to turn down when the stock price is rising, we will ship, otherwise, we will quickly grab chips.

3. If the two join hands and soar, we will reduce our position at this time. If we slowly move up together, we will take it slowly.

4. BR can't live without AR. Without AR, BR has no life, so you must put the BRARs together when using them.

5. If BR falls 1/2 from a high place and AR still stares at the top, buy a ticket to enter, because later BR will return to AR obediently.

Let's take a case to verify it.

On the whole, the trend of ARBR index and stock price is basically the same. However, there are still some inconsistencies here. In the figure above, I found that when BR went down, AR ignored the upward trend. Afterwards, BR stopped the downward trend and began to follow AR to continue upward. At this time, I chose to continue to hold shares.

After the AR index exceeds the set upper limit, it is found that this is the top M head configuration we often mentioned. Did you avoid a disaster by choosing to leave at the right end of the M head? Then, I waited for it to break through the lower limit I set. When ARBR broke through the lower limit at the same time and began to stabilize, I chose to enter the field. In this way, I sold the left shoulder of an M head shape again, making a small profit.

You may ask me why. The upper M head is sold on the right shoulder while the lower M head is sold on the left shoulder. There is also a mechanism. When the upper limit is exceeded and M head is formed, it means that it is running at a high level. This is originally a popularity indicator. Due to strong inertia, there will be a rebound even in the later period of decline. This is the best time to sell when M is formed. In the lower small M form, The ARBR is within the normal range, which means that the popularity is far from strong at the high level. Therefore, it is beneficial for us to choose to reduce the position or exit the position when turning down. (Top financial and stock colleges: )

In the above figure, I also found a "false drop", which occurred after the small M head. Here, when the downward adjustment of ARBR reached the lower limit of 70, it did not break the lower limit, but rebounded at the limit. At this time, we can choose light warehouse intervention.

Although ARBR, as an indicator of popularity and willingness, seems to be a strange face at all, don't worry. After reading my article, you may have a great liking for him.

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