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Ios 7 will have more exclusive applications or systems with the deepest impact

Source: Internet | Editor: Internet | Time: 2013-09-10 19:42:54 | Reading: 16777215

After waiting for a long time, the fans finally arrived at this day. Apple will hold a press conference tonight to release the latest iPhone products, and the official version of the new operating system iOS 7 will also be released to users soon. This new operating system version has changed significantly compared with previous versions. What impact will the official version have on application developers?

Do you like the official version of iOS 7?

On WWDC 2012, after Apple introduced iOS 6, the number of applications in the App Store still grew steadily, while after WWDC 2013 this year, the number of new applications continued to decrease. Before WWDC 2013 this year, the application of App Store maintained a growth rate of 4% per month, but after WWDC 2013, the growth rate gradually slowed down, and the growth rate in August was less than 1%. One reason may be that developers have to wait for iOS 7 to release new applications for iOS 7 after its official release.

From June 2012 to May 2013, the average number of applications submitted by developers for review was 28404. However, from June 2013 to August 2013, the average number of applications submitted by developers for review was only 7322. After WWDC in 2012, there was no such situation.


At present, some applications have quoted the flat wind of iOS 7 (the picture is Any. Do)

Is it why such great changes have taken place? A reasonable explanation is that developers are preparing their application updates for the official version of iOS 7 later. From the comparison between the current number of applications and the rate of submission for review and the previous years, it is obvious that many developers/development teams are preparing for the upgrade of iOS 7. From this, we can predict that at the beginning of the official release of iOS 7, the number of applications submitted for review will increase significantly, and the number of applications in the App Store will also further increase, which will have a more profound impact than the previous versions of iOS updates.

According to the iOS 6 upgrade rate last year, 61% of iOS users have updated the new version one month after its official release. By July this year, this figure had even increased to 93%. Assuming that the upgrade rate of iOS 7 also increases at the same rate, users will soon find a large number of exclusive applications supporting iOS 7.

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