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There is no fixed pattern 2024-6-3 9:04:44
Zheng Yuguang of Taixin Fund: Those who get absolute returns will get the future of DAI Asset Management 2024-6-3 8:32:01
Several bonus ETFs modify the contract to point to "monthly dividend" 2024-6-3 7:19:29
Overseas market fund investment advisory portfolio rose in May 2024-6-3 6:57:46
Break the dependency of star fund managers! Differentiated layout of public offering, investment and research: seeking stability, survival and transcendence 2024-6-2 12:44:18
ESG Public Fund Weekly List No. 43 | Overall performance rebounded, and the new energy vehicle battery theme dominated the pan ESG theme index fund 2024-6-2 6:58:28
Promote the construction of informatization standards, artificial intelligence ETF (159819), cloud computing ETF (516510) and other product layout industry chain leaders 2024-6-1 4:42:29
Ordos trading limit, dividend low wave 50ETF (159547) rose intraday, dividend investment still needs high attention 2024-6-1 4:21:15
The more you fall, the more you buy, and the cumulative net purchase amount exceeds 960 million! Game ETF (159869) is favored by funds 2024-6-1 4:00:33
Semiconductor equipment may be the most beneficial sub industry of Big Fund Phase III, and semiconductor equipment ETF (159516) rose 0.9% 2024-6-1 3:17:05
Institutions are optimistic about AI+, Lucent Precision and Goer shares have collectively risen by more than 3%, and consumer electronics ETF has continued to rise 2024-6-1 2:56:38
Artificial intelligence boosted demand for consumer electronics, led by the electricity consumption sector, and the electricity consumption ETF (561310) rose 1.5% 2024-6-1 2:35:45
Focusing on strategic emerging industries, products such as 50ETF (588080) and 100ETF E Fonda (588210) are attracting attention 2024-6-1 2:12:59
The military industry sector rose in the session, and the military ETF (512660) rose 1.1%, with the turnover exceeding 130 million yuan 2024-6-1 1:51:50
Property stocks weakened in early trading, and real estate related ETFs fell about 2% 2024-6-1 1:30:56
Changsheng Jiaxin held pure debt fund for 30 days with an establishment scale of 3.75 billion yuan 2024-6-1 1:09:50
Focusing on the key link of the industry, semiconductor material equipment ETF (159558) is being released 2024-6-1 0:48:10
BOCOM International: maintain the target price of "buy" rating of Lingzhan Real Estate Fund to be lowered to HK $47.7 2024-6-1 0:27:21
More than 70% of the company gains excess returns! This kind of fund ushers in the upsurge of layout 2024-6-1 0:04:55
The credit and innovation sector stabilized and recovered, with the injection of "trillion yuan" of national debt, and the credit and innovation ETF (562570) recovered its lost land 2024-5-31 23:42:05
Industry ETF vane | Chip semiconductor continues to be strong, and semiconductor ETF turnover exceeds 800 million yuan in half a day 2024-5-31 23:18:32
AI AIETF (515070) turns red in the afternoon! The net inflow of funds exceeded 56 million yuan for five consecutive days 2024-5-31 20:59:59
The Shanghai Composite Index ETF (510760) fell 0.4% as the index adjusted in the middle of the day. In the continuous distribution of funds, the turnover exceeded 77 million yuan, and the net inflow of funds in the past 10 days exceeded 230 million yuan 2024-5-31 20:34:09
Trading was highly active, and the intraday turnover of Hang Seng dividend ETF (159726) exceeded 100 million yuan 2024-5-31 19:36:13
Critical moment! Here comes the bottom money 2024-5-31 19:12:50
The concept of big fund phase III continued to be active, with Guokewei trading at 20cm and integrated circuit ETF (159546) rising by 2.6% 2024-5-31 18:52:06
Guoyi, Fund Manager of Renbaoli Fengchun Pure Bond 2024-5-31 18:31:38
The establishment fund of Orient China Bond's green and inclusive financial bonds was 7.99 billion yuan 2024-5-31 18:10:04
Bonus ETF (510720), a state-owned enterprise, pays cash dividends today. It can distribute dividends up to 12 times a year. Theoretically, there are still 7 dividend opportunities this year 2024-5-31 17:49:30
The long-term allocation value of core assets appears, and the A50ETF (159601) has "attracted gold" for two consecutive days 2024-5-31 16:54:26
In June, the white electricity production data continued to grow, and multiple advantages promoted the recovery of industry prosperity 2024-5-31 16:32:14
In April, the revenue of the game market dropped year-on-year and month on month. In May, DNF mobile games were launched, which may drive the game market to recover significantly 2024-5-31 15:50:27
A number of QDIIs have adjusted their large purchase quota, and some products have been adjusted several times in the short term, which is related to the increase of quota? 2024-5-31 15:07:19
Industry ETF wind vane | Hong Kong stock market rebounds, and Hong Kong stock innovative drug ETF trades nearly 1 billion yuan in half a day 2024-5-31 14:40:58
Chip stocks are active! Guokewei rose by the limit of 20cm, and information technology ETF (562560) rose by 1.3% 2024-5-31 14:20:33
Continue to "suck money"! GEM 100ETF Huaxia (159957) net inflow exceeded 2.629 billion yuan for 15 consecutive days 2024-5-31 13:58:30
Anhui humanoid robot industry blueprint was released, and robot ETF (562500) and AI ETF (515070) rose by more than 1% 2024-5-31 13:36:10
The humanoid robot industry welcomes good news again! Artificial intelligence ETF (159819), robot 100ETF (159530) and other products attract attention 2024-5-31 13:09:16
The policy continues to catalyze, and green power ETF (562550) has received net capital inflow for 4 consecutive days 2024-5-31 12:47:25
PowerPoint will introduce new Copilot skills, and Microsoft's partner concept will become stronger. 5G communication ETF (515050) will increase by 1.5% 2024-5-31 12:26:25
[The concept of AI mobile phone and AIPC is soaring! With AI enabling, consumer electronics ETF continues to rise] 2024-5-31 12:04:32
Energy saving and carbon reduction action plan released! New energy ETF E Fonda (516090), CNH 100ETF (562990) and other product layout leaders 2024-5-31 11:42:54
Hong Kong technology stocks strengthened in early trading, and many ETFs tracking the Hang Seng Technology Index rose more than 2% 2024-5-31 11:16:42
Do you grasp 15 waves of money making opportunities a day? Private hot money began to switch to convertible bonds, and targeted short-term nearly doubled! 2024-5-31 10:29:00
The fourth "Qianlong Cup" Private Firm Investment Competition of CSC was officially launched. Come and join the "Ascension Plan"! 2024-5-31 9:58:32
Early participation of securities companies' funds | China Securities Coordination Research on the quality control of risk data of securities companies, involving 128 issues in four major categories; Zhu Hongwei Resigns as Chairman of Great Wall Guorui Securities 2024-5-31 9:34:19
CSCI: The third phase of the National Major Fund was launched, and related semiconductor materials are expected to benefit 2024-5-30 2:01:05
Quick report on ETF scale | CSI 500ETF and Kechuang 50ETF saw significant capital outflow yesterday 2024-5-30 1:41:26
In front of the AI track | Tencent's "Digital Axis · Small Universe" was unveiled, and the game ETF received a net subscription of 940 million for 12 consecutive trading days 2024-5-30 1:16:23
Southward scrambled to raise high dividend assets such as CNOOC and China Shenhua, and the share scale of Hang Seng dividend ETF (159726) hit a record high 2024-5-30 0:54:56
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